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Stay Tuned for 2 Potential Hits!

Archive: 1 post

While I doubt these will actually get any recognition at all, I do have two nice-looking projects in the pipeline. First is the third in my series of totally unrelated zombie RPG levels, ZombieRuin 3. It is a simple enough concept, but I'm hoping it will be enough to increase my name recognition throughout the community. The player takes control of a sackbot (cleverly costumed as a young zombie slayer) in a town of survivors. They gear up with their firearm and powerups as they explore vast environments filled with flesh-eating, infected, hordes of undeads. Should be done in a few weeks, as well as MakeShift. MakeShift is a silhouette-based creation sandbox that allows players to build structures as well as creating different types of NPCs, all with their own abilities. Both should be done before long, so until then, why not check out my other levels? (But I warn you, they are all either poorly made or very buggy, as I haven't published much in a while.) Stay tunes, folks! I guarantee these levels will be a unique and fun experience.

[EDIT]: I have cancelled both projects, but I have something even better in the works!
2012-01-08 21:52:00

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