Iuna's Dream 2
Archive: 5 posts
This level has now been published for a couple of weeks, but as I'm new to LBPC (I've have been reading along for a while now) I'd like to use it to introduce myself as a creator ![]() The level is a "forgotten temple" themed platformer/puzzler with a few different kinds of puzzles (a switch puzzle, a "slot machine"-puzzle, etc.) and a few obstacle parts. In addition, there's also a 2x player part and hidden bonus points. In the end, a boss is waiting for you and while the level itself has no real story (on contrary to it's predecessor "Iuna's Dream"), it has a short and silly ending cinematic ![]() The level was built in teamwork with dreamer84 (I don't think he is on LBPC). I hope you like it - it may not be spotlight material, but I think the design is decent and it's good for a few minutes of fun! Screenshots: http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/e787e7a8711084cb2d22edea21a79262be101198.jpg http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/d6e02f90ebc06827a08b463c1740b99290221167.jpg http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/ab7fdc5e850859495eb8fe47169a9daa46a14181.jpg http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/8681be298b8b0558ab0eb85f2b702a8ccb563c90.jpg http://lbp.me/v/8rs96c | 2012-02-09 10:00:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
it looks interesting i add it in my queue ^_^ | 2012-02-09 11:57:00 Author: Darkabbestia ![]() Posts: 37 |
this looks great, adding to the queue. I'm also curious about the name. I'm familiar with the wintermute game engine for making and running point and click adventure titles, any relation? And, please, please introduce yourself in the "Introduce Yourselves" thread. | 2012-02-09 16:20:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Hi, I will most likely introduce myself in the mentioned thread tomorrow ![]() The only relation between my nickname and the wintermute engine is most likely, that they took the name from the same novel as I did - "Wintermute" is an AI in the cyber punk novel "Neuromancer" from William Gibson. It's a trilogie ("Neuromancer", "Count Zero" and "Mona Lisa Overdrive"). If you like SciFi and/or cyber punk you should give it a try - The Matrix, Ghost in the Shell etc are heavily "inspired" by that book ![]() | 2012-02-09 17:26:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
YES! This is a great level! i played it a couple of weeks ago. Its a challenging but fair, nice looking, well ballanced and funspending adventure. Give it a try. You will like it ![]() | 2012-02-09 20:19:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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