Free Costumes
Archive: 1 post
Dear Fellow Creators. Killer here again, this time recomending a costume level. I know, your probably all thinking; "Costumes? WTF?!" Well, I know, I know. It is a costime level BUT !!! This is no ordinary costime level. The only reason i'm recomending this level is the design of it, we've all seen costume levels and most of them are pretty un-detailed, in most cases there is VISIBLE DARK MATTER!!! NOOOOOOO! But this costume level is SOMETHING ELSE. The level actually looks good!!! The costumes are pretty good, but nothing amazing, but the level itself is worth playing simply because it is for once, a well decorated costume level. So if you want to play it heres the LBP.me link: http://lbp.me/v/4ef4dm Cheers. Killer | 2012-01-24 05:31:00 Author: killerfrogy ![]() Posts: 65 |
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