The Skyward Tower II: Tomorrow Comes Today
Archive: 1 post
http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/6017/skywardtowerii.png This is the follow-up to my first level, and part two of The Skyward Tower series. Once again, thanks to kinhalchemist (http://lbp.me/u/kinhalchemist) for all the help and support (and for the nice promotional image!)! ![]() I had a great time creating this level (well, most of it was great), and I hope that you enjoy it as well! http://lbp.me/v/7pwb6g The Skyward Tower series tells the story of the mysterious B.I.R.D. Initiative. Upon the leadership of their founder, the man known only as B.I.R.D.C.E.O., the B.I.R.D. Initiative is building a Tower to reach the far limits of the sky. Upon doing that, they seek to control an unimaginable source of power, known to man simply as "skypower". Little do they know that the skypower has a deep connection with the fabric of time itself. Guess who's going to discover that, first-hand? | 2011-12-05 01:54:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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