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Archer slots debug test

Archive: 7 posts


Hi guys.
i have spent a long old time building a fully working pub slot machine with specile features and just need a hand full of people to test it. i have not finished the final feature but the main reals and specil feature work. just want to know if i have zapped all them bugs before i start the last part.
2011-12-14 21:57:00

Unknown User

wow! *shakes head* wow! that looks incredible2011-12-14 23:41:00

Posts: 8424

That does indeed look pretty amazing. I'll give it a go. Mainly for the logic and artwork. Playing a slot machine in real life is not really that interesting to me... is there anything that I should be looking out for?2011-12-15 11:05:00

Posts: 1799

I went in to it last night and the machine looks great as does the opening segment. Really impressive. Was there anything to do? Is my sackboy supposed to be there and jump on the buttons? I didn't see my character so I assumed it was just through the controllinator and I tried all buttons and didn't see anything happening, and then all of a sudden I was at the scoreboard. Looks fantastic though and I look forward to the final product.2011-12-15 12:51:00

Posts: 8424

yea there should have been stuff happening. X-spine reels R1 ends game triange only works once you are in nudge mode ( 5 nudges once Archer finish's his drink) but it dose take a few secs befor X works. the green button will flash when its ready

well take your time with it. you should probably know that a cocktail will give you 10 points and can be on any reel. and you will get a random risk cash bonus if you use all 5 nuges rather than pressing trangle to enter your nudge selection even if there is nothing on the reels. if you get any 2 pics of the archer team on the reels then it will start the special feature. and let me know if there is any bugs. thanks
2011-12-15 18:35:00

Unknown User

This looks really good. Did you do the art with Move Paint? I have never seen Archer and don't play slots so I think a lot of it was lost on me. The win table button triggers something that seems a little broken as it is not load out properly. I would love to see a stage that had this style. I played a few times but didn't get any special feature mode... what is it?

And I know it's a test but do you plan to give away the images based on win amounts?
2011-12-16 22:02:00

Posts: 1799

yea thats the idea. The special feature starts if you get 2 of the Archer crew on the reels at the same time. will not start if you didnt use all 5 nudges but will start if you do or you get 2 or more on a spin. I know the win table is no help as i have not put any info on it yet. The images are shots with the ps cam.2011-12-17 14:27:00

Unknown User

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