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Archive: 21 posts

Hey fellas, What's happening?? I picked up LBP2 a few days ago of of amazon for $35 since I loved LBP1 so much. Turns out though that this game has been a disappointment to me so far.

First off, my biggest problem with LBP2 is with LBP materials export feature. I platinumed LBP on a different account that was a shared account. Since then I have made my own account and I found out last night that all of the stickers, materials, and objects in LBP 1 are not actually in LBP2 in the sense that you can repick them up.

Is there any way at all that I could copy the save data from the complete version of LBP and transfer it to this new account??

Secondly, I really liked how in LBP all of the characters where made out of LBP parts and how the "story" really wasn't much of a story. All of these cut scenes are fairly annoying and extremely childish. For example, all of the cake references are the new monster thing that wasn't in LBP is just a really over the top turn off for older gamers.

Third, the last thing that has been disappointing so far for me is the music. All of the music in LBP was fantastically implemented and catchy. Again, the music for those cake levels was a completely annoyance and I almost turned the sound off to play some music that wasn't so annoying. Hopefully the rest of the music is better??

But yeah, Just had to get that off my chest. I really bought the game because I wanted to play around in the create mode, but it looks like I'm going to bet LBP1 again before I do so...
2012-02-07 21:01:00

Unknown User

wow. Welcome to LBPC TK. Sorry LBP2 has been such a disappointment to you. As an "experienced" ie. I'm old, gamer, I loved both games. True it has lost the charm it had in the first one, but still, it's a great game. I'm amazed everyday with what people are able to accomplish in their creations. With your saved data issue, man, I saw that somewhere just the other day and know there is a way to do it. I'll have to poke around a bit and get back to you on that. Have fun and enjoy your time here.2012-02-08 00:08:00

Posts: 8424

Welcome to LBPC.

Sorry you feel LBP2 was disappointing.
LBPC is definately not disappointing.

Please refer to the Official Rules (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=21530-Rules-) and Guidelines (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=36936-) if you have any questions how the site runs. Another helpful thread is New-to-LBPCentral-Read-this... (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=36406-New-to-LBPCentral-Read-this...) Knowing these will help make your experience here more enjoyable.

Have fun.
2012-02-08 00:15:00

Posts: 3458

Ok, I found it, I think. It's for sharing LBP2 profiles, so in theory, it should work with LBP1 as well. maybe. Profiles between users (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=60114-LBP2-profiles-between-users-without-trophies-error&highlight=profiles+trophies)
this may not be what you were looking for, so look it over and see if it helps
2012-02-08 00:28:00

Posts: 8424

(Hmm... I don't normally do this in greetings but I'll make an exception.)


Welcome to the site. Interesting to actually see someone who dislikes LBP2.


Now, as biorogue said, that may be a possible solution. I can somewhat agree that LBP2 has less charm, though just the incorperation of actual story fit with me better. I dunno.


...childish cutscenes? You mean the script or the actual inclusion of them? I had... no trouble at all with them. As much as I liked LBP1 I liked LBP2 as much, maybe even more. Ah well, opinions are what they are.

As for music, I really don't use nor listen to music already ingame, so I don't really mind it.


Maybe if you play around in create you'll enjoy it a little more, but again, opinions are opinions.

Regardless, have fun on the forums
2012-02-08 01:26:00

Posts: 578

I found the music in LBP2 a little disappointing as well but one perk you will come to enjoy is user created music! The sequencer adds so many musical possibilities and if you don't have the talent to make your own music (like me =D) there are plenty of wonderful music creators out there. Some of them even have that musical insight to create original compositions to fit a certain theme.

Hope your attitude towards LBP changes and welcome to the community!
2012-02-08 04:28:00

Posts: 66

Welcome! Glad ya made it!

...yeah, I agree that LBP2 was not nearly as charming as LBP1. They decided to go where LBP1 never did and I think forgot about what made it so cool... CHARM! I love the new circuit boards and the way you can do logic etc.. .. but actually miss the older lighting / rendering engine. Seems all that we learned about how to make stuff cool with lights in LBP1 was dashed away in LBP2. There are ways around it and some nifty new lighting features, but I dunno... just seems all a bit antiseptic in a way.

