The Smosh Fan thread!
Archive: 2 posts
Smosh are Two guys named Ian and Anthony who formed a youtube channel back in 2005, they started off too a very poor reception. However they sky rocketed over one video very near too the top and today they have over 3 million Subscribers and are near 4 Million! They are Number 4# in the most subscribed viewers in the whole world. Some of there most popular videos Include Pokemon spoofs, What if was real and many brilliants songs. [WARNING: SMOSH VIDEOS MAY CONTAIN BAD LANGUAGE AND MILD BLURRED NUDITY] So I can't exactly post any of there videos but I will post a few pictures! Food Battle [B]Anthony http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrztwnNHyd1r1drwzo2_500.png Anthony Again http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/25500000/FOOD-BATTLE-2011-smosh-ian-hecox-and-anthony-padilla-25557792-339-383.png Ian http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTfTYpu3277EDDRBvPaskwYiyyxXnr99 osLrXY4R4k_OzkkupNgFLZEfKRGmA Random Smosh! http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4020/4588895503_a096cd1e6e.jpg http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/23300000/Ian-Hecox-smosh-23369232-900-537.jpg | 2011-12-22 13:08:00 Author: butter-kicker ![]() Posts: 1061 |
Hell yeah! they're awesome! They release videos every week on Friday. I'll try and get some videos. ![]() | 2011-12-22 13:39:00 Author: Valeview ![]() Posts: 1581 |
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