Backwards compatibility
Archive: 11 posts
(Sorry if this has already been posted.) But does anybody else think that MM should put out a patch or dlc that allows you to play the levels from the LBP1 story path in LBP2? ![]() I loved some of the original levels and would love to be able to play them without switching the disc.Just an idea. | 2012-01-17 20:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
How would you propose they do it? | 2012-01-17 20:39:00 Author: flyinhawaiian ![]() Posts: 357 |
I'm not sure. But MM are geniuses. They could figure it out easily I'm sure. It can't be too hard. But I'm no programmer. So I have no idea | 2012-01-18 02:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You could buy the digital copy of LBP 1 to eliminate disc switching. | 2012-01-18 13:50:00 Author: Rabid-Coot ![]() Posts: 6728 |
How would you propose they do it? How did they make it so you could play LBP1 levels? I'm sure all they'd need to do is do just that. | 2012-01-18 21:44:00 Author: Chdonga ![]() Posts: 388 |
This is already possible through a glitch, you know... Not sure if it's been patched already, but the latest person on my 'hearted creators' list (I forget his name) has every LBP1 story level in his hearted list. If you switch the filter to display only LBP1 levels and choose Dive In, the game will send you into a random LBP1 story level. (Protip: don't activate any tutorial TV's in the Gardens levels, or it'll freeze the game) | 2012-01-20 15:57:00 Author: Blue Helmet ![]() Posts: 306 |
I'm pretty sure it got patched, hence the new "Playable only in LBP1" tweak for your LBP1 levels. But i haven't tried with Dive in so i think i'm gonna test it right now ![]() | 2012-01-22 17:23:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You could buy the digital copy of LBP 1 to eliminate disc switching. .....really. | 2012-05-21 23:26:00 Author: Xtrahuman ![]() Posts: 431 |
You can play the LBP1 DLC levels in LBP2, so I don't see why they couldn't do it with the LBP1 main story levels. | 2012-05-23 12:45:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You can play the LBP1 DLC levels in LBP2, so I don't see why they couldn't do it with the LBP1 main story levels. The second they do that, all LBP1 sales will stop. | 2012-05-23 21:26:00 Author: Undarivik ![]() Posts: 442 |
The second they do that, all LBP1 sales will stop. Yes, they only need to enable it if you own LittleBIGPlanet™1. There may be some glitches or changes of LBP™2 that might break or change the LBP™1 Story levels juuust a bit, but the DLC was fine. The glitch to play hearted LBP™1 story levels in LBP™2 was patched. | 2012-05-30 20:49:00 Author: Cronos Dage ![]() Posts: 396 |
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