Oh well... good luck with your profile mess.. I was thinking there was a way to do all that and hopefully someone finds the link and posts it here for you soon.

Have fun!
2012-02-08 19:45:00

Posts: 11383

Hey!! Welcome to LBPC.
Umm.. You can copy data from the other account to your new one, I think (if PS+ hasn't put that option out). But if you copy the data it won't let you achieve trophies. "You have not earned a trophy" will pop up every time you achieve a goal to a trophy. Then if you wanna make it stop you have to delete your account.

Oh and umm.. Sorry to hear how LBP 2 was disappointing. Hope you get back to creating soon though!!

If you wanna find great levels to play or post your own, be sure to stop by the Level Showcase!! (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?40-Level-Showcase)
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Here at General Chat (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?10-General-Chat) the title speaks for itself. As long as it's kept clean and nice, then you shouldn't have a problem there.
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Go to New Here?? (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=36406-New-to-LBPCentral-Read-this...) if you wanna learn some quite useful information for site related stuff.
Full Little Big Planet 1 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?57-LittleBigPlanet-1) category.
Full Little Big Planet 2 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?114-LittleBigPlanet-2) category. (You can look at tutorials here to find what you need).
Got LBP PSP?? Go here for the full Little Big Planet PSP (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?101-LittleBigPlanet-for-PSP) category.
Read/post news here at News & Media. (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?44-News-and-Media)
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Have fun and see ya' around LBPC.
2012-02-09 01:39:00

Unknown User

Thanks for the welcome guys!

I should probably clarify that at the time of writing this post I had completed only the levels up to the cake. Although the tutorial levels where very well done and inspiring, it was hard to enjoy them because it was like being put into grab in swing bootcamp. However, I did really enjoy the grappling hook levels.

The cake levels on the other hand though.... Not my thing. I know they trying towards a little cuteness and ?gimmicky? subject (cake) but between listening to this song*, having exploding cupcakes, and the one guy who kept calling that one chick a combination of different pastries names I got fairly annoyed. I just felt like they were trying to hard.

*This song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4sSRuQpqa8

Since then however I have gotten passed a few worlds or creators to the part with the spaceship battles, and I have loved everything about the game.

@Biorogue - Thanks for the info man, I was able to do all the trickery involved in the account switching procedure and everything I had in LBP is now switched over to LBP2 on this new account. Everything has worked like a charm from what I have seen so far as well which is good too. The only problem with this though is that I have to ?restart? the LBP2 story from scratch, but that really isn?t a big deal. I?ll just be sure to plug in my iPod as I complete the cake world.

Thanks again man!

@Lady Luck - Thanks for the tips! I?ll be sure to check them out!

@Fang - Sweet little gifs man, They go really well with the text as well which makes it even better. I got a good laugh out of them, especially the last one.

@stryder - That sounds really cool man, I wouldn?t doubt that there are some very insane musical creations in LBP2. I?ll also be sure to check your levels out once I finish the story.

@jwwphotos - Yeah, I think that is exactly it. LBP was filled with charm and in LBP2 it just feels like they focused on other things. But they still want that same charm so they went completely over kill on it in other parts.

But yeah, thanks again for the welcome guys, this place seems pretty cool. Way better then the online gamer shooter forums.... Those places are a mess.
2012-02-09 01:39:00

Unknown User

Howdy there new sack friend! A big warm welcome to ya! I hope you enjoy your time on this site because there is a lot of fun to be had and tons of wonderful people to befriend!2012-02-09 05:13:00

Posts: 299

Hey Sackgirl! Thanks for the welcome and the links, I?ll check them out here shortly hopefully.

But thankfully I?m not too worried about trophies, although I did get one last night after I recovered my LBP 1 data. I can?t remember which one exactly but I think the link that bio gave me works perfectly.

Hey Smurfetta! Thanks for the welcome!
2012-02-09 17:34:00

Unknown User

Glad you got your stuff back! ..and not sure you know, but you can turn off music in levels. Quite a nice thing if you can't stand the music. 2012-02-09 17:45:00

Posts: 11383

Hello! Good to have you here

I found your opinion very interesting... I tried LBP1 when it came to market when a friend brought it to my house... it was a platformer game with popit, customizable custome, level editor... seemed very cool, but I wasn't interested on it anyway. In addition, I thought it was childish, but I agree that LBP2's story is even more childish. At least LBP1's story mode has got ninjas... ^^ I love ninjas.

