El Guero's Disembodied Genius: Fill In The Blanks
Archive: 6 posts
http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz63/xiv_mofo/13.jpg It's been a while since I published a level but I finally came around and actually completed a level. I usually end up getting distracted creating different mechanisms/logic, but I finally came up with an idea and ran with it. I'm not sure whether a level like this has already been made, but it is unique as far as I know. The premise of the level is that the various platforms/obstacles in the level need to be emitted by the player. They are emitted through pressing either square, triangle, or circle when noted. The level gets tricky in that each button press is randomly generated and changes every time. The level is one player only as it would be too chaotic with more than one player. Though I may experiment in the future with the logic so more than one player can play. I am definitely proud of this level and I am sure others who enjoy pure platforming will have a lot of fun. The level has non-stop platforming/action. You will not be "touring" this world. The look is nothing special but serves its purpose. Please provide feedback if you notice any issues or have suggestions for improvement. http://i814.photobucket.com/albums/zz63/xiv_mofo/APhoto_21.jpg Thanks, and have fun! -ElGueroGigante http://lbp.me/v/8yzbzn | 2012-01-01 20:59:00 Author: ElGueroGigante ![]() Posts: 85 |
this sounds intriguing. I'll give it a go hopefully by tomorrow. | 2012-01-02 06:03:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
oooh - this one never got replies? Well, I played this about a week ago, and it's fantastic! My son was in the room watching me die about 50 times, saying it looked easy! Well, I finally handed the controller over to him to watch him die constantly until he had enough..... My feeling? This is a really unique play mechanic. The idea looks simple, but playing it is sort of like trying to rub your head and pat your tummy at the same time - it looks far easier than it actually is. But, adding this seemingly simple mechanic to a basic platforming level was genius! And even though it was fairly difficult, I was forced to press on and see what evil bit of sadistic platforming mayhem came next! Great job, and congrats on the spotlight! | 2012-01-09 20:28:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
This is such a great level, I've played a good few times (still nowhere near that Top 10 mind). I love that panic that sets in when you have to get three in a row right or doom! The text at the boss, well there's not much but what is there made me laugh. Cheers for this! | 2012-01-11 19:40:00 Author: julesyjules ![]() Posts: 1156 |
Well, I played this about a week ago, and it's fantastic! My son was in the room watching me die about 50 times, saying it looked easy! Well, I finally handed the controller over to him to watch him die constantly until he had enough..... That's awesome! Too bad they don't offer Parappa the Rapper on PSN. That would improve his button recognition skills. I'm glad a lot of people are able to stick the level out and enjoy it! There is only one part somewhat early on that I feel can be a little frustrating as most of the button presses give you some extra time while airborne to make a decision and hit the right button. The text at the boss, well there's not much but what is there made me laugh. Cheers for this! Thanks, always good to get a laugh! For the right reasons anyway... | 2012-01-13 04:09:00 Author: ElGueroGigante ![]() Posts: 85 |
Looks really fun. I will play your level in the night! | 2012-01-19 21:35:00 Author: Duckywolf ![]() Posts: 198 |
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