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Weapons and shields

Archive: 8 posts

Ok guys so I've got a small delema. I've been working on a battle system for my levels for a while and have a demo up of it.


I'm planning to do a grenade system and a shield but I've hit a snag. Im running out of controls for everything. The series is going to be a SciFi type level so I want to do multiple types of grenades (explosive and EMP) but in order to do that I would need to use the d-pad for cycling the different grenade and weapon types.

Right now I have l1 to draw out the weapons and R1 to fire. I plan to use R2 to throw grenades and Id like to use L2 for the shield if I end up doing it. But needing to use multiple grenade types, ive no option to select the different kinds. So im putting up a poll of what you guys think I should do here.
2011-12-25 00:44:00

Posts: 139

so far it looks like Im going all out with grenades and shields. Since people will not be able to talk with each other via normal popit talk unless you have a keyboard or headset, I will also be making a sack bot quick text menu system to allow players to talk with each other and also have a quick snapshot camera also.

Ive got the grenade system done with both a frag and EMP grenade. Im currently working on the shield system but have yet to try it under fire so this may be the big issue. in the past my rounds would still make it through the shield and hit the player so Im hopping to have fixed this issue. Ill keep you guys posted.
2011-12-27 03:52:00

Posts: 139

ok, List of goodies now on the Sackbots:
Single shot, semi-automatic pistol
Assault Riffle with either 3 round burst or continuous fire
Shotgun fireing 9 pellet rounds
Frag Grenade
EMP Grenade

No, the sniper rifle dose not work as of yet. I a still working on that but at the moment I've other things to adress for the levels such as the enemy sackbots and their weapons and AI systems. Wish me luck!

and as of today:
Regenerative light shield

New HUD with easier to read life meter and grenade read outs. (he blinked with the flash)

These updates aer not yet uploaded with the site as i am still working on filling the second chamber with an urban fighting enviroment and enemy sackbots.
2011-12-28 06:40:00

Posts: 139

So if I read it right you don't have enough controls to select weapons with?
(looks great, by the way)
2011-12-28 10:05:00

Posts: 2452

I do, but it ment that people without keyboards or headset wouldnt be able to communicate and work as a team. Im going to be amking a quick text menu for players to be able to talk with each otehr and an emmited object to take photos with2011-12-28 21:47:00

Posts: 139

Hmm, it sounds like you will have to disable the menu chat. Although you could put a warning like, "[Warning - This level may need good communication with multiple players, if you don't have a headset or keyboard there is no menu chat.]"2011-12-29 12:15:00

Posts: 58

Thats why im going to make a quick text menu. So people can atleast call for help or have a "LOL" or take a picture.2011-12-29 15:44:00

Posts: 139

got new bad guy done. hes a big bad guy, but he also has the big gun

2011-12-31 04:20:00

Posts: 139

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