I began to play this saga from LBP2. It was pure casuality: someone gave LBP2 to my little brother as a present. Then, I thought: "more LBP? I guess it's the same ****..." (auto-censorer, thanks for making this suitable for all publics )... but, observing him, I saw a gadget named Controllinator (which I love so much ), microchips, and 4 gadgets called "Logic Gates": AND, OR, XOR & NOT (in computer programming, these are binary arithmetic operations); so my reaction was "O_O!! so, maybe I can "program" whatever I can imagine inside here... even a game inside the level!". I started to learn about LBP2's editor then, and, little by little, I noticed that it was TRUE ^^, specially after finding the Creators Toolkit (http://lbp.me/v/ye4qhs).

After making some simple but well done levels, I began with my big deal: trying to emulate an XBOX360 arcade game I missed so much... Geometry Wars!! When the idea was only an experiment in my moon, I got amazed seeing with my own eyes how far advanced logics let me to emulate perfectly the characteristics of the original game. I'm a LBP2's lover since then. Take a look to this thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64702-LBP2-more-than-simple-levels) of mines and check out the levels exposed there, and you'll see the full advanced potential of this awesome game. LBP1 is a platform game. But LBP2 is a game platform. My Geometry Wars is also a masterpiece (lbp.me link in my signature). Check it out.

Well, that's my story.

Explore the (Forum Main Page (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/forum.php)), there you'll find any section you may need. Feel as in home , I wish you'll enjoy your stay here. See you arround.
2012-02-09 22:56:00

Posts: 159

Yeah photos, It worked like a charm! And I realized that you could toggle the music off or on after I got all of my LBP stuff back as the setting was turned off then. What a very useful feature for the levels with the music that isn't the best.

@Sebas - Yeah, I really think it's the AI characters... They really don't do anything other then walk and talk. They really are fairly useless... I don't think there was one dude in LBP who was "boring." Essentially they all gave their little part of the "story" and the best part about it was that you didn't have to listen to them. All that has changed in LBP2.

As for Geometry wars - I don't know if you have an iOS device but it's only $.99 on the app store: http://appshopper.com/games/geometry-wars-touch-for-ipad
2012-02-10 16:13:00

Unknown User

XD Dude I know what you mean about the music and cuscenes. Story mode in LBP1 is so much better than LBP2. I love "The Wedding" world. The music is so sick on the first one too. I was dissapointed with the music and cutscenes on the second one as well but you can freaking MAKE your own songs, which I always wanted to do with LBP1. I love the online play on LBP2 and the "Cool Levels" are actually cool on the second one. The logic is a vital point for level making now, it improves levels so much, and there is no logic on LBP1. LBP2 is way better in my oppinion.2012-02-10 22:12:00

Unknown User

Is there by any chance a "create" section around here?? If not, where would I post a thread asking about hazards others might want to see in a level??

Also, any tips on aceing the very last level?? It's the only I have left that needs aceing
2012-02-13 07:11:00

Unknown User

Is there by any chance a "create" section around here?? If not, where would I post a thread asking about hazards others might want to see in a level??

Also, any tips on aceing the very last level?? It's the only I have left that needs aceing

The best way to ace the last level is to replay it and learn it's attacks to be quicker dodging them then it'll eventually get easier.
2012-02-14 03:02:00

Unknown User

Thanks SG, I ended up acing it earlier today!

But is there not a "create" subsection anywhere here??
2012-02-14 03:39:00

Unknown User

Thanks SG, I ended up acing it earlier today!

But is there not a "create" subsection anywhere here??

I don't thinks so. There is this though where he shares "how to make a good level" suggestions. (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=66475-Step-by-step-to-making-a-good-level)
Congrats on acing the level by the way.
2012-02-14 03:48:00

Unknown User

Thanks SG!

I also wanted to make a thread asking my fellow SackThings about what kind of different obstacles they'd like to see in level... Do you have a suggestion on where I should postit?
2012-02-14 05:17:00

Unknown User

Actually, I just figured it out. Ideas and projects looks promising2012-02-14 05:19:00

Unknown User

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