Drop.io: Awesome, simple file upload
Archive: 2 posts
I know this sounds like advertisement, but I love this Firefox extension. I'll post a little about it here so you guys can get a sense of it's purpose: Online file sharing service Drop.io (http://drop.io/) already provides one of the easiest ways to share documents and media files. Now the company is making things even easier with a Firefox addon that lets you drag and drop files to your browser. Here's how it works. You install the somewhat cleverly titled Drag & Drop.io (http://static.drop.io/howto/dragdrop/index.html) extension and create a drop point by visiting Drop.io. Then you can just drag any files from your desktop to your web browser and watch while they're uploaded and in some cases converted for easy online access. Too busy to actually create a drop point manually? Just drag your files over the little red check box in your status bar. The plugin will automatically create a drop point and open it up for you. So you can be browsing your favorite web site (like, say Download Squad?) and uploading files at the same time, without bothering to visit the Drop.io web page first. The plugin is cross-platform and works with Firefox for Windows, OS X and Linux. It's an awesome little extension, and you get 100MBs free for every drop(like a storage space) you have. You can have multiple drops free of charge, so you don't have to worry about running out of room. | 2008-08-14 05:27:00 Author: ConfusedCartman ![]() Posts: 3729 |
Okay, I'm giving it a go, thanks ![]() | 2008-08-14 10:12:00 Author: Maltay ![]() Posts: 2073 |
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