Obstacle Course(s) by CZAR-BOMBA - with montage vid!
Archive: 1 post
Some background So, a few months ago I made a friend under unlikely circumstances (more in this thread (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=64313-Do-you-rate-down-friends-level/page3)). Between just wanting a random project and of course believing he deserves a little more attention, I created a lil clip of one of his series - obstacle courses. As I understand it, the first one was in fact his very first level - which is impressive after seeing as many 'first levels' as I (and Im sure you all!) have. Quite basic in design, but remarkable evidence of someone who clearly could create and make good use of one of the games core elements and selling points - its physics engine. From there on out, he used to create these obstacle courses largely as just filler inbetween 'main projects'. But what started out ever so simplistically, quickly stepped up into some extremely clever obs. You will see what I mean if you do venture into one, down to placing a sliver of alternative material into sponge to get the precise weight ratio for the ob to work, the creativeness is genius! About the levels Currently, 4 levels in the series can be found on his planet (links below). The idea is simple enough - No gimmicks, nothing flashy, nothing trying to kill you! Basic materials, and its the physics engine vs. you! I had some input on #4, but ultimately it was just me saying "make this, this, and this easier!" I think Id be biased in saying #4 is my favourite, truthfully #3 is a little bit of a masterpiece. Anyway, clip to follow which covers a sample of obstacles from each of the 4 levels (Kept a couple of real gems out, didnt want to show everything!). Also worth mentioning that he self composed most of the music himself! (1 is a cover). If your only going to try one, probably go for #4, its the 2nd easiest and not overly long. Hopefully he gets a few more plays ^_^ Do leave him comments/feedback, hes a genuinely nice guy and takes everything on board. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wa-OSrOPYs0 Obs1 (http://lbp.me/v/1gx4b) Easiest, shortest, most simplistic Obs2 (http://lbp.me/v/p-2v-d) Extremely difficult Obs3 (http://lbp.me/v/r2y311) Moderate difficulty, a few obs towards end are HARD! (keys for #1&2 found in early part of this one) Obs4 (http://lbp.me/v/6511j4) Moderate difficulty, most balanced. | 2011-12-12 10:29:00 Author: Masseyf ![]() Posts: 226 |
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