A thread for all my creations! I want to believe
Archive: 10 posts
Hey all, I want to post and show off my level I want to believe. I actually published this sometime around August, but I haven't had much luck getting massive amounts of plays, or feedback for that matter. I really want to know what you all think of my level, anything to create better things. I also have a survival level called Alien Attack, and if you guys could tell me how fun that is, I would appreciate it. Don't be afraid to post levels for me to try out so I can leave you feedback as well! Here are some pics of my level, I want to believe: http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a346/cantfeelthisway/LittleBigPlanet/APhoto1.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a346/cantfeelthisway/LittleBigPlanet/APhoto3.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a346/cantfeelthisway/LittleBigPlanet/APhoto5.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a346/cantfeelthisway/LittleBigPlanet/APhoto17.jpg http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a346/cantfeelthisway/LittleBigPlanet/APhoto16.jpg After finishing the level, you will get a key, and that key unlocks my survival level. I really would appreciate any feedback, and plays. Thanks so much for taking a look! http://lbp.me/v/http://lbp | 2012-01-14 04:38:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I want to be(able to click a link)live (http://lbp.me/v/5dxd03) Also, I'll take a look ![]() | 2012-01-14 06:45:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I already believe. ![]() But I'll check out your level anyways. | 2012-01-14 10:41:00 Author: Timelord_X ![]() Posts: 55 |
I'll give a queue | 2012-01-14 22:27:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
I'll be sure to check it out. As I can't at the moment. | 2012-01-14 22:30:00 Author: shanzenos ![]() Posts: 58 |
So I played your level and it is VERY long. Your UFO lighting looks good and the stage premise is interesting. The initial elevator ride does set up something but there is a lot of flat expanse to cover. The first hazard area, jumping across the clouds has a few problems from a design standpoint. First off, always try to ensure the ground you want the player to jump from is smooth. The little bumps in your cloud does make them look more cloud like, but it makes them less fun to jump on. Also don't have the text bubbles appear mid jump, as it killed me on both occasions. I think that you need to play the level and forget you know what is about to happen. Because there are some unclear directions and nasty (unfair) surprises for the player. The first unclear direction is the UFO, after the clouds. I can go into it or walk over it. But which way first? There is nothing in either direction that suggests which way first. In fact what it does suggest due to the point bubbles is that heading down the stairs is the way to go, and you won't the coming back, so the player is likely to walk past this to check if there is a secret, only to find that the way you thought would have a secret, is the way to go, but now you are force to backtrack. As the level progresses you fall into this trap a few more times, huge expanses of flat area or long sections of a single motion. Like sliding down several zip lines, it all works but there is probably one more than there needs to be, unless you broke it up with some more cloud platforming. When you land on the mountain it is tricky to tell what to do, as both directions don't have flat ground for the player to walk on. If the player landed on flat ground with one side of it rising sharply it would be much clearer to head down. The section with the four switches is annoying, because up until that point you have not taught the player that green is good and red is bad, so the bombs are always going to kill you. Also the prompt is very subtle. Pulling the Ark along flat ground only to run into a door and then go back to a path that didn't exist earlier was a little confusing. What you were trying to accomplish makes sense, and the effort you have gone into to make scenery I would recommend bringing one of your mountains forward into the back two layers and build that same path into it. As you progress pushing the Ark you have no warning about the pit of death until it's too late. And this caused a huge problem for me. I was playing 2P and we both fell in, and lost two lives. This section is followed by swinging over gas where we died again... long story short, we had no lives left and the warning sound playing. The second player died again (as you actually spawn into the SAME layer as the pit of death (which is BAD). Anyway I got past the swinging part and then had to climb stairs with a paint ball gun and shoot aliens, through several waves. With no checkpoint. If I had died at this part I would probably not have continued. I recommend going back through you level and checking the distance between checkpoints, as well as how many sections of potential death are between them. The aliens were very easy to kill as I just arced my paint ball gun and spammed it off the screen. As I said it's a pretty long stage and I'm getting confused about the order now, but the room where you shoot down the platforms, you force the player to walk the entire screen and then walk back to get the gun, the blocks fall and if you miss a jump you can actually become stuck. The water section is just dragging the Ark again through a long section scattered with a few point bubbles and ends with a teleport death. Which seems out of place as it is so far into the game and it's the first time you use it. I wasn't sure if that was what should have happened. Try to count the seconds between one single action and another (a single action like dragging the ark, holding onto a elevator lever, walking in one direction or climbing stairs) If a single action takes more than three seconds then ask yourself the reason for this. If you don't had a good reason (like it's to build tension) then change it up. Play the level and forget you know what is about to happen and see if by looking at a single screen you can tell which way to go next. Remember that the only time you should kill a player is if there has been a previous example that teaches you that action could killing. Anyway, I think that the concepts and ideas in the level are there, but would benefit greatly from being cut down in size and all sections compressed more. Pack you danger sections closer together, spaced more checkpoints between them and built your hazards into your scenery. | 2012-01-14 23:14:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
^^This pretty much covers it. Especially the part where you push the ark into the pit. My ark fell on its side and I was dragging it, so when I fell into the pit, the only grabbable part was on that side and I couldn't grab the metal top to push it. Had to use my last spare life to drag it in, killing myself. ![]() But I did really like the plot, as it were. And the greys, nice job on them! | 2012-01-15 09:02:00 Author: Timelord_X ![]() Posts: 55 |
Thank you guys. I worked really hard on that level, and wanted to make something long, but i guess that did hurt my level in the end. I'm going to have to head back and change a few mechanics around, or add more directions, and add more checkpoints. I suspect that's why I haven't had many people complete it, and it has taught me a thing about level building for my second level. Thanks again! | 2012-01-17 13:20:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Nice to see another creator.. Creating! | 2012-01-17 18:24:00 Author: Macasadia ![]() Posts: 153 |
Nice to see another creator.. Creating! Thanks man, I gotta check your stuff out. | 2012-01-18 19:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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