ROBOT RAMPAGE by punchjeff (pics added!)
Archive: 12 posts
Greetings Humans! Just published a new lvl: Robot Rampage Play as a rookie cop vs. rampaging robots This is my first post in the showcase forum...there are a lot of cool lvls to be found here! Let's play! http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg372/punchjeff/APhoto_2.jpg http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg372/punchjeff/APhoto_1.jpg http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg372/punchjeff/APhoto_3.jpg http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg372/punchjeff/APhoto_4.jpg psn: punchjeff lvls: Robot Rampage Wanted Inferno TIMEWARPeD Santa vs. the SNOWMEN EMMALAND SACK WARS: little big adventure just added pics, yay! | 2008-12-30 00:00:00 Author: punchjeff ![]() Posts: 13 |
I've added this to my list of levels to review. ![]() | 2008-12-31 09:08:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I played this today. Cool stage overall. It was funny too. The cinematics were very good, and the style was very distinct. I got a kick out of the robots that were telling you nice things as they were trying to kill you. Pros: Funny dialogue. Solid gameplay The giant robot was very cool. Especially the part where he pulled the building down. Cons: When I destroyed the spikey-armed robot, the spikes were left behind. They landed awkwardly, and it was very tricky to advance past them. I REALLY wanted to fight that giant robot. I was disappointed when all you had to do was run behind him. The end seemed sort of incomplete. You don't get back at your partner, and you don't actually kill the giant robot. It just seemed awkward. Overall, good stage. I was mostly just disappointed by the end. | 2009-01-01 09:29:00 Author: Danceatron ![]() Posts: 23 |
Thanks for the review Danceatron, I've worked on the cons a bit, making a few changes towards the end, including fighting a bit more... the one fix I can't figure out is making the spikes disappear when the bot is destroyed... they're all attached and the creature has a brain but the spikes remain... anyone have any suggestions, I'm probably doing it wrong because I suck at creatures and robots... but yeah, if you get a chance please try it again. | 2009-01-02 04:34:00 Author: punchjeff ![]() Posts: 13 |
I love the robot in the first screenshot. I'll give a more accurate view when I actually play the level in a minute. ![]() Edit: Nicely made level, the characters were made well and story was good, but you should have been able to kill the giant robot. ![]() | 2009-01-02 06:47:00 Author: whatisnarwhal ![]() Posts: 164 |
cool ill give this a go bud | 2009-01-02 07:03:00 Author: Thee-Flash ![]() Posts: 3154 |
I finally got around to playing the stage again today. Bravo. The stuff you added at the end was very good. The stage really feels complete now. You got 5 stars from me. Good job. | 2009-01-06 08:12:00 Author: Danceatron ![]() Posts: 23 |
Lol I just saw another level posted called Robo Rampage X, are they associated in any way? As far as the spikes go, try detaching it and gluing it. If that doesnt work grab different spikes and just attach them. If you really get stuck and can't figure it out I can help you trouble shoot it. | 2009-01-06 14:44:00 Author: Hexagohn ![]() Posts: 335 |
Where did you get the name for your level? Just curious... | 2009-01-06 18:32:00 Author: Dimo1138 ![]() Posts: 179 |
I've added this to my list of levels to review. ![]() I didnt even know you reviewed levels ...do you? o_O | 2009-01-07 01:53:00 Author: Sonic5411 ![]() Posts: 712 |
It's a scientific fact that robots are awesome. It sounds pathetic but I thought I had come up with an original title, now I see there are a few lvls with the same name...although, all robots are pre-programmed to rampage and kill all humans the first chance they get...so the name is a given. To Hexagohn: thanks for the advice I'll try it! and as far as the Robot Rampage X, there's no relation, just another sad example of my apparent unoriginality. I did a search for that title and couldn't find it, do you know who published it? I could look it up that way, I'd like to check it out! To Danceatron: thanks for giving it another go! I like getting feedback because it makes us better at the game! So thanks again! | 2009-01-08 00:31:00 Author: punchjeff ![]() Posts: 13 |
It's a scientific fact that robots are awesome. It sounds pathetic but I thought I had come up with an original title, now I see there are a few lvls with the same name...although, all robots are pre-programmed to rampage and kill all humans the first chance they get...so the name is a given. To Hexagohn: thanks for the advice I'll try it! and as far as the Robot Rampage X, there's no relation, just another sad example of my apparent unoriginality. I did a search for that title and couldn't find it, do you know who published it? I could look it up that way, I'd like to check it out! To Danceatron: thanks for giving it another go! I like getting feedback because it makes us better at the game! So thanks again! It is a fact. I know what you mean about being original, I made ROBO-RAMPAGE X. At least I had the foresight to drop the T and use all caps. Anyhow, I checked out your level and there really isn't many similarities other than the name. If you want to try my levels out (they are REALLY hard) you should be able to find them by searching my psn: Dimo1138. Anyhow, nice talking to you. We'll see you around. | 2009-01-08 18:33:00 Author: Dimo1138 ![]() Posts: 179 |
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