I know nothing about Stage Creator.
Archive: 8 posts
And basically I need major help. I know some stuff, but then again, I don't know some stuff that majorly effects the entire stage. For example, 1. How do you make objects grabbable? Is it only certain materials that can be grabbed? Can someone explain this to me? 2. How do you make things "dangle" on a string in mid-air? I don't see a "string" option anywhere, so..? 3. There seem to be a lot of materials that are nothing more than color changes. What's the difference between the pure Black stuff and the Dark Blue stuff? Is it just the color, or are there different properties. | 2008-12-27 03:52:00 Author: Johnny Pteran ![]() Posts: 55 |
1. How do you make objects grabbable? Is it only certain materials that can be grabbed? Can someone explain this to me? Certain materials are grabbable such as sponge, polystyrene, dissolve, and both floaty materials. 2. How do you make things "dangle" on a string in mid-air? I don't see a "string" option anywhere, so..? When you enter create mode, do you see the "?" in your Pop-It? Press that and do a couple of creation tutorials. They will teach you all need to know to create, along with how to use strings, which will become available in your Tools Bag. 3. There seem to be a lot of materials that are nothing more than color changes. What's the difference between the pure Black stuff and the Dark Blue stuff? Is it just the color, or are there different properties. The Black Material is Rubber, which has high traction and is excellent for making wheels. The Dark Blue Material is Dark Matter, which is anti-gravity, meaning it can float in mid-air. In other words, yes, each material has distinct properties. | 2008-12-27 03:59:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I did all the tutorials already, and none of them explained how to do the string effect. | 2008-12-27 04:00:00 Author: Johnny Pteran ![]() Posts: 55 |
Ok, go to your Tools Bag, which is on the bottom left of the Creation Pop-it. Keep pressing R1 until you see all the connectors, like pistons, rods, elastic, ect and their tutorials. ![]() | 2008-12-27 04:06:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Well, someone needs to pay more attention to the tutorials. String is one of the most basic connectors. Sponge is the most used grabbable material. Pay attention to the names, the pure black stuff is rubber, the blue stuff is Dark Matter. | 2008-12-27 11:28:00 Author: neonrage0 ![]() Posts: 284 |
Alright, I didn't know that you could use the R1 Button to move screens on the Tools Bar menu... I guess I really should've tried that. :/ But, I don't recall there being a String tutorial. I suppose it doesn't matter now... I'll just learn on my own I suppose. | 2008-12-27 12:49:00 Author: Johnny Pteran ![]() Posts: 55 |
u can check your tutorials on the pause menu and go to voice over and videos options and check there | 2008-12-28 04:23:00 Author: Haruka-Ash ![]() Posts: 18 |
you need to listen to the tutorials and pass the tests to unlock more tutorial ( if i remember correctly ) dont think you will create your first level in the first few hours... its about 10 hours of tinkering before yo can actually make something that resemble a level. Grab yourself a coffee and thinker away ! ![]() also when you stop your cursor on a fuction it as a small text bubble that explains it a bit on the side. When you go in materials it tells you " Grabbable material " or " Floats away if not teatered " or " heavy material " etc. it gets comprehensible pretty fast youll be amazed , hold on ! | 2008-12-29 16:20:00 Author: Dakurv ![]() Posts: 28 |
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