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Detailed Car: 66' Ford Mustang Fastback

Archive: 6 posts

Hey guys Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I have a new youtube, and stuff so things are looking up...
anyways I have recently completed my V4 (version 4) tech including a new sound shifting system along with new gear response, and overall reaction to riding on surfaces
Forgive this pic, I locked my friend Noobslayer in the trunk.. lol so you can see him a lil'
Anyways If you review this, I'll review something of yours with my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PSNcomeroiroc?feature=mhee
Example of a my recording quality (sorry the begining shaky, I had to adjust it but the middle-end is good)
2011-12-06 03:47:00

Posts: 157

now we're talking! A muscle car. Awesome work. Question though, what in the world does all the logic do?2011-12-06 04:00:00

Posts: 8424

now we're talking! A muscle car. Awesome work. Question though, what in the world does all the logic do?

well well well.. perfect Question... my tech includes 4 gears drive, reverse, neutral, and park, obviously park only keeps the car in location, neutral allows the wheels to act on the vehicle and allow motion, the reverse allows 3 sound sections including braking, engine, and gears. However the (new) tech allows the drive gear to now have 9 layers of sound inducing 6 separate driving sequences to depend on speed, and braking with separate gear noises incorporated.. etc...
also the car includes opening trunk, roof (to enter) and hood for engine tweaks... lol next it has a weather detector and their are 2 way wind shield wipers so that if needed they can be used. next the car features a custom stereo system including static while the station is selected. the car allows a sink feature, and has two seats, that only are visible with two players, along with working head and tail lights. finally it has a complex system of and, and or gates to put a recreation of gravity on such a light object, and there you have it!
2011-12-06 20:55:00

Posts: 157

wow! you really go all out man. outstanding work2011-12-06 21:49:00

Posts: 8424

Outstanding car as ever, comero. You must have put a lot of hours into that logic. I can just about have working lights, a radio and the ability to go forwards/backwards and side-to-side! My logic truly pales in comparison.2011-12-07 01:49:00

Unknown User

lol logic2011-12-07 02:03:00

Unknown User

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