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Patch 1.10!

Archive: 94 posts

Patch 1.10 is out! Now there's Muppets gibberish voices, and... broken live capturing for emitters. 2012-01-24 01:27:00

Posts: 842

Yea... Epic fail on their QA testing.

Dynamic emitting isnt working anymore.

So be prepared to go to hell when testing emitted stuff in the future.
Ultra-epic facepalm.jpg.
2012-01-24 01:39:00

Posts: 2136

Well... that stinks. I was hoping for some bug fixes, but that doesnt seem like the case now. Is there anything elce that seems effected?
I havent found anything myself yet.
2012-01-24 01:42:00

Unknown User

Err Dynamic emitting is dead? not good... the whole level i'm working on right now is Dynamic emitting... o_O
and the patch is 173 MBs... i'm gonna have to wait till later tonight to get it anyways... *mew
2012-01-24 01:45:00

Posts: 4261

I'd expect them to fix the randomizers by now...2012-01-24 01:46:00

Posts: 842

Just what is dynamic emitting? I assume it's one of the methods used to trigger an emitter, but I don't know what that would be.2012-01-24 01:48:00

Posts: 229

For all creators working on levels with lots of dynamic emitting...
Dont update. Youll go insane.
2012-01-24 01:52:00

Posts: 2136

What is dynaminc emmiting?

Some of my levels require stuff to emmit, is emmiting objects broken 0_o
2012-01-24 01:55:00

Posts: 745

Just what is dynamic emitting? I assume it's one of the methods used to trigger an emitter, but I don't know what that would be.

I'm fairly certain it's when you select an object to emit through use of the emitter's captured object tool and not the tool in the tool's bag. This way, if you make any changes to that object it will be emitted with them from then on. If this is true about it having issues though, I hope it won't throw anything already in place in a level off.

Does anyone know if they've fixed the checkpoint glitch that spawns you at a different and unactivated checkpoint?
2012-01-24 01:55:00

Posts: 1651

I knew it. Looks like MM can't release a DLC or patch without adding more bugs than they solve. It's like for each step forward they take two other steps back. We're moving towards a glitch singularity here.

MediaMolecule, do you know all those times I scolded you for not fixing your game? Forget that. I want you to stop trying to fix LBP2. No seriously, leave it like it is right now. Turn your goddarn computers off and ask Sony for a holiday. Go play to the beach or something. No wait, you're in England, that's a terrible idea. Whatever, just stop "fixing" stuff. Try not to bump into anything in your office when you get out or you'll definitely screw up some more. If your solutions are in itself problems, then you're doing it wrong. This is basic logic guys, come on now.

Jesus Christ.
(and I'm not a christian so you can count that as swearing on my part)
2012-01-24 01:58:00

Posts: 2452

For all creators working on levels with lots of dynamic emitting...
Dont update. Youll go insane.

Not really a choice if you plan on publishing the stage. Anyway, I use a ton of emitters, if something breaks, you an kiss my project goodbye
2012-01-24 02:13:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

For all creators working on levels with lots of dynamic emitting...
Dont update. Youll go insane.

Ah great, I have a scrolling level with all of the pieces referenced. I guess that means it's f@*$ed?
2012-01-24 02:33:00

Posts: 587

dang it! the update keeps stopping on me. gets to 95% and stops.2012-01-24 03:11:00

Posts: 8424

dang it! the update keeps stopping on me. gets to 95% and stops.

At least you got somewhere. It took me forever to get it to go past 1%...
2012-01-24 03:20:00

Posts: 578

Yea... Epic fail on their QA testing.

Dynamic emitting isnt working anymore.

So be prepared to go to hell when testing emitted stuff in the future.
Ultra-epic facepalm.jpg.

What is the difference between "emitting" and "dynamic emitting"? Anyway. No point in not updating. Either you wait for a fix, find a new way to make it or never publish. Not updating won't change any of those options.
2012-01-24 03:24:00

Posts: 1230

Mine downloaded and updated in 90 seconds or so. Strange.2012-01-24 03:31:00

Posts: 1230

What is the difference between "emitting" and "dynamic emitting"? Anyway. No point in not updating. Either you wait for a fix, find a new way to make it or never publish. Not updating won't change any of those options.

