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DLC Download problems?

Archive: 5 posts

Hiya people!

About an hour ago i bought a bunch of DLC from the store (Muppet costumes ect) and i tried to download them but the screen kept coming up with an error code.

I was wondering if this has happened to you recently? I will try again later as it says the items have been purchased (over ?10 worth of DLC) but can't download.

So my question is, if this has happened to you, did you finally get to download what you wanted? Im in no mood to lose ?10 and have to purchase again due to some bug.
2012-02-04 12:44:00

Posts: 175

Someone was having issues downloading lbp2 itself off the store over on the EU ps forums earlier today... these incidents might be related?2012-02-04 13:13:00

Posts: 1414

...i tried to download them but the screen kept coming up with an error code...

Probably a temporary server glitch. Try re-downloading at a later time.

...Im in no mood to lose ?10 and have to purchase again due to some bug...

I don't think the system will let you purchase the same thing twice.
2012-02-04 14:05:00

Posts: 2870

Ok thanks. I hope to download them soon. Gota have them Muppet costumes!2012-02-04 14:19:00

Posts: 175

I don't think the system will let you purchase the same thing twice.
Yeah, even if you hit "Buy Now" it will say "This content has already been purchased" and it will prompt you to download it.
2012-02-04 14:59:00

Posts: 357

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