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CC15 - Inch Worm Race

Archive: 3 posts

If you like racing mechanical inch worms and whipping them to go faster, check out my CC15 entry where you can do just that

CC15 Inch Worm Race (http://lbp.me/v/8gg6tc)

Special thanks to Doctor_Colossus for all of his great ideas!


2011-12-18 19:28:00

Unknown User

if thats the size of a inch worm in little big planet.. then whats the actual size of are sack people? lol like microscopic?
im not being mean but whats the size of are sack people xD
2012-02-01 04:24:00

Unknown User

if thats the size of a inch worm in little big planet.. then whats the actual size of are sack people? lol like microscopic?
im not being mean but whats the size of are sack people xD

Sackpeople are 8 Centimetres tall.

Looks great!
2012-02-03 06:08:00

Posts: 1990

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