Dynamic emitting is when you choose an object in the level to be emitted instead of a pre-captured object from your goodies bag. It's really useful for when you want to tweak logic on an emitted object in realtime as opposed to have to capture, emit, recapture, etc.

All of the scrolling sections in my new level are referenced this way...looks like it might not get done anytime soon
2012-01-24 03:34:00

Posts: 587

Kk, to make it clear on the dynamic emit fail:

Objects dynamic emitted wont emit if emitter dynamically emitted prior to 1.10 they will work untill you dynamically re-cap the object.
So published levels wont be affected, so as long as you dont touch the emitter to reselect the object you should be fine.
I am not sure what happens if you edit the dynamic capped object.

Sure you can update, but be prepared to recapture the object every time you tweak it.
Means what could take seconds now takes much longer.

I was just to update all my frantic projectiles.. means i would have capture 113 objects...
I rather wait till they fix it...

If they ever fix it...
*looks at hearted captured objects not showing up in star section of popit*
2012-01-24 03:35:00

Posts: 2136

I was working on a WarioWare level and now nothing's emitting. 2012-01-24 03:53:00

Posts: 842

After I downloaded the update, LBP froze the system twice in the space of half an hour! And here I was about to get back into the game with the new attracto gel . . .2012-01-24 04:15:00

Posts: 117

Hmm I think I shold be fine then becuase I always emit objects via from popit goodies back. I hope nothing happens when I dl the patch in 20 mins :/2012-01-24 04:41:00

Posts: 745

...Well, time to go through my game backlog. :/2012-01-24 05:07:00

Posts: 1129

personally I only use live capture while testing... but capture it properly and place in the emitter when done. I learnt the hard way that live capture is non editable in the future.2012-01-24 05:46:00

Posts: 1799

A good visual depiction of 'dynamic emitting' can be found in CompherMc's LBP2-torial on Infinite Scrolling as I recall. In it he refers to it as "live-capture". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEplXDGqtAM2012-01-24 05:53:00

Posts: 1308

Yeah, I think I've always thought of that as "live capturing".

I guess I'm lucky I've never really used that method except in testing.

The QA guys from MM strike again. Maybe this will bump the Toy Story Earth background for next to be fixed? And yeah, I just tried it, still broken.
2012-01-24 05:59:00

Posts: 1230

Live emitting was one of my favorite new features.

I put all of my emitted objects off to the side and referenced them in the main part of the level...each object is hovering over a 'deactivate' tag. You can edit it to your hearts content and when emitted, the logic instantly activates.

2012-01-24 06:08:00

Posts: 587

This sounds very bad!

Has anyone raised the issue on getsatisfaction.com (http://getsatisfaction.com/littlebigplanet/problems/recent) yet? If anyone "in the know" would go there and report it, I'm sure the chances of a quick fix would increase quite a bit.
2012-01-24 07:26:00

Posts: 605

Oh, sh....

Well, that's no good. This one is a bit more of a gamebreaker than many of the others, so I hope it gets addressed sooner than later.
2012-01-24 07:52:00

Posts: 5338

This sounds very bad!

Has anyone raised the issue on getsatisfaction.com (http://getsatisfaction.com/littlebigplanet/problems/recent) yet? If anyone "in the know" would go there and report it, I'm sure the chances of a quick fix would increase quite a bit.

Spaff already knows.
2012-01-24 08:11:00

Posts: 5112

Spaff already knows.

I'd still raise it just in case
2012-01-24 09:03:00

Posts: 605

I'm not sure why no dynamic emitting would be a game breaker. It may be more convenient for testing purposes, but you can still emit poppit-captured items for the same result. I never used dynamic emitting anyways since I don't like to clutter my level space with stuff that uses thermo without being actively functional in gameplay.

