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How to get hearts and plays

Archive: 10 posts

I just wanna know are there any ways that I can get more plays and hearts because I try my best at my creations and work I'm a costume designer and a scenery creative kinda guy I just wanna get noticed nt asking you to heart me I'm asking you if there are any special ways to earn hearts I dnt H4H LOL I NEVER HAVE just sayin and again if you reply to this I would be very grateful if you could give me some good plans Or ideas to try I would really appreciate it if you helped me lol2012-02-07 02:31:00

Unknown User

-_- Dude, you have 184 hearts, whatever your doing, I think it's working.2012-02-07 02:50:00

Posts: 222

I see you haven't posted anything in the Level Showcase and you have been here since December!? That would be step one in getting some feedback to help you improve your creations. By improving, you could possibly get more folks enjoying your creations and thus get some more folks giving you a heart to keep track of what you are up to in the future.2012-02-07 03:13:00

Posts: 11383

I see you haven't posted anything in the Level Showcase and you have been here since December!? That would be step one in getting some feedback to help you improve your creations. By improving, you could possibly get more folks enjoying your creations and thus get some more folks giving you a heart to keep track of what you are up to in the future.
Well can I add you and maybe you could give me some hands on techniques to improve my creations
2012-02-07 04:02:00

Unknown User

Sorry, but you would do better to do as I suggest and post your levels in the Level Showcase. Perhaps utilizing the F4F function (feedback for feedback) as well. I really have too much going on in real life to give one on one lessons.

I am rarely on and if I am, I am working on a secret project for this site. Stay tuned!
2012-02-07 04:17:00

Posts: 11383

oh ok i totally understand2012-02-07 11:21:00

Unknown User

Thanks for the understanding.. I really hate not being able to help. However, another thought is if you check out the Find Other Happy Gadders, you might find a great creation partner that you end up helping each other.

Again, check out posting one of your levels in the Level Showcase. That is how I got started waaaay back when I first arrived here at LBPC. I got some great advice from some really amazing creators and finally saw what I was missing in my creations. That insight I hold dear to this day.. The bad part is that I am now so detailed in my creations, I rarely want to start anything knowing anything I do like a full level will probably take 400+ hours. lol

Good luck!
2012-02-07 13:10:00

Posts: 11383

The first thing I see on your profile is that you're quitting LBP, so...?2012-02-07 13:33:00

Posts: 2454

Your levels have got loads of hearts and plays...

And I'm not too sure what your expectations would be with your choice of levels as costume give aways are pretty niche. Your Mickey Mouse costume has attracted the most attention and that makes sense, plus the feedback shows you've done them well.

I don't think the level showcase is really the place to post these levels as others may have suggested you do, people on this site are more than likely to make their own costumes than download someone else's ready made ones. Don't take this to be rude, but the types of people who play these levels are more likely to be the younger crowd - something the Mickey Mouse levels proves.

In all honestly, you should be over the moon with the plays you've received! It might be worth checking out the Other Happy Gadders forum and hooking up with one or two people who can complement your skill set. If costumes and scenery's your thing then find some one who's good with logic and level layouts.
2012-02-07 18:37:00

Posts: 365

Good suggestion! ..didn't realize he was only doing costumes. You can only get so far with costumes, but nothing wrong with it. I know of a few that have done amazing costume work and get tons of plays because they do some amazing work.2012-02-07 18:50:00

Posts: 11383

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