Imagination Inc. by Kruisers
Archive: 5 posts
http://lbp.me/v/9m1gsb This is a super fun platforming level. I played with a few friends and really loved it, but as always it's probably best in single player. Either way everyone needs to check this out asap. I can't believe how little plays it's gotten! http://i6.lbp.me/img/ft/6e664e30e00bae1b2c90c28a01832b04db5c788a.jpg | 2012-01-30 19:10:00 Author: Smurfetta5683 ![]() Posts: 299 |
16 plays!? Seriously that just won't do. Got it queued. UPDATE: Finally played this and what a find. Simply amazing style & mixture of materials & decorations. Very unusual, I got so carried away that I forgot to take photos so here are a few already uploaded by others: http://ia.lbp.me/img/ft/88a26b1973bdd6ffded8d4268ca57fd96ef07094.jpg http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/ded9db555ab21a2cc5b404b29d090e9e966bee0f.jpg http://if.lbp.me/img/ft/47f5808af24e565912956b71dd3d854274f59443.jpg Great in two player, had a few laughs along the way from missing jumps & being electrocuted. This certainly deserves more plays. | 2012-02-01 14:02:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
16 plays!? Seriously that just won't do. Got it queued. UPDATE: Finally played this and what a find. Simply amazing style & mixture of materials & decorations. Very unusual, I got so carried away that I forgot to take photos so here are a few already uploaded by others: Great in two player, had a few laughs along the way from missing jumps & being electrocuted. This certainly deserves more plays. I whole-heartedly agree with you here. I can't believe this level doesn't have more plays!! Also, it's really funny that you mentioned you got carried away playing the level so you forgot to take pics, that's exactly what I said when I commented on this level on Planetarium! I know the creator as well and he's a great guy! | 2012-02-02 13:11:00 Author: Smurfetta5683 ![]() Posts: 299 |
Thank you for recommendations! It was really interesting and beautiful adventure! Here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-UbpoR2q2c | 2012-02-02 20:02:00 Author: Domik12 ![]() Posts: 838 |
Hey hey hey! ![]() THANKS <3 and also for the video, I was smiling all through it! | 2012-02-16 04:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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