Although it's a shame that instead of getting a fix for the few existing bugs, we instead get lumbered with a brand new one just for the sake of a few silly muppet voices.
2012-01-24 09:27:00

Posts: 2130

Hey all, That's now being fixed and rushed into the next update - as long as you don't touch existing emitters they should work fine (I'm told), but for new ones we are stuck doing it LBP1 style. Think of it as a trip down memory lane.

As we continue to transition the work on LBP to other teams within Sony things like this might happen a little bit, as there are lots of new people and procedures and structures and all of that magubbins. it's a bit of a confusing time for everyone involved, and I apologise profusely, but everyone is doing their best to make sure things like this don't happen too much! Sorry! <3 xx
2012-01-24 11:37:00

Posts: 421

Any idea on when that next update will be?2012-01-24 11:45:00

Posts: 745

We try not to give dates because it ALWAYS bites us right on the soft parts we don't want bitten, so please take a this with a massive fist full of salt when i say "a few weeks"2012-01-24 12:20:00

Posts: 421

Ok thanks and no prob I guest its lbp1 emmit style time then 2012-01-24 12:23:00

Posts: 745

http://i.imgur.com/GOYO3.jpg2012-01-24 12:30:00

Posts: 2391

I knew it. Looks like MM can't release a DLC or patch without adding more bugs than they solve. It's like for each step forward they take two other steps back. We're moving towards a glitch singularity here.

MediaMolecule, do you know all those times I scolded you for not fixing your game? Forget that. I want you to stop trying to fix LBP2. No seriously, leave it like it is right now. Turn your goddarn computers off and ask Sony for a holiday. Go play to the beach or something. No wait, you're in England, that's a terrible idea. Whatever, just stop "fixing" stuff. Try not to bump into anything in your office when you get out or you'll definitely screw up some more. If your solutions are in itself problems, then you're doing it wrong. This is basic logic guys, come on now.

Jesus Christ.
(and I'm not a christian so you can count that as swearing on my part)

Wow! Really?

Calm down man. Having to capture objects to emit them (for the next month)..oh no!! We had to do it that way for years, it's not like this bug is breaking levels, crashing PS3's and killing baby's. It's just a small inconvenience for the awesomeness that will be the Muppets pack. Chill...
2012-01-24 12:34:00

Posts: 564

*ate fists full of salt*



Thanks for the heads up spafford!
2012-01-24 13:36:00

Posts: 2136

Thank you Spaff for coming on here and addressing this before things got out of control and the masses burned the internet down. Thank you for the new word as well, magubbins. I shall use for now on. Now where's my Spaff day pin!?2012-01-24 13:50:00

Posts: 8424

As we continue to transition the work on LBP to other teams within Sony things like this might happen a little bit, as there are lots of new people and procedures and structures and all of that magubbins. it's a bit of a confusing time for everyone involved, and I apologise profusely, but everyone is doing their best to make sure things like this don't happen too much! Sorry! <3 xx

...Really put things in perspective. So we lost 'live capturing' for an unforseeable time. Seeing these words in black and white upset me in a way I don't completely understand. I'm not really interested in Vita. (Even though it is a game being designed apparently by alot of our friends.)

This just reminded me that we are paused to lose a whole lot more.:hrmf:
2012-01-24 14:47:00

Posts: 1308

I'm not really interested in Vita. (Even though it is a game being designed apparently by alot of our friends.)

This just reminded me that we are paused to lose a whole lot more.:hrmf:

You're forgetting to mention the incredibly talented folks that have decades of experience in the video game industry who are also working on the project.

So with that said, I personally think that LittleBigPlanet and its community will actually gain a whole lot more from their input into the series and we really shouldn't worry about anything being lost from LittleBigPlanet since that really is not the case... Far from it!
2012-01-24 15:26:00

Community Manager
Posts: 420

Why is this patch so huge compared to previous ones? Do the companies who Mm outsourced to not know how to computer?2012-01-24 17:38:00

Posts: 2454

Why is this patch so huge compared to previous ones? Do the companies who Mm outsourced to not know how to computer?

