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Media Molecule Podcast 13 - Synchronised Sneezing

Archive: 6 posts

With 75% of the gang infected with lurgy, the podcast room is filled with germs this week, and the mood seems somewhat glum - don’t worry though, we’re still here to ramble on about the latest LBP happenings and somehow steer those conversations into madness, and with Christmas just around the corner we’ll be filled with cheer in no time… just don’t get too close though,  you might catch something! 

<img src="http://www.mediamolecule.com/images/uploads/podcastphoto1.jpg" alt="Oooooh!" width="644" height="481" />
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2011-12-09 17:30:00

Posts: 421

Get well soon. 2011-12-09 17:49:00

Posts: 3458

this was a good episode and I'm glad to see these coming along quite regularly. It's funny to hear them talk about Steve_big_guns level, going "I don't know how he made that." definitely worth a listen to.2011-12-09 17:49:00

Posts: 8424

i hope they mention the sticker panel glitch, i'm getting just a tad annoyed that nothing is being said2011-12-09 18:42:00

Posts: 3910

no mention of it. just banter and mention the muppet dlc costumes, didn't mention a level kit. Talked about several contest on several forums.2011-12-09 18:57:00

Posts: 8424

no mention of it. just banter and mention the muppet dlc costumes, didn't mention a level kit. Talked about several contest on several forums.

i love MM but am i the only one that thinks they should at least formally acknowledge the problem and tell us they are working on a fix?
2011-12-10 08:33:00

Posts: 3910

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