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Realm Of the discarded.

Archive: 2 posts

This Is more A Prject, rather than an Idea ^^
It's Basically a Level Set In the Junkyard.
Creating A Bunch of charachters (The Discarded) Out Of bits And bobs...So Far I'm enjoying creating it.
No Set Date Yet...for All I know it cou;d be a month or two till it comes out...,.. I'm still Working On Other Projects though
That's all So far, Thoughts? (It Is A Platformer, Gameplay set around wht would happen in a junkyard...Those kind of Obstacles.)
2011-11-30 15:16:00

Posts: 1581

Sounds interesting... If you can make good gameplay and detail around the level, ill be sure to play it. Post some pics too!2011-11-30 17:28:00

Posts: 153

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