New music is normally one of the biggest offenders that attribute to a larger patch size, however the sheer wealth of content in the recent patch for The Muppets Premium Level Kit would naturally result in a larger patch size too compared to that of your average costume DLC only update.
2012-01-24 17:51:00

Community Manager
Posts: 420

The new bug seems to falter a story level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44678-Lbp2-bugs-list&p=971300&viewfull=1#post971300). Yikes!

Nice to see things are being repaired though.
2012-01-24 17:51:00

Posts: 4193

The new bug seems to falter a story level (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=44678-Lbp2-bugs-list&p=971300&viewfull=1#post971300). Yikes!

Nice to see things are being repaired though.

Yeah this really bums me out. I have been on a mission to 100% every level and get the few prize bubbles I am missing throughout the game. When I encountered this issue, it pretty much ended my mission because there are a lot more story levels that use a Creatinator as well. I guess I will finally get that move pack!
2012-01-24 18:06:00

Posts: 125

So with that said, I personally think that LittleBigPlanet and its community will actually gain a whole lot more from their input into the series and we really shouldn't worry about anything being lost from LittleBigPlanet since that really is not the case... Far from it!

Thank you so much Steven

Everything Steven said is very much true! But to all of those in doubt, I can assure you that every single community member associated with LBP Vita are doing their utmost to make the game as good a LBP as reasonably possible, and at every opportunity try to even surpass the greatness achieved by the previous LBP titles
2012-01-24 18:07:00

Posts: 605

I think somebody missed the gist of my post... It really has nothing to do with the Vita. I'm all for the Vita. I think it's great. I am equally proud of everyone I know working on the title... I just personally don't have the need to play on a small screen while on the go. It offers a level of isolation which I can not willingly fit into my life but I hope it's a great title all the same. Nor do I think losing 'dynamic emitting' for 2 months is any big deal.

My post referenced Spaff's first and foremost. The throne atop the LBP empire has been vacated. And while the vaccume I have no doubt is being filled by very capable and caring hands, it never really hit me until I saw it in black and white. It stunned me. As said, I'm not sure exactly why... I just thought "What is little big planet without Mm?"

That's the gist.
2012-01-24 19:54:00

Posts: 1308

The patch seems to have made a piece of music I made with the music sequencer not play some notes I placed, so a portion of the song won't play at all.2012-01-24 19:57:00

Posts: 4193

The patch seems to have made a piece of music I made with the music sequencer not play some notes I placed, so a portion of the song won't play at all.

If this destroys any of the video game covers that I've done, I'm going to actually be upset.
2012-01-24 20:46:00

Posts: 1129

It's at times like this that I think that Mm don't actually have a QA department, and instead rely on some braindead monkeys on a diet of battery acid. How can things like this get past the radar? This time it wasn't even a feature enabled via DLC, but an integral game feature available to everybody! This is really getting ridiculous. Working on a different game is no excuse to push out obviously broken patches and expecting everything to be fine after a quick apology.2012-01-24 20:53:00

Posts: 631

The patch seems to have made a piece of music I made with the music sequencer not play some notes I placed, so a portion of the song won't play at all.

Anything like this problem (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=62922-New-update-affecting-notes-in-music-sequences)?
2012-01-24 21:01:00

Posts: 2870

Don't get too upset, guys - I totally understand it's inconvenient when things get broken, but keep in mind - even though it looks like a toy sometimes, LBP2 is one of the most sophisticated game development systems ever made, and I've NEVER seen one that didn't get broken. Lately I've been dealing with breaks in Android development tools, Microsoft development tools, Apple development tools.... and LBP2 is one of the most sophisticated out there... and "humans" are working on it so it WILL be imperfect and break sometimes.

Find workarounds.... be patient.... and keep in mind what a great piece of software it is. Spaff already mentioned they are on top of it, and will deliver as soon as possible.
2012-01-24 21:03:00

Posts: 4430

Anything like this problem (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=62922-New-update-affecting-notes-in-music-sequences)?
Was that patched? If not, then my song has been fine even since then, it could have been this recent update or some before it that made my song falter.

