THE SACK DANCER (37mins)/マイ・サックダンサー (now Mm picked)
Archive: 6 posts
THE SACK DANCER (37mins)/マイ・サックダンサー (http://lbp.me/v/8ev83x) http://if.lbp.me/img/bs/9ff0e66b6bdc179213a616595b3244e6d8030cab.png I should mention that I did have something to do with this but my input was limited enough to say that this recommendation is unbiased. Samurai-09 (http://lbp.me/u/SAMURAI-09) made some music for my upcoming stage a while back, and a few days ago he asked me to look over the English for his new movie and I agreed. I spent a few hours reading the magic mouths, and that was about it. It starts out fairly kooky in a Japanese way but has some amazing camera work and the story and acting quickly elevate this past just a silly sackbot jumping around 'movie'. As I watched it, the story amazed me, as did the story telling technique. It is a long movie at 37minutes but well worth the watch, and will reward observant viewers. I just hope I did the english justice and didn't leave in any spilling mistooks. (I wouldn't be surprised if I did though). | 2011-12-09 19:54:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
sweet! Thanks Fusion for the recommendation! | 2011-12-09 23:13:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Just thought I would bump this thread... I recommended this level the day it was published. As of right now, this thread has 63 views and 1 response and 4 thank-yous. Why am I bumping it? It was mentioned in the latest Mm Podcast, and was then Mm picked. I just find it disappointing that there are people who go to great lengths to complain about the 'state' of the game and how the terrible the community is, the junk spam on cool pages etc. People seem to focus on the negativity, all the while failing to actually play the game or listen to recommendations, if you want to help the community get better, then start here. Play levels that are recommended and remember it's meant to be fun. | 2012-01-15 03:08:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
If I get 30+ minutes to spare,I'll have to check this out. ![]() | 2012-01-15 15:35:00 Author: Psycojimi ![]() Posts: 25 |
I'll admit, it is on the long side. But it's a great story and more interesting than some tv shows I've been watching recently. | 2012-01-16 06:43:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I just find it disappointing that there are people who go to great lengths to complain about the 'state' of the game and how the terrible the community is, the junk spam on cool pages etc. People seem to focus on the negativity, all the while failing to actually play the game or listen to recommendations, if you want to help the community get better, then start here. Though I thoroughly agree with you on this one most of the time, on this occasion I'll use my hipster out-of-jail card: I saw this level before it became famous. ![]() I only just noticed this thread and I am pleased to learn that you helped him with the english translation (a good job). I had seen Sack Musician from him before and without realizing that I watched this and immediately recognized his style; the cameo at the end had me grin ear to ear. For those who are unable to boot LBP, Sasukeuchica capped this and put it on Youtube. Do play, though, in order to leave your opinion. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5rFJtwhFyM | 2012-01-19 18:31:00 Author: Antikris ![]() Posts: 1340 |
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