A Boy and his Bot: First steps
Archive: 4 posts
Tell your pals! http://lbp.me/v/8e39wz | 2011-12-09 20:37:00 Author: mrhollywood12345 ![]() Posts: 89 |
cool, I'll queue it up | 2011-12-09 20:55:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
I tried it out. Got to about where I figure the end was, but when my Sackboy was standing on the button, I tried to press L1 like it said, but all it did was get me stuck in the machine behind me... when I switched back over from the bot, I died. So, I only had control over the bot, and was thus unable to finish the level. Other then that, I love the idea of controlling two characters at once. It's a really cool concept that could spawn some really great levels... unfortunately, I don't think this was one of them. The dialog felt forced and silly, and the level itself was really empty. Focus a little bit more on making the dialog flow and the level design intriguing, and I think A Boy and his Bot: Second Steps could be a real hit. Cheers- King Kay | 2011-12-10 15:53:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I tried it out. Got to about where I figure the end was, but when my Sackboy was standing on the button, I tried to press L1 like it said, but all it did was get me stuck in the machine behind me... when I switched back over from the bot, I died. So, I only had control over the bot, and was thus unable to finish the level. Other then that, I love the idea of controlling two characters at once. It's a really cool concept that could spawn some really great levels... unfortunately, I don't think this was one of them. The dialog felt forced and silly, and the level itself was really empty. Focus a little bit more on making the dialog flow and the level design intriguing, and I think A Boy and his Bot: Second Steps could be a real hit. Cheers- King Kay Kinig Kay, as for the whole end level thing, im not sure if you played this after i supposedly fixed that problem. I dont rly know how to fix it because i dont rly undterstand it honestly, theres no logical explanation for it happening. anyways, your review of the level was much needed. i agree with your points. You see, this didnt actually start as a control 2 ppl lvl, it originally was the story of a richer fellow traveling, being stranded in the desert, finding a poor town, helping it out, becomes a better person for the experience I suppose? (sounds liek "cars") im not rly sure, being as it obviously never happened. i was halfway through and totally out of scenery, so i switched gears. i was thinking of having "skull kid" rampage the town and the bot and his professor would come and help you save the little town (that would have been much better) but i kept it simple had had you just confront him. then i introduced the 2-ppl concept, then end of the level. So yeah, its pretty much a mess of a lvl with, like you said, not much flow. I may re-do it (and use the desert thing for something else?). who knows. | 2011-12-11 15:40:00 Author: mrhollywood12345 ![]() Posts: 89 |
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