The notes haven't vanished, they are there, but they simply don't play. Mind that I "stretched" these notes with the R1 button to make them play longer, not sure if that has something to do with it.
2012-01-24 21:08:00

Posts: 4193

Well then, I s'pose won't be updating or playing online for a while.

More than half of the level I'm making right now demands dynamic emitting. And not just for testing purposes.

I've used it to combat the space-usage of capturing animation frames separately. Instead I just Dynamically capture each and save the whole set in my goodies bag.

Praying to Akatosh that when this is all cleared up it won't leave any nasty level-breaking marks.
2012-01-24 22:09:00

Posts: 355

Was that patched?

I don't believe so.
2012-01-24 23:40:00

Posts: 2870

The Patch 1.10 also include: Level Tags: "Attract-o-gel" and "Attract-o-Tweaker"2012-01-25 00:12:00

Posts: 484

One of my songs doesn't appear to be playing properly. I don't think it was this way before the patch.2012-01-25 09:31:00

Posts: 4085

Dynamic emitting is when you choose an object in the level to be emitted instead of a pre-captured object from your goodies bag. It's really useful for when you want to tweak logic on an emitted object in realtime as opposed to have to capture, emit, recapture, etc.

All of the scrolling sections in my new level are referenced this way...looks like it might not get done anytime soon

so the answer is to not dynamically emit until the fix is here. it was more convenient but it's not the game breaker people are making it out to be.
2012-01-25 09:45:00

Posts: 3910

so the answer is to not dynamically emit until the fix is here. it was more convenient but it's not the game breaker people are making it out to be.

Perhaps not for the average creator. I don't want to sound off elitist, but even if I am, this is a huge deal for people who create levels that use a lot of emitter logic. My level for instance, uses dozens - if not in the range of three digits already - nested as deep as 4 objects deep (emitted object emits object emits object emits object, etc.). I have plenty enough limitations of the engine to deal with already and this feature of emitters - that set it apart from LBP1 - has been a huge time saver.

I will work on other things now that won't require emitters, but yeah, I am sad to say the release of my project is on indefinite hold for now. Sad. Not enraged.

Would it be an idea for Mm/Tarsier to start public tests of patches, perhaps even through PSN+? QA is overlooking bugs that the creator community uncovers in sheer minutes.
2012-01-25 10:00:00

Posts: 1340

Remember, before any patch update use this on your PS3!
2012-01-25 12:52:00

Posts: 5112

Perhaps not for the average creator. I don't want to sound off elitist, but even if I am, this is a huge deal for people who create levels that use a lot of emitter logic. My level for instance, uses dozens - if not in the range of three digits already - nested as deep as 4 objects deep (emitted object emits object emits object emits object, etc.). I have plenty enough limitations of the engine to deal with already and this feature of emitters - that set it apart from LBP1 - has been a huge time saver.

I will work on other things now that won't require emitters, but yeah, I am sad to say the release of my project is on indefinite hold for now. Sad. Not enraged.

Would it be an idea for Mm/Tarsier to start public tests of patches, perhaps even through PSN+? QA is overlooking bugs that the creator community uncovers in sheer minutes.

Yea they sure picked a bad time to update, especially with the contest ending just around the corner. This slows my speed down by at least twice; Thanks a lot MM.
2012-01-25 13:17:00

Rpg Maker
Posts: 877

You know while they're at it I hope they fix the randomizers too. 2012-01-25 15:14:00

Posts: 842

So, am I the only one who's had crashing issues after the patch?

Got the Muppet Pack last night, and played through the levels just fine. When I went into create mode, however, I got about fifteen minutes out of the game before an undo froze the game and forced me to shut down the system manually. I've never had a problem with LBP2 before Monday's patch, and now it craps out every time I try to create. T_T
2012-01-25 19:03:00

Posts: 117

I was in create mode earlier, was tweaking with the new atracto gel or whatever it's called, and the sound cut off. Had to restart the game.2012-01-25 20:19:00

Posts: 4085

Sound cutting out is an old problem, though I thought it was taken care of some time ago. The thing that happens when all the stuff in your level turns into yellow exclamation points is something that happens to me on occasion, though that has to do with having "too much complexity" in a particular area.

