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LittleBigPlanet holds 6 million levels!

Archive: 4 posts

It's been one year since the launch of LittleBigPlanet 2, and the community is still very actively making new levels. Developer Media Molecule has announced that within a year's time, the community has created 2.5 million more levels, bumping up the total amount of user-created levels to a whopping six million.

"6 Million levels! A Year ago this week we launched LBP2, since then you guys have made 2.5m levels - you are amazing! <3" said the developer via Twitter.

You Guys/Girls really are amazing(?‿?)
2012-01-17 11:58:00

Posts: 734

Those numbers are staggering, even though i 'm sure 8/10 of those levels are probably lil empty "rubbish" levels. I would like to know how many levels can actually be saved on the server itself. In addition to that...how long are these levels saved for??? I'm sure there are a good amount of inactive "rented games" where the creator may actually not even exist anymore.............2012-01-17 15:10:00

Posts: 163

I would like to know how many levels can actually be saved on the server itself.

A LOT more than there are already. For a level I've maxed out the thermo on the file is is a little over 1MB, so even if you say all 6 million levels made used maxed out thermo (which they don't, and I know thermo usage isn't the only determinant of file size) that's only 6 terabytes of data. Not a lot at all in the grand scheme of things.

Those are impressive numbers any which way you swing it though.
2012-01-17 19:15:00

Posts: 365

I don't know how LBP1 felt in terms community activity, i kind off join in since LBP2 beta, but level count seems to increse a lot faster then in LBP1 times, this might be result of giving out LBP1 for free few times (keep in mimd this number includes both games).2012-01-17 20:05:00

Posts: 3991

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