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How to make sackbot stop moving?

Archive: 9 posts

I'm working on a fighting game and I'm trying to incorporate an aerial dodge system. Basically, your fighter will shoot straight backwards a little bit and then STOP and fall to the ground. I'm using an advanced mover to make them move backwards, but I don't know how to make them stop and then fall. I would also like to use this stopping feature for my attacks so you can't keep running whille attacking... Anyway, does anyone know how to make this stopping feature? It's stumping me and any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!2012-02-06 02:17:00

Posts: 24

Ummm you mean transition from flying backwards to falling down? You need to switch off the movers when you want them to fall.

And by that I mean not just stopping the up/down left/right inputs but the on/off input.
2012-02-06 05:25:00

Posts: 1799

Tbh I feel I could help you but, to me it's a little unclear to me how you want your fighter to move.

I Can help you!
2012-02-06 05:50:00

Unknown User

So to make those movers shut off, I would use an inverted output timer, right? And to clarify, the sackbot needs to move backwards in midair (which I have done) and then stop that backwards movement, and fall straight to the ground. Hope that helps, and sorry if my questions are obvious, I just got the game a little while ago, so I'm still getting used to the new tools.2012-02-06 22:12:00

Posts: 24

I would use instead of an inverted timer, a counter set to 1 than have a count up timer connected to the output of the counter. With that the timer will reset the counter and timer.

Also the counter should have 2 outputs, one to the mover and the other to the input of the timer
2012-02-06 22:30:00

Unknown User

Well, I got the mover to shut off, but the problem of how to make a full stop is still there. The sackbot goes backwards and the mover shuts off, but the sackbot still falls to the ground at an arc and continues running. I need the sackbot to move over, stop, and fall straight down. Sorry if this is asking a lot, but I know its possible because I've seen it done. Here's a link to a video with an example - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veWgE0TiLVI
(Watch for their "dodges." Little arrows will appear when they do them.) Anyway, I figured that seeing the basic idea might help. Let me know if you figure anything out, and I'll go back to fiddling with it in the meantime. Thanks again for trying to help!
2012-02-07 22:30:00

Posts: 24

You could attach a different behavior to the sackbot's microchip which follows a tag and then generate one wherever you want him to stop. Might have to string together a couple of new behaviors to get the exact effect you want. Although, do you have the controlinator hooked up to the fighter? If so, then.... I don't think I know what to do.2012-02-07 23:41:00

Posts: 116

Ok, I got the stop effect figured out, but then I ran into another problem with the advanced mover. I finally got it set up so that R2 in midair does a midair dodge right, but now I need L2 to do the same thing left. Only, the advanced mover only moves to the right. I'll post this in a new thread.2012-02-08 01:56:00

Posts: 24

No it moves based on signal input. Split out the analogue value of L2 with the splitter, and then recombine it but take the +ve of the split and connect it to the -ve of the combiner. While you're there wire R2 into the +ve of the combiner, so that one mover can be used.2012-02-08 07:24:00

Posts: 1799

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