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The Trolling Toolkit V1.01

Archive: 15 posts

Hey there everyone! My friend and I started to get a little bored in LBP.. Running out of ideas and stuff like that. So, we decided to start annoying eachother by putting level ruining pieces of logic that are hard to find. It was REALLY fun, so we decided to make a Toolkit FULL of these hilarious objects/logic. Use them wisely though


This is the level we are giving it away in. It isn't an actual level, though. It just explains what it is and gives it to you. The toolkit is DLC free and easy to use. Intructions for the objects in the Toolkit are inside the microchips. I hope you all have fun


**The creators of the toolkit are not responsible for any damage caused by the contents of this toolkit. Contents may and probably will cause a whole level to be ruined, use wisely. Trololol! -- Sincerely, SonofaSack96 and BrosefJenkins**
2011-12-18 02:29:00

Posts: 406

This looks way better then my flying troll heads that don't let you jump forward.2012-01-09 15:14:00

Posts: 58

Despite this not being an "Actual" level, it should still be in the level showcase, you will get much more activity there, and more plays 2012-01-09 19:14:00

Posts: 390

Death to the trolls! Jks I love trolling sometimes2012-01-16 10:48:00

Posts: 160

I made a chip once. It would keep on changing the background color so it was pretty annoying. Its only purpose: TO ANNOY MY FRIEND! dont use it that much any more, gives me head aches. playin with the toolkkit right now! 2012-01-30 20:58:00

Posts: 54

Trololol. Brilliant. Unless, of course, this is all a trap that is set to spring when I open it, emitting thousands of troll faces all over my level and eventually causing my PS3 to crash...
Nah, I'll try it .
2012-01-31 20:53:00

Posts: 1195

Lol I promess you it does not attack you! It has a Jam that keeps the Pranks from detonating on you. All you need to do is copy and paste them onto something in the level.2012-02-22 23:09:00

Posts: 406

Woop! The toolkit showcase has reached over 1000 plays! Thank you, kind sirs. 2012-04-12 13:01:00

Posts: 87

I didn't actually play the level, but when I saw this it reminded of a thing a friend and I made. It was a teeny microchip on a huge piece of holo, then we shrunk the holo down until you couldn't see it, put a timer in the holo that after 30 seconds would start this revolting noise of a mix of mechanical noises, dog barks, and other horrid monstrosities. And it had a mover that would move it just off the left of the screen where the popit can't reach it to boot! It was pretty evil and I never let anyone get a hold of it because I was scared I would damage my ear drums beyond repair or something haha2012-04-12 23:23:00

Posts: 403

We have one like that, except it doesn't fly off to the side. It just becomes really small so you can't find it.2012-04-13 02:10:00

Posts: 406

i haven't played it yet, but what you should do is put it into one chip with all the chips on it. Just an idea. And if you did that, good for you.2012-04-13 02:39:00

Posts: 442

i haven't played it yet, but what you should do is put it into one chip with all the chips on it. Just an idea. And if you did that, good for you.
We did do that. All you have to do is copy the microchip and place it anywhere. It's awesome .. Also, we have all of the Object Pranks in one microchip, where you activate an emitter that spits out the object. It's awesome. It's a lot like the "Creators Toolkit".
2012-04-13 02:42:00

Posts: 406

Can this Puh LEASE be on lbp1 too?2012-04-18 06:51:00

Unknown User

Sowwy but its all microchips, therefore unable to make in Lbp 1. 2012-04-18 12:44:00

Posts: 87

Sowwy but its all microchips, therefore unable to make in Lbp 1.
I bet we could make a LBP1 Version .. Lol, we have too many projects at the moment. Sorry
2012-04-19 01:05:00

Posts: 406

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