I'm talking total system freeze after very limited playtime in create mode.
2012-01-25 20:45:00

Posts: 117

ive had a problem with the game crashing and skipping and sound cutting out after the update. I cant shut down with the controller or the power button i have to actually pull the power. I noticed in the ingame store the muppets level pack wich i bought has a yellow exclamation point error on it, like the ones you get in create mode. so that tells me that it was the update. because none of the other packs i bought have that and i have almost all of them. I was thinking of deleting the data file for LBP2 and hopefully it would prompt me to update upon restarting LBP. The file is over 2 gigs. Does anyone know if this would fix my issue?? its reall annoying. also i have got LBP to let me play a little lastnight without crashing but the sound was all messed up freezing issues not crashing though and the leaderboards would not upload my scores2012-01-25 21:20:00

Posts: 68

Hum... The sound deletion Glitch also seems to impact Movie Cameras on Sequencers, of course though this was a somewhat tricky setup anyway. Though it is good to look into it, I'll edit this post with a picture in the future.2012-01-26 15:32:00

Posts: 606

I'm not sure if this is from the patch or not, but lighting is EXTREMELY messed up.2012-01-27 02:52:00

Posts: 842

I'm not sure if this is from the patch or not, but lighting is EXTREMELY messed up.
Could you post an example or something? Tell us the level?
2012-01-27 02:55:00

Posts: 4193

I'm sure this isn't supposed to happen.

2012-01-27 03:01:00

Posts: 842

With all the problems people are having I don't think I'll update until the next patch. >_>2012-01-27 21:32:00

Posts: 2454

I haven't had any issues with it. Then again, I've just been making sticker panel designs using stickers, and some sackbot logic, nothing serious.

I imagine it'd be quite the hassle, especially in Kris' case with the dozens of live captured things needing tweaking.
2012-01-27 21:46:00

Posts: 1136

Oh darn! Have a good idea for a level...... but I really need dynamic emitting!! 2012-01-27 22:33:00

Posts: 4085

With all the problems people are having I don't think I'll update until the next patch. >_>

but you may have to wait a month or more until then. now you go update and break your game like the rest of us. *mew
2012-01-28 00:12:00

Posts: 4261

I haven't had any crashes...but emitters sure got annoying and it's not just live/dynamic capture ones either. Try to tweak the location of a previously captured object made up of several pieces by selecting it again from your tools bag and the rotations of the object pieces are all screwy. I have to place the object and recapture it before I can update the emitter. I just hope the patch doesn't break the emitters I'm having to tweak this way now, that would be no fun at all. 2012-01-28 01:43:00

Posts: 1214

Try to tweak the location of a previously captured object made up of several pieces by selecting it again from your tools bag and the rotations of the object pieces are all screwy.

Are you sure this has changed? I've had a problem with emitters losing placement and angle for several years. When re-placing it goes back to 0 degrees. It may be different as of this update, but I've always had an issue.
2012-01-28 02:37:00

Posts: 4430

Are you sure this has changed? I've had a problem with emitters losing placement and angle for several years. When re-placing it goes back to 0 degrees. It may be different as of this update, but I've always had an issue.

Yeah, that problem isn't new, this is different. Each piece of my object is rotated differently/independently so my object is totally messed up looking. If I actually place it into the emitter it emits at some random distance far far away (I wanted to see if just the emitter placement dynamics were messed up or if it actually emitted that way). I've only seen my previously captured objects go berzerk like this after this update.
2012-01-28 03:41:00

Posts: 1214

*mumbles* Can't have a single _____ing update without taking away something that actually improves the game. Everytime they update the game, they seem to get rid of something, so in a sense, they aren't updating the game.

