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my all wheel suspension!

Archive: 8 posts

i have no clue what to use as a body tho.. can you guys please help meh with this?
i put the thin layer rods with in the middle layer so it would be easier to put a body on!..but no ideas..
its not perfect it will slowly brake if you go full speed but its built to get the job done, don't get meh wrong it works grate! i even built a much smaller one that works way better! i just need a body for it.. i can do just about anything(=
so don't be afraid go speak you mind.. it can be military issue or just a simple beater xD
2012-01-25 21:27:00

Unknown User

Nice creation, you could make a really nice level out of this. Also has a very unique body design to it.2012-01-25 22:14:00

Posts: 222

Are you using springs and shocks (pistons) or just shocks? Nice setup so far....2012-01-26 14:26:00

Posts: 163

um.. im only useing the springs, you can use pistons instead? i didnt know that lol ima play around with it a bit,
i just did the basic
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGmxbypAfDQ but i modded mine a bit as you can see, i put the rods in the middle layer so i could fit a body on it but.. i dont know what to put on it..
2012-01-26 18:22:00

Unknown User

@ toast, u can use a combination of springs and pistons to "act" like the spring / shock combination that real vehicles use. The spring will give you the bounce and the piston dampins "or stops the excessive bounce" . You will have to play with th3e piston setting but it will be at a weak setting, super slow setting, and its movement will be minimal if not zero.2012-01-26 18:58:00

Posts: 163

okay, ima play around with it..should i use just springs and pistons. or springs pistons and the little thin layer things, im not sure if if they have a name lol2012-01-28 01:47:00

Unknown User

oh nice.. i get what you mean, i tryed it and it makes it move so much better! thank you.
i still need a idea for the body of it.. i cant think of anything.. i might do some kind of military thing.. im not sure yet.
2012-02-01 04:19:00

Unknown User

Great, glad that worked. Maybe some type of recon vehicle. Do a google image search of some military vehicles and maybe make a hybrid of those vehicles...2012-02-01 19:39:00

Posts: 163

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