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All profiles deleted

Archive: 4 posts

So yesterday I got on lbp2 just to find a new profile with nothing in it. So I just loaded the back up and everything was fine. But today my brother and sister said their profiles were deleted too so I end up having to let them use my backup.

Does anyone know what could have caused this thanks =)
2012-01-06 05:53:00

Posts: 113

Hmmmmmm thats strange...? you should report that ...2012-01-06 08:49:00

Unknown User

i've heard of this twice now, so i am sure it has happened to many many people, maybe look up problems with LBP users and see if this is one and try and find the solution most used.2012-01-06 09:16:00

Posts: 390

Thanks guys it appears that I acidentaly turned it off while it was saving Im still confused about how it deleted everyone elses thou2012-01-07 21:42:00

Posts: 113

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