[DLC] Muppets Costume Pack 1 Released Today (Dec 6th)
Archive: 15 posts
Today sees the release of the first Muppets Costume Pack containing Kermit, Fozzie Bear, Beaker and Dr. Bunsen Honeydew: http://www.littlebigplanet.com/en/game_guide/ps3/downloadable_content/the_muppets_costume_pack_1/ http://www.littlebigplanet.com/images/assets/shared/dlc/headers/muppets_1_658912.jpg Contents Kermit Feet, Kermit Head, Kermit Neck, Kermit Skin, Fozzie Bear Eyes, Fozzie Bear Hands, Fozzie Bear Hat & Ears, Fozzie Bear Nose, Fozzie Bear Tie, Fozzie Bear Skin, Fozzie Bear Furry Suit, Beaker Shoes, Beaker Head, Beaker Skin, Beaker Coat, Dr. Bunsen Shoes, Dr. Bunsen Glasses, Dr. Bunsen Ears and Nose, Dr. Bunsen Skin, Dr. Bunsen Coat, Pricing and Availability Release date: 12/07/2011 Release dates may vary, depending on your territory. Price: ?4.79 / ?5.99 / US $5.99 / AUS $ 9.95 / NZD $11.50 Product compatability: LittleBigPlanet?2 Included: Costumes, Each costume is available seperately and be sure to keep your eye out over the coming weeks for the release of two more Muppets Costume Packs and a brand new Muppets Level Kit! ![]() | 2011-12-06 18:00:00 Author: StevenI ![]() ![]() Posts: 420 |
NOOOOOO Dr bunsens eyes arent seperate!!! | 2011-12-06 21:15:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
sweet! I'll get all those except the Kermit one. Tire of the "head through the mouth" costumes | 2011-12-06 21:44:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Not sure if i'll get this one, I might wait for the second or third one because i'm hoping they're going to make a Floyd Pepper Dlc with a guitar ![]() | 2011-12-06 22:35:00 Author: GranolaCrunch ![]() Posts: 105 |
Not sure if i'll get this one, I might wait for the second or third one because i'm hoping they're going to make a Floyd Pepper Dlc with a guitar ![]() They will ![]() | 2011-12-06 22:58:00 Author: fodawim ![]() Posts: 363 |
Uggg....Face Palm. The most iconic muppet of them all and they ruin it. There are certain things in life that you just do not mess around with. You don't tug on Superman's cape, You don't spit into the wind, You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger And you don't mess around with Jim (Henson's Muppets). If this were not Little Big Planet this would be sackrilege in the highest degree of every thing that is holy. Just my two cents longer then I'm done with this rant. I've over looked the previous Face N Mouth costumes before only because I really didnt care enough about the out fits. Haven grown up watching the orignal muppets this one cuts a bit deeper. I can only begin to wonder how the future generations will remember Kermit the Frog. Surely not nearly as how I had remembered him during "the day". http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-CqMfhQ9p4Kw/Tsx4Q6Q22WI/AAAAAAAAAN4/pmYg1yTAiO8/s1600/393728_10150472689835661_635865660_10851588_188121 9925_n.jpg | 2011-12-07 00:34:00 Author: Butaneflame ![]() Posts: 64 |
sweet! I'll get all those except the Kermit one. Tire of the "head through the mouth" costumes You might as well buy the whole pack unless you want to save two cents. | 2011-12-07 02:06:00 Author: RJA00000 ![]() Posts: 387 |
Okay how do Dr. Bunsen Honeydew's eyes work? The costume itself has no ideas, but when you remove the glasses, the eyes come back. When you put on the glasses yourself, you still have eyes. WHAT Other than that, it's a nice costume pack. When i put on the glasses it removes the eyes just fine. | 2011-12-07 16:34:00 Author: Lord-Dreamerz ![]() Posts: 4261 |
You might as well buy the whole pack unless you want to save two cents. Yeah I just saw that last night. Guess I'll go ahead and get the whole dang pack, it's like getting 1 costume for free. I don't know though. I may not. I mean $6 is a bit pricey. I wish they'd do a bundle where all the muppet packs together, say 12 costumes for 15 bucks. Or if you buy the level kit, have all the costumes in the level kit. Gimme my wallet back MM or tarsier or Disney or whoever the blank has it. Wait, it was in my pocket the whole time, because I have the choice to take it out or not. :/ I've realized that I'm a DLC costume...um...hmmm, lady of ill repute. I get all these costumes and I never use them. I have one or two that I use all the time and just never use the other stuff. I need to quit wasting my moola. | 2011-12-07 17:24:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Seeing Fozzies face rating a level with a yay is priceless. Wacka wacka wacka! | 2011-12-07 20:15:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I think the Kermit costume is awesome. I can understand why people aren't crazy about the open face headpieces, but I think there are good reasons to have them - Kermit's head would just look too big stretched over sackboy's head. Are we thinking the Gonzo costume will be the one bundled with the levels a la the Toy Story alien? | 2011-12-07 22:23:00 Author: SalieriAAX ![]() Posts: 421 |
Are we thinking the Gonzo costume will be the one bundled with the levels a la the Toy Story alien? I believe that the Gonzo Costume is due to be a part of The Muppets Costume Pack 2. ![]() | 2011-12-07 22:54:00 Author: StevenI ![]() ![]() Posts: 420 |
Okay how do Dr. Bunsen Honeydew's eyes work? The costume itself has no ideas, but when you remove the glasses, the eyes come back. When you put on the glasses yourself, you still have eyes. WHAT Other than that, it's a nice costume pack. I think the "springy eyes glasses" from LBP1 do the same thing, only that you can remove the eyes manually, but if you remove those glasses, the eyes come back. | 2011-12-07 23:27:00 Author: warlord_evil ![]() Posts: 4193 |
@Stevenl That's good to hear. I'm still waiting for my alien costume. | 2011-12-07 23:48:00 Author: Mr_Fusion ![]() Posts: 1799 |
I mean $6 is a bit pricey. I wish they'd do a bundle where all the muppet packs together, say 12 costumes for 15 bucks. You could wait and see if they'll do a special discount later on. I got all the Marvel costumes (and more) at half price this summer. A lot of costumes become worth the money at half price, IMHO. | 2011-12-08 14:31:00 Author: Rogar ![]() Posts: 2284 |
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