Don't you realize that you make the game more difficult for creators every single time you try to improve it. Seriously, I would have dynamic emitting over new magic mouth voices ANY day.

************** I'm angry.
2012-01-28 03:44:00

Posts: 222

*mumbles* Can't have a single _____ing update without taking away something that actually improves the game. Everytime they update the game, they seem to get rid of something, so in a sense, they aren't updating the game.

Don't you realize that you make the game more difficult for creators every single time you try to improve it. Seriously, I would have dynamic emitting over new magic mouth voices ANY day.

************** I'm angry.

Go play Skyrim on your PS3, you'll gain a fresh perspective on just how good a job MM actually does with these updates. I'm sure they could have released a Muppets pack without making any core changes/adding new features like the attract-o-gel and it wouldn't have broken anything...but the new stuff keeps the game fresh and interesting, it's a double edged sword.

I really think the game has gotten complicated enough that major updates should happen only after a public beta, otherwise we'll just have to resign ourselves to these little inconveniences from time to time, I don't want them to stop supporting/updating the game...do you?
2012-01-28 05:21:00

Posts: 1214

These new additions are what always bring me back to LBP. If it weren't for the sticker panel, I probably wouldn't have started playing again. Now I'm hooked.

And then there's this new attracto stuff that just sounds brilliant. Too bad it introduced a few bugs.

I agree with the public test versions. I know a few games that have test version clients for people to test the new things before it becomes a required update. Those tend to work well, surely better than the QA we're seeing here.
2012-01-28 06:39:00

Posts: 1136

ive had a problem with the game crashing and skipping and sound cutting out after the update. I cant shut down with the controller or the power button i have to actually pull the power. I noticed in the ingame store the muppets level pack wich i bought has a yellow exclamation point error on it, like the ones you get in create mode. so that tells me that it was the update. because none of the other packs i bought have that and i have almost all of them. I was thinking of deleting the data file for LBP2 and hopefully it would prompt me to update upon restarting LBP. The file is over 2 gigs. Does anyone know if this would fix my issue?? its reall annoying. also i have got LBP to let me play a little lastnight without crashing but the sound was all messed up freezing issues not crashing though and the leaderboards would not upload my scores

Are you having trouble with any other games? This sounds more like a PS3 melting down than LBP. Backup your profile and try loading an older one and see if it has any impact, and if you're going to delete that 2 gig one make backups of things just in case. Getting rid of the updates and testing offline would be handy for seeing if that's the cause.

I'm not sure if this is from the patch or not, but lighting is EXTREMELY messed up.

That has happened to me many times before this update. It seems fairly random and just requires resetting the game. Or at least that works for me.
2012-01-28 08:18:00

Posts: 1370

whilst i can normally find time to appreciate the problems MM face with updates of this wonderful franchise and also appreciate that the additions often offset any immediate annoyances, i'm just beginning to lose a little patience. i said in a previous post that it wasn't a game breaker but clearly from the many posts previous to this, it is. we have heard nothing about fixing the sticker panel glitch either, which has put me off even attempting anything with that. for the sake of MM fans (and i'm one of them... at the moment) i really hope that whatever game they are currently working on, is far more stable.2012-01-28 08:58:00

Posts: 3910

I said in a previous post that it wasn't a game breaker but clearly from the many posts previous to this, it is. we have heard nothing about fixing the sticker panel glitch either, which has put me off even attempting anything with that.

Sticker panel glitch? I haven't had any problems with the sticker panel but I suppose haven't used it recently so I probably wouldn't know.

I notice some people are quite critical towards MM because of this situation/update...
2012-01-28 16:12:00

Posts: 606

Go play Skyrim on your PS3, you'll gain a fresh perspective on just how good a job MM actually does with these updates. I'm sure they could have released a Muppets pack without making any core changes/adding new features like the attract-o-gel and it wouldn't have broken anything...but the new stuff keeps the game fresh and interesting, it's a double edged sword.

I really think the game has gotten complicated enough that major updates should happen only after a public beta, otherwise we'll just have to resign ourselves to these little inconveniences from time to time, I don't want them to stop supporting/updating the game...do you?

Of course I want Mm to continue supporting their game, I just wish that something didn't go wrong everytime there's an update. I can live with it, but I just wish it didn't happen.

P.S.: I've seen Skyrim, and that game is really messed up at times (actually, you probably can't play it for 5 minutes without something going out of wack).
2012-01-28 16:14:00

Posts: 222

P.S.: I've seen Skyrim, and that game is really messed up at times (actually, you probably can't play it for 5 minutes without something going out of wack).
Well, the good thing about Skyrim is that when things DO mess up, you can just destroy the entire city and everyone within. Presto, no more issues with broken quests or missing items

Without the glitches in LBP, we wouldn't have several of the things creator's use to make things. Theck/thack, extra layers, different renders of objects, invisible materials, etc.

It's these little bugs that combine to make an accidentally great game. You can't have good bugs without the bad, but they're things I'm willing to endure since the rewards are actually fairly nice.
2012-01-28 16:45:00

Posts: 1136

Skyrim's not that bad.

Still, I've avoided updating to this version of LBP2 because I've read that some people are having problems with their existing sequencer songs. :/
2012-01-28 16:46:00

Posts: 1239

Skyrim's not that bad.

Still, I've avoided updating to this version of LBP2 because I've read that some people are having problems with their existing sequencer songs. :/

I haven't been having that many problems with the music sequencers. There was one small glitch where I copied an instrument with notes on it, then altered the copy, and it altered the original as well, but that was just once. I have had the game freeze though.
2012-01-28 18:02:00

Posts: 272

Sticker panel glitch? I haven't had any problems with the sticker panel but I suppose haven't used it recently so I probably wouldn't know.

I notice some people are quite critical towards MM because of this situation/update...

when people used the sticker panel the data kept getting corrupted. it was all over this forum for weeks. to my knowledge it hasn't been fixed yet. i could be wrong, i haven't been that active just lately
2012-01-28 19:56:00

Posts: 3910

when people used the sticker panel the data kept getting corrupted.

wrong. not sticker panel. it's Move-Paint made stickers. *mew
2012-01-28 20:48:00

Posts: 4261

I think I found an extra couple of bugs tonight that were not present before the patch but I'm not sure and I'm just curious if anyone else has encountered these issues;

1) I was playing online earlier with another online player, and a part of my level had some spawning issues. The Checkpoint was off screen, yet would still cause players to respawn. I don't recall ever having this issue occur in the level or anywhere else before. Although, this one could be a lag-based issue, so I'm not certain.

2) Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it possible to make a normally indestructable material, destructable with a material tweaker before this patch? I tried destroying some metal tonight, but it remained completely solid.
2012-01-28 21:43:00

Posts: 1017

2) Was it not possible, prior to the patch, to put a Material Tweaker on, let's say, metal, and untick the indestructable option, so you would then have destructable metal? I tried that tonight and my metal could not be blown up. It still works to make Cardboard invincible, but making an indestructable material destructable doesn't seem to be working.

No. it's always been like that. setting it to unchecked just puts it on normal mode, meaning metal still is normal metal. *mew

and i think the other thing you said is just lag.
2012-01-28 21:50:00

Posts: 4261

wrong. not sticker panel. it's Move-Paint made stickers. *mew

yeah, i got a bit confused.
2012-01-29 11:17:00

Posts: 3910

@stevenl & ccubbage and a few others >
No hard feelings but i just had to.

2012-01-30 18:49:00

Posts: 2136

@stevenl & ccubbage and a few others >

Ah.... I get where you're coming from.... I apologize - I should NEVER have even thought that there was another way of thinking. I can't believe what an idiot I've been.

Ok, hows this:


...even though if Apple breaks something it's totally allowable... even if it's something as simple as my iCloud playlist completely resorting into the wrong order when I add some songs... because Apple's perfect... and Siri is the best ever...


* hug *
2012-01-30 20:31:00

Posts: 4430

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