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The 3rd Annual LBPCentral Awards Show! **Winners and Nominations**

Archive: 40 posts


Note: I sincerely apologize for delaying this show... again. New Year's is a really big day, so it shouldn't be too surprising for me to be busy. Anywho, with that out of the way, let us commence with the show!

**Curtain rises.**

CyberSora: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the 2011 edition of the LBPC Awards Show! We have a wonderful night ahead of us, so sit back, grab a snack, and get ready to enjoy seeing other people enjoy being awarded for something you enjoyed voting for. Also, my writer is terrible at not repeating the same word three times. Hopefully that wont occur later on in the show.

Our first winner of the night is... Valeview (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?25004-Valeview), for the Newcomer Award. A round of applause for the new guy, people!

Our second winner is OmegaSlayer (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?1752-OmegaSlayer)for the Contributor Award! Congrats to you OS, may you keep contributing as always.

Our third award, the News Reporter Award, rightfully goes to StevenI (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?4511-StevenI) for his curiosity in the media today! Now if only people can stop spelling your name wrong....

**Audience murmur in confusion. StevenI laughs heartily.**

Ha ha, he gets it. Moving on to our next award, we have Alley_Cat_8633 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?21619-Alley_Cat_8633) for the PS3 Rookie Designer Award. Have fun with that talent of yours.

For the PSP Rookie Designer Award we have doggy97 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?20217-doggy97) to claim the prize.

The Creativity Award goes to jump_button (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?4230-jump_button). Congratulations on winning; it must be difficult being a button.

**jump_button chuckles in the audience.**

Anywho, on to the next award, the PS3 Creator Award. This award goes to... jump_button (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?4230-jump_button)? Again?

**Audience cheers as jump_button walks towards the stage to receive his second award.**

Dam**t, I already used up my button joke.

**Audience give an applause as jump_button returns to his seat.**

Okay, well on with the show. Our PSP Creator Award goes to... what?

**Crowd becomes confused again.**

Just a second folks. I'll be right back.

**CyberSora runs backstage. An unknown figure meets him.**

???: What are you doing? Get out there.

CS: I can't. We have a problem with the award.

???: Well what is it?

CS: Multiple people won, and I'm not sure if we're allowed to award multiple nominees.

???: Well you run the show, so you figure it out. Now get out there *pushes CyberSora onto the stage* and keep the show running!

**CyberSora reemerges onto the stage. Silence falls on the crowd.**

CS: Okay, well it seems that due to some technical difficulties, we have multiple winners for the award. They are: schark1994 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?11499-schark1994), himoks (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?8142-himoks), DizzyZebra (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?12984-DizzyZebra), Rainfire (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?365-RAINFIRE), CyberSora (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?5518-CyberSora), VelcroJonze (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?8887-VelcroJonze)! Give them a round of applau- wait, I won?!

**Nominees walk onto stage as audience cheers.**

Schark1996: Thank you so much every-

CS: *Pushes Schark1996 away from the podium.* Move it sharky! I would just like to say that I am honored to have won, and to all my haters, IN YOUR FACES! I not only got nominated in the Sackies Awards (suck it), but I also won an award here (suck it)! How does it feel now that my pro status just became official?

**The unknown figure emerges.**

???: Cyber....


**CyberSora is successfully yanked off stage. The crowd goes silent as well as the nominees on stage.**

???: Okay... odd. Do to our host having some "problems", I"ll take over from here. The name's BlueBulletBill (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?8280-BlueBulletBill), and I'll be your temporary host. Now then, if we can have the rest of the nominees take their seats, we can continue with the show.

Note: The real BlueBulletBill (AKA, B3) is currently inactive. However, I promised him a spot on the show, so this "false" B3 serves more as a cameo, if anything.

BlueBulletBill: Well we wasted enough time already, so let's run by these as quickly as we can. The Trendsetter Award goes to craigmond (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?19652-craigmond), Macnme (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?9524-Macnme), TheZimInvader (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?9317-TheZimInvader), Clank, VelcroJonze (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?8887-VelcroJonze), RockSauron (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?323-RockSauron). Congrats!

The Txt Msgr Award goes to ryder356 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?5202-ryder356). Job well done on abbreviating a lot.

The Go To Person Award goes to OmegaSlayer (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?1752-OmegaSlayer).

The Comedian Award goes to biorogue (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?3804-biorogue).

The Friendly Award goes to Sackgirlsrules (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?12117-Sackgirlsrule). Hooray and whatnot.


CS: *Wakes up groggy.* Number station... what?

???: I'm joking!

CS: CC, what are you doing here?

ConfusedCartman: My staff called me to report a certain user going ballistic during the show. I had to knock him out for him to calm down. Any idea who that could have been?

CS: *Blushes.* Well, that Schark guys does seem to be the troublesome-type.

CC: Cyber, I can't keep giving you breaks like this. Last year's property damage cost us a fortune. Don't go crazy again, okay?

CS: Okay.... Wait, who's running the show right now?

CC: Oh, that would be BlueBulletBill. Remember him?

CS: That SOB! *Gets up quickly.* He's going to ruin the show!

CC: Cyber, calm down-

**CyberSora ignores CC as he runs towards the stage.**

CC: *To himself.* Oh boy, this isn't going to end well....

The Thread Weaver goes to Lady_Luck_777 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?4680-Lady_Luck__777).

The Pet Lover Award goes to Sackgirlsrule (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?12117-Sackgirlsrule). Not much competition here, but alright.

The Missing In Action Award goes to-

CS: Shut your whore mouth, B3!

**Audience gasp at CyberSora's return. BlueBulletBill faces CyberSora in surprise.*

B3: Cyber, you're back-

CS: I know I'm back! What the hell do you think you're doing?

B3: I'm running the show in your absence.

CS: Who told you to do so?! *Grabs the awards list from BlueBulletBill.* Dam**t, I knew you'll mess this up. You're already at the MIA award and you haven't even said much about the winners! The show's all about dialog and you contributed nothing to it.

B3: You were taking too long to go through the list.

CS: Who cares?! There's always a brief summary for people in the end you know? *Puts his hand on his face as he thinks.* Okay, screw it. Our argument is taking way too much dialog anyways, so let's just pass out the previous awards quickly so we can move onto the next award.

**BlueBulletBill and CyberSora throw the awards to the winners in the audience. Majority of them catch theirs, but some of them get hit by their award.**

Sorry everybody, I'm not exactly a quarterback here. Maybe Tony Romo, sure, but-

???: G** joke is old. Come up with something new!

CS: Who said that?

**Spotlight shines on the room's window. A shadowy figure can be seen outside the window.**

Please dont tell me who I think it is....

B3: Well what do you know? The Missing In Action Award goes to Inanimacy (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?9249-Inanimacy).

**Audience cheers as the shadowy figure makes a gesture that looks like a bow.**

Audience Member #1: Wait, why is he outside?

CS: Because he's banned from LBPC, so I guess security didn't let him in here either.

Inanimacy: But I still got my Spotlight! :3

CS: *Sighs.* B3, just give him his award already.

**B3 throws the award across the room. It smashes through the window and a large thud can be heard.**

Inan: OUCH!

CS: *Smiles.* Ha ha! Okay, I feel better now. Onto the next award! The Most Active Award goes to OmegaSlayer (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?1752-OmegaSlayer)! Man, he's on a roll tonight!

The Spirit Award goes to Sackgirlsrule (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?12117-Sackgirlsrule). Looks like OS has some competition now, huh?

B3: The PS3 F4F Award goes to Muskwa_1 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?10162-Muskwa_1), Clank, Mr_Fusion (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?20689-Mr_Fusion), and JustinArt (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?8926-JustinArt).

The PSP F4F Award goes to nysudyrgh (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?16027-nysudyrgh), RAINFIRE (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?365-RAINFIRE), Random (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?10339-Random), and valmassoi (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?11252-valmassoi).

CS: The Admin/Mod Award goes to Aya042 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?8898-Aya042). Thank you for your service Aya!

The Quoted Award goes to everybody's favorite turtle, Toortle (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?6344-Testudini)!

*does a jig*
She's a crazy turtle lady!

I remember someone saying months ago that this turtle would become a meme. It's close to.

It's beyond a meme now. It's an art.

B3: We also would like to remind you that Toortle has changed his name (again). He now goes by Testudini.

CS: Anywho, we go on to one of my favorite awards, the Trash Talk Award! Macnme (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?9524-Macnme), would you please come and receive your award?

**Audience gives an applause as Macnme gets on stage.**

Macnme: Thanks guys. I really-

CS: No one cares Macnme. *Pushes Macnme off the stage.*

B3: Sorry, but we're running late.

CS: *Ignores the audience's shock over Macnme's fall.* Our Role Model Award goes to both OmegaSlayer (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?1752-OmegaSlayer)and Morgana25 (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?3201-Morgana25). Get up here you two.

**Both winners get onstage and receive there award. They turn to leave.**

CS: Not you OmegeSlayer. You stay.

B3: And so do you Morgana.

**Audience begins chatting in excitement. Both winners look anxious.**

CS: Now the winner of the LBPCentral Member of the Year Award is....

B3: One of these two members.

CS: B3, what are you doing?

B3: I'm creating suspense.

CS: What? Now?! But we're taking too long. We need to wrap this up-

Inan: Say the winner's name already!


Morgana25: Guys, you do realize you're pushing your luck here?

CS: Morgana, I don't even know why you're here. OmegaSlayer (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?1752-OmegaSlayer)won the award.


CS: Woops....

OmegaSlayer: Wait, I won?!

Audience Member #2: Way to kill the suspense!

CS: It's not my fault B3 created it!

B3: I just wanted to troll a mod for old time's sake.

**Morgana25 pulls out her wand. The audience gasps.**

Uh oh.

CS: Dam**t B3!

**BlueBulletBill runs off stage as Morgana25 chases him. Morgana25 shoots off a spell but misses, causing the stage curtains to catch on fire.**

Thank you everybody for attending the show. I really have to go now-

CC: *Emerges from backstage.* CYBERSORA!

OS: *Facepalms.* Every single year.... *Walks off stage, ignoring the inferno.*

CS: Crap! Fire exits are in the back of the room everybody! *Runs off stage.* Happy New Year!

**CyberSora runs towards the exits with the audience.**

**BlueBulletBill and Morgana25 continue to run around in the room.**

**Spotlight mysteriously shines on the window Inanimacy was at for no apparent reason.**

**Curtain burns closes.**
2012-01-02 05:29:00

Posts: 5551

Brief Summary of the Show:
Newcomer Award: Valeview
Contributor Award: OmegaSlayer
News Reporter Award: Stevenl
PS3 Rookie Designer Award: alley_cat_8633
PSP Rookie Designer Award: doggy97
Creativity Award: jump_button
PS3 Creator Award: jump_button
PSP Creator Award: schark1994, himoks, DizzyZebra, Rainfire, CyberSora, VelcroJonze
Trendsetter Award: Craigmond, Macnme, TheZimInvader, Clank, VelcroJonze, RockSauron
Txt Msgr Award: ryder356
Go To Person Award: OmegaSlayer
Comedian Award: Biorogue
Friendly Award: Sackgirsrule
Thread Weaver Award: LadyLuck_777
Pet Lover Award: Sackgirlsrule
Missing In Action Award: Inanimacy
Most Active: OmegaSlayer
Spirit Award: Sackgirlsrule
PS3 F4F Award: Muskwa_1, Clank, Mr Fusion, JustinArt
PSP F4F Award: nysudyrgh, Rainfire, Random, Valmassoi
Admin/Mod Award: Aya042
Quoted Award: Toortle
Trash Talk Award: Macnme
Role Model Award: OmegaSlayer, Morgana25
LBPCentral Member of the Year Award: OmegaSlayer

Every Vote Cast (AKA My Work):
Newcomer Award: Craigmond, Valeview (6), Rainfire, abyssalassassin, Dortr, schark1994, Smurfetta5683
Contributor Award: GribbleGrunger, OneEyedBanshee, gdn001, Sackgirlsrule, OmegaSlayer (2), comphermc, Aya042, Biorogue, Flash, shropshirelass, RickRock_777
News Reporter Award: Stevenl (8), Morgana25 (2), Boomy, Shadowriver, Rainfire, Domik12
PS3 Rookie Designer Award: BossVeg, spiffyspleen, craigmond, RikiRiki-ita, Flash, alley_cat_8633 (2), rainbowtipsfort
PSP Rookie Designer Award: nysudyrgh, doggy97 (3), Ghost, Unc92sax
Creativity Award: Rialrees, RPG_Maker, jump_button (2), fumetsusozo, >er, nysudyrgh, comphermc, Azure_Mist, Rainfire, Mnniska, Bremnem, Sackgirlsrule
PS3 Creator Award: jump_button (2), dajdaj03, warlord_evil, SteveBigGuns, Brixx101, Foofles, DonVhalt, Lfiers, Luos_83, Lockstitch, Shookie99
PSP Creator Award: schark1994, himoks, DizzyZebra, Rainfire, CyberSora, VelcroJonze
Trendsetter Award: Craigmond, Macnme, TheZimInvader, Clank, VelcroJonze, RockSauron
Txt Msgr Award: Butter-Kicker, ryder356 (2), schark1994, Clank, Capfint
Go To Person Award: Sackgirsrule (3), Aya042 (2), Dragonvarsity, OmegaSlayer (4), Flash, Darkcloudrepeat, RickRock_777
Comedian Award: Rabit-Coot (2), Ungreth (2), Inanimacy (2), CyberSora, Toortle (2), Biorogue (3), Alex, RockSauron, nysudyrgh
Friendly Award: Sackgirsrule (5), jwwphotos (2), Lady_Luck777 (2), Aya042, Marino, nysudyrgh, Morgana25, Kendan
Thread Weaver Award: LadyLuck_777 (4), Valeview, hesido, Flash, Rabid_Coot, Antikris, WoodburyRaider
Pet Lover Award: Sackgirlsrule (3), xkappax (2), Fenderjt, Rainfire
Missing In Action Award: Teebonesy (3), Fenderjt, Inanimacy (4), TheZimInvader, VelcroJonze,rixx101, Clank, Gilgamesh, NinjaMacWiz, amazingflyingpoo, Duckywolf
Most Active: OmegaSlayer (6), Biorogue (4), nysudyrgh, Sackgirlsrule
Spirit Award: jwwphotos (2), Sackgirlsrule (5), Biorogue, Morgana25, Ungreth, xkappax, Lady_Luck777
PS3 F4F Award: Muskwa_1, Clank, Mr Fusion, JustinArt
PSP F4F Award: nysudyrgh, Rainfire, Random, Valmassoi
Admin/Mod Award: Aya042 (6), warlord_evil (5), Morgana25, Code
Quoted Award: Ungreth (2), Toortle (3), RockSauron, nysudyrgh, Aya042
Trash Talk Award: Macnme (4), Toortle (2), Marino, CyberSora
Role Model Award: OmegaSlayer (2), TheZimInvader, Morgana25 (2), Lady_luck777, Aya042, Rainfire, Shropshirelass, Spark151, jwwphotos
LBPCentral Member of the Year Award: RickRock_777, Sackgirlsrule, OmegaSlayer (5), Rialrees (2), nysudyrgh, ConfusedCartman
2012-01-02 05:31:00

Posts: 5551

(i really need a bigger turtle head)

Thank you CyberSora for this trophy, and to all my loyal slaves fans. Without you, I'd be just as awesome as I am today, maybe even more so I would be nothing. Without my bribes your amazing support, I would be in Florida raising an army of pigs wouldn't be here holding this amazing virtual trophy. I'm not really good at speeches so I'll keep it short.

A tenth of a score and three years ago our fathers brought forth on this world, a new game, conceived in creativity, and dedicated to the thought that all men are creative and kind.

Now we are engaged in a great dying age, testing whether that game, or any game so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on the greatest fansite dedicated to this game. We have come to dedicate a portion of that site as a place for acknowledgments for those who here gave their time and love so that that site and game might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this site. The brave sack people, active and inactive, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The gaming world will little note, nor long remember what I say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the active, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who created here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored members we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these inactive shall not have left in vain -- that this site, under Media Molecule, shall have a new birth of creativity -- and that the video game of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the minds of gamers.

2012-01-02 06:31:00

Posts: 3262

Wait. I wons teh internet?

Wow. Thanks to whoever feels I give good feed back!
2012-01-02 06:32:00

Posts: 1799

Most of the people here is so awesome that it's a pity to behave bad
You all deserve a nice friendly forum, so...I'm not the winner, you, my friends are the winner, always so kind and gentle to be able to take out the best of me.
My friends in the whole Community have been so supportive, so gentle and lovely.
I love you guys!
And I feel to say this

During this fight, I've seen a lot of changing, in the way you feel about me, and in the way I feel about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other, but I guess that's better than twenty million. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!

Also, since I'm known to troll from time to time, between all the thanks I have a bit moment of sadness.
As far as I love and respect Valeview, maybe someone didn't check the join date.
I think rialrees (http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/member.php?17946-rialrees) has done so friggin' MUCH for this forum, maybe it seems like she had been here from forever, she has been always present and supportive but she has registered only in February.
I really hope that you guys didn't notice it she actually is a newcomer for the reason I mentioned.
A big hug Ria, and THANKS!!!
And so much respect!

And congrats to the other guys winning, let's continue to make a good job and hope we won't be in this list next year, that someone else will work hard to make this community better

Also, thanks to CyberSora and his Santa's little helper to take the time to do this.
Deadlines are a female dog, I really know well, so don't apologize for such a little delay

Omega out
2012-01-02 06:33:00

Posts: 5112

Aww how sweet, someone actually voted for me.
Is it just me or I am the only one seeing...
2012-01-02 06:35:00

Posts: 606

what does that award mean lol

thats cool i won

i am a happy ponyhttp://dash.ponychan.net/chan/files/src/132460756484.png
2012-01-02 06:52:00

Posts: 409

what!? An award for little ol' me? I feel like I should say something witty. Nothing is coming to mind. Oh well, thanks!

I have to 2nd what Omega said. Vale, I love ya bud, but I think 90% of the people have no clue what Rialrees has done for not only LBPC, but for the community as a whole. She has poured hours and hours into the LBPWiki, the Community Spotlights, helping others with their projects, answering questions etc, etc. and somehow finding the time to create masterful levels of her own while juggling a career and family. It does feel like she's been here forever even though it really hasn't been that long. She's taking a much deserved break right now and I hope to see her return. Ria, you're a class act, a good friend and I love ya.

Congrats to all the winners and a big Congratulations to Cyber for pulling this off. A big round of applause to you my friend.
2012-01-02 07:01:00

Posts: 8424

Nope. Nobody loves me to even jokingly put my name in... Oh well!

Congratulations to all the winners! Grr... If I had kept my habits up I could have had a chance at the Most Active award... Oh well!
2012-01-02 07:11:00

Posts: 1614

Nope. Nobody loves me to even jokingly put my name in... Oh well!

Congratulations to all the winners! Grr... If I had kept my habits up I could have had a chance at the Most Active award... Oh well!

LOL people checked Most Active Member and saw me, but that feature is bugged
Biorogue, SGR, RockS, Cybersora and many others are surely more active than me.
2012-01-02 07:16:00

Posts: 5112

LOL people checked Most Active Member and saw me, but that feature is bugged
Biorogue, SGR, RockS, Cybersora and many others are surely more active than me.

Maybe it that is averaged over the year instead of the month period that the Green Bar is? (At least I think it's the month... Maybe the average between month and week?) But yeah they appear to be more active than you. Oh wellz.

Congratulations on Member of the Year, Btw!
2012-01-02 07:36:00

Posts: 1614

LOL people checked Most Active Member and saw me, but that feature is bugged
Biorogue, SGR, RockS, Cybersora and many others are surely more active than me.

I haven't been on for like 2 months. ._.
2012-01-02 07:45:00

Posts: 5551

I haven't been on for like 2 months. ._.


I also can't believe you took the time to type that all out... ._.;
2012-01-02 07:52:00

Posts: 1614

And as I predicted, I was nowhere to be seen on that list.

Congrats Omega, and to everyone else who won an award. I hope to see y'all at the end of this year once more.
2012-01-02 08:25:00

Posts: 5757

Wait I won something? I seem to have missed the whole thing this time. 0_0 Oopsie.

Congrats to everyone! ^-^
2012-01-02 10:14:00

Posts: 1316

Oh Thank everyone I'am not sure I did that much this year to deserve it2012-01-02 10:41:00

Posts: 1014

Surprising to see how few people voted here. Can't help but feel the whole thing should have got a little more exposure, with a main page banner or something.

Anyways, congrats to all the winners!
2012-01-02 11:39:00

Posts: 2130

Incredibly fun to read, congrats to everyone to won! 2012-01-02 12:19:00

Posts: 1627

Oh, look at that, I won something ... Along with 500000 others.
Next time I'll go for one along with 400000 others.
2012-01-02 12:39:00

Posts: 5482

Surprising to see how few people voted here. Can't help but feel the whole thing should have got a little more exposure, with a main page banner or something.

Anyways, congrats to all the winners!

I think lots of people wouldn't have voted anyway because there are too many friends around, and it feels bad to pick someone between friends.
At least this has been my experience.
2012-01-02 13:04:00

Posts: 5112

I'd like to thank everyone for their votes to me. It has really lifted my spirits.
Although I think of others that deserved votes so much more than me that didn't get votes.

Also, Cyber, you did awesome doing this show. It was a funny read.
2012-01-02 13:13:00

Unknown User

Thanks guys.....But I really thought Craigmind, Littlebigdes or Ria would win it. They'd deserve it after all they've done.2012-01-02 13:35:00

Posts: 1581

LOL people checked Most Active Member and saw me, but that feature is bugged
Biorogue, SGR, RockS, Cybersora and many others are surely more active than me.

I haven't been active in, like, forever ;-; And haven't done much for the site in like forever. You run that Competition thing so you at least have something

Also, you do realize Alex was joking? XD Kinda weird people who haven't been on in eons actually managed to share an award. Oh well. :/
2012-01-02 13:41:00

Posts: 10882

Once again, great show Cyber, it's nice to see that you decided to host it again this year, and of course, congratulations to who won. The vote count did seem lacking compared to the one for 2010, but that's alright.2012-01-02 13:42:00

Posts: 5208

I did not vote because I really was not confident in my judging since I don't lurk as much as I used to around the forums, better sharp up my activity for next year 2012-01-02 14:08:00

Posts: 1627

YAY! I WON THE PSP CREATOR AWARD! Even my cat is happy
http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQg9Ia_0C8Y7hxjIQGLWhbrkaKhL_xbF k6d18AGLN4ZaJsJ5bxEKKmpfnSkXQ
Thanks everyone and congrats to all who won something nice
2012-01-02 15:05:00

Posts: 734

Thank you for the award and to everyone for the nominations.
I didn't know liking to chat and being curious would get an award.
Nice job Cyber.You deserve an award for taking this project on.
2012-01-02 15:28:00

Posts: 3458

Smooth Talker Award goes to CyberSora!
Huh... I seemed to make much trouble in the show...
Anywho thanks for the awards!
2012-01-02 16:46:00

Posts: 3378

Thanks for the award. It's a honor to win an award for the PS3 F4F threads. Same goes to those who won other awards.2012-01-02 18:50:00

Posts: 1314

Lol wut? I'm pretty surprised to have won the psp f4f award... But I'll take it!

Congrats to all the winners and thanks for hosting the award show again cyber!
2012-01-02 18:56:00

Posts: 1654

Oh jeez you guys...I honestly don't feel like I earned an award at all, considering how I've been gone. But hey, thanks for the award anyways, and congratulations to the winners!2012-01-02 20:11:00

Posts: 3149

Surprising to see how few people voted here. Can't help but feel the whole thing should have got a little more exposure, with a main page banner or something.

I think lots of people wouldn't have voted anyway because there are too many friends around, and it feels bad to pick someone between friends.
At least this has been my experience.

The vote count did seem lacking compared to the one for 2010, but that's alright.

TBH, I expected this to happen. Not many members from before are active now, and the whole "mods need to move this thread" ordeal last year got the show some attention.

Smooth Talker Award goes to CyberSora!

If by smooth talker you mean going-mad-with-power-onstage, then yes, I am a smooth talker.
2012-01-02 21:12:00

Posts: 5551

A big well done to the winners! You all deserve it!

(Wait thats me too)

*Pats back* Thanks, you guys are the best.
2012-01-03 00:42:00

Posts: 2426

**** you guys.

On the other hand, Rainfire won an award despite being gone for years, and me nominating him for no reason other than for my own amusement.

2012-01-03 02:23:00

Unknown User

lol Entertaining and wonderful work Cyber

Thanks for the votes everyone! *puts down wand*
2012-01-03 09:46:00

Posts: 5983

"For the PSP Rookie Designer Award we have doggy97 to claim the prize."
You guys call me a rookie? >:ı
2012-01-03 14:44:00

Posts: 964

...by rookie we mean you're newer to the site. It's an honor to win it...2012-01-03 17:52:00

Posts: 1654

...by rookie we mean you're newer to the site. It's an honor to win it...
Well I wouldn't say so. Doggy is over 9 months on LBPC here so he isn't that new...
...but congrats for winning this award Doggy!
2012-01-03 18:12:00

Posts: 3378

Shucks...I've never won anything before in my life!
I shall cherish this always!
*holds back the tears*
2012-01-14 14:54:00

Posts: 1970

Congratulations to all the winners and all the nominees.

I just noticed that I was nominated, I can't believe it! Thank you!

Cyber, that was really well written. I enjoyed reading through it!
2012-02-09 05:35:00

Posts: 299

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