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Help our Minecraft server get some class!

Archive: 32 posts

This thread was created to keep from cluttering up the minecraft thread any more than we already do with our server specific rantings. and sackboys and sackgirls, you cant get much more server specific than this particular discussion

it just as the title says. we want clear, concise rules so people won't whine, and the penalty they carry.

penalties and stuff are as follow this pattern: jail(time increases) temp ban(time increases) (perma-ban)
and can include: mute, loss of stats, loss of status(loss of modship and/or reduced to new user status, removing build rights)

Ok. so now we need to make some classes out of the hero skill lists. i need suggestions. Here are the skills:

Alchmey: Allows the crafting of potions.
Antidote: Cures your target of poison.
AssassinsBlade: Buff that poisons your sword, causing it to inflict a damage over time poison on the target.
Backstab: Passive buff that causes you to deal more damage to a target when you strike them from behind.
Bandage: Heals the target, as well as stops bleed effects.
Bleed: Inflicts a damage over time bleed effect.
Blink: Line of sight teleport up to 6 blocks.
Bolt: Summons a blot of lighning down on the target.
Charge: Charges you towards the target.
Confuse: Confuses the target, causing a drifting of aim cursor.
Curse: Curses the target, which causes the target to have a chance to miss hitting their target.
Disenchant: Disenchants your currently held item.
Dispel: Removes any magical effects from the target.
Enchant (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/heroes/pages/enchant/): Allows you to enchant items.
Escape Artist: Removes any efects affecting your movement.
Excavate: Buff that boosts digging speed, and allows instant breaking of dirt blocks.
Fire Arrow: Causes the next arrow you shoot to light the target it hits on fre.
Fireball: Shoots a fireballs that ignites the target.
Fishing: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops for fishing.
Gills: Allows you to breath underwater for a short time.
Group Heal: Heals nearby members of your party.
Harmtouch: Deals damage to a target in melee range.
Herbalism: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops when dealing with plants, watermelons, wheat, leaves, etc...
IceArrow: Causes the next arrow you shoot to deal ice damage and slow the target that it hits.
Icebolt: Shoots a bolt of ice at the target, and extinguishes them if they are on fire.
Invuln: Makes you temporarily immune to all damage.
Jump: Causes you to jump several blocks in the air.
Layhands: Fully heals the target.
Mark: Marks a point on the world for use with recall.
Might: Boosts your parties damage with all weapons.
Mining: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops while mining.
One: Provides a short term movement speed boost.
PickPocket: Gives you a chance to steal an item from the target's inventory.
Piggify: Forces the target to ride a pig for a short time.
Poison: Inflicts a poison damage over time effect on the target.
PoisonArrow: Causes the next arrow you shoot to poison the target it hits.
Port: Teleports you and your party to a set location, locations must be set in the skills.yml file.
Pray: Heals the target for a set amount.
Recall: Teleports you to the point set by mark.
Repair: Allows you to repair items in your inventory for part of their cost.
Root: Immobilizes the target for several seconds.
Safefall: Allows a short period where fall damage is negated.
Shield: Causes a shield item to absorb a portion of incoming damage, shield items are doors and trapdoors, must be in hand to absorb damage.
Slow: Causes the target to move slower for a time.
Smite: Strikes the player with damage from range.
Smoke: Causes you to disappear completely from view for a time, dealing/taking damage ends the effect.
Sneak: Allows for sneaking at full movement speed.
SuperJump: Launches you into the air, and gives you short term safefall.
Superheat: Superheats a pickaxe, causing it to smelt blocks it breaks for a time.
Taunt: Taunts enemies around you, causing them to target you over other players.
Telekinesis: Allows long range use of buttons and levers.
Web: Catches your target in web blocks.
Wisdom: Boosts your party’s mana regeneration rate for a time.
Wolf: Allow you to tame wolves.
Woodcutting: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops while cutting trees.
2011-11-28 20:19:00

Posts: 879

Seems very resonable. Maybe Greifing would automatically take away any build rights immediately?
Also, Im not sure how someone did this, but I dowloaded an adventure map, and It came with a map holding text instructions of the map's rules on it. Maybe providing every user with one could decrease udesireable activities?
2011-11-28 20:25:00

Posts: 1990

Please dont ban swearing2011-11-29 15:03:00

Posts: 3701

I think anyone not from LBPC (Unless they are supervised by someone from LBPC) Should be kicked or banned from the server.2011-11-29 15:28:00

Posts: 1840

The current rules I've set up are as follows (with modifications):

1 - Listen to Mods
Listen to the mods and admin when we're telling you important things, or trying to sort out arguments. For example, if we tell you not to go kill someone as an act of revenge, you do that. Of course there are limits. We couldn't just tell you to hand over all your valuables or we'll ban you, etc. That probably would be an abuse of power- in which case, tell Memo.

2 - Do not Grief
It's a simple rule. Don't break other people's stuff, or break / place on their claimed land*. You cannot place water and lava outside them, so that they flow INTO the other players' area. You cannot place something and push it on with a piston. You cannot burn down someone's creation. You cannot flood someone's creation. You cannot cover their creation with vines, or otherwise alter their creation in ANY way possible. I'm sure we have some innovative and resourceful players out there who can find a way to mess with another players' property without directly placing / breaking. But this covers them too. If you caused it to happen, you are responsible.

3 - Do not Harass
The LBPC server is a PvP server. But that isn't to say you can kill someone over and over and over again, without their say-so. Do not stalk them around. Do not discriminate against gender / age / race / nationality / sexuality or ANYTHING along those lines. If you're in someone's home and they ask you to leave, then leave. If you're attacking their pets (which is kind of a grief rule breaker) and they ask you to stop, you stop.
Do not kill another player without their permission, due to XP loss. (and the fact it can get annoying.) That said, they may not deny you permission to attack, and then kill you themselves. That's just down right mean.

4 - Do not steal.
If you kill somebody, you are responsible for returning their items to them. Whether it's because they're too far away, and you have to put them in a chest, or if you pick them up and have to give them back like that. Either way, you must return their stuff.
No raiding chests and taking items. We should have a chest locking plugin with bukkit by then, but if we don't, or someone unlocks their chest (and doesn't otherwise state with a sign) don't take things. If it is a public store, only take your fair share.

5 - Be Appropriate
This is the LBPC server, so try to keep things PG13. That is, as Memo puts it, no building giant wangs. Don't make anything really inappropriate, or discriminating. If someone asks you to stop talking about something they feel is inappropriate (within reason: this doesn't mean they can stop you saying anything JUST by saying it's inappropriate), please stop talking about it. We've had players get into trouble because of what their parents read over their shoulders, and we don't want that.

6 - Do Not Hax!
No flymod, speed mods, no exploiting secret commands to give you a big advantage over someone else etc. It's unfair on other players.
Harmless mods such as Rei's / Zan's minimap, the zombie dismemberment mod, the mine little pