Archive: 14 posts
Hello all. My latest side project level. Not sure what you all will think of this. It's very abstract and probably not something the general LBP community will like. But hey, it's fun to do something different sometimes. Hope you guys get a chance to check it out. Thanks to anyone who takes a moment to watch. ![]() Can't really post pics, cause the effect of most pieces is in the motion. But to give an idea, imagine this in motion. About the only way I can explain. http://inlinethumb57.webshots.com/38072/2504847400104171976S425x425Q85.jpg (http://entertainment.webshots.com/photo/2504847400104171976YVxAXR) http://lbp.me/v/8vz7q5 | 2011-12-29 20:53:00 Author: CYMBOL ![]() Posts: 1230 |
got it queued | 2011-12-29 22:44:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Last thing, while this isn't listed as an F4F, I will do my best to leave feedback on a level for anyone that would like it. So, if you leave some feedback, just leave a LBP.me link to a level of yours you'd like me to try. Thanks. ![]() | 2011-12-29 23:57:00 Author: CYMBOL ![]() Posts: 1230 |
I just got through watching this and liked it very much. I loved all the effects except that pumpkin/jack-o-lantern one. There are some really, really cool effects in here. Nice job Cymbol. | 2011-12-30 00:53:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Pretty neat level. You've managed to create a lot of cool effects that one doesn't normally see in an lbp level (I really liked that eye in the opening title sequence). I thought that the music fit the level very well. My only complaint is that I felt like some of the effects dragged on a bit too long. | 2011-12-30 04:57:00 Author: zynax555 ![]() Posts: 170 |
You have really created some very cool effects in this level - impressive stuff. I loved the Medusa head and some of the later black and white patterns/effects. I agree with Bio about the Jack o'Lantern - it just seemed a little out of place and I also think Zynax555 is right that some of the sequences could do with being a bit shorter, particularly the opening one. I thoroughly enjoyed watching all the amazing patterns and effects, though, and it's always great to see someone trying to do something completely different in LBP. ![]() | 2011-12-30 10:22:00 Author: shropshirelass ![]() Posts: 1455 |
Thanks, appreciate the feedback. The Lanterns seem to be the weak spot for most folks, and I think cause there is no motion in the effect until the spinning lanterns. It was mainly put in there as a head scratcher as to how it was done. It was very tempting to put in a lot of effects from my Dream Catcher level I'm making, but refrained. I had some other effects as well, but felt they were a bit too strange, if you can believe that. As far as being slow, that was intentional. Even the opening title sequence. Instead of throwing a whole bunch images, I wanted to really dwell on the image. My intention was to have the viewer stop simply waiting for the next display, but to relax and really take it in and contemplating it for a bit. Perhaps give time for them to look at how it was done, and really take in the patterns or colors - and just relax into the experience. I really expected this level to crash and burn due to its abstract content and slow burn quality, but have been genuinely surprised to see not only positive comments, but seeing the community put it up on Cool Pages, completely surprising. It has plenty of booers, but honestly, I expected so much more. Thanks for the feedback. I may try to shorten things up just a bit, but probably not too much. And, if I ever make another level like this, mental note, no lanterns. ![]() | 2011-12-30 15:49:00 Author: CYMBOL ![]() Posts: 1230 |
What an amazing visualizing effects you put in this level. They each have variety of effects that will have players' jaws dropped when they see those crazy stuff such as the water vortex, spinning neon tails and spinning electricity. I do agree with Zynax555 and Shropshirelass that some effects, including the laser effects at the beginning of the level, felt a bit too long, but the length in the rest is all right. One of the musics by Vivaldi fitted well in this level, too. I'll like to see you do another of this kind of level. VISUALS: 5/5 SOUND: 5/5 OVERALL: A yay, heart and positive review | 2012-01-03 02:43:00 Author: JustinArt ![]() Posts: 1314 |
A feast for the eyes. The epilipsy warning is well-justified ![]() I agree about some of the animations going on for a bit too long - especially the first part. Very well made though, something a bit different which is always a nice bonus IMO. | 2012-01-03 10:04:00 Author: Ali_Star ![]() Posts: 4085 |
I popped this on last night..... absolutely stunning effects. My wife wants me to record it in motion so she can loop it at her dance parties! ![]() These are some of the coolest and mind-boggling effects I've seen in LBP2. Now..... if you could fit them into a game somehow.... | 2012-01-09 14:08:00 Author: CCubbage ![]() Posts: 4430 |
Looks like it's worth taking a look at! I'll queue it up for later tonight! | 2012-01-09 14:43:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I popped this on last night..... absolutely stunning effects. My wife wants me to record it in motion so she can loop it at her dance parties! ![]() These are some of the coolest and mind-boggling effects I've seen in LBP2. Now..... if you could fit them into a game somehow.... Haha, that is fantastic! (Your wife must have some strange dance parties!). But seriously, that made my night! Looks like it's worth taking a look at! I'll queue it up for later tonight! Well, hope you enjoy it. I think I saw that you have a level in the showcase as well, I'll queue it up. And thanks for everyone who stopped by and left feedback. I saw my showcase slip back a few pages, and just figured it was done. So I never checked back, haha. Thanks again all! | 2012-01-10 01:54:00 Author: CYMBOL ![]() Posts: 1230 |
Looks nice Cymbol, got it queued. | 2012-01-10 02:34:00 Author: Tyranny68 ![]() Posts: 390 |
Haha, I usually don't take the epilepsy warnings seriously, but wow. Those are some incredibly interesting visuals. No criticisms from me, nice work! | 2012-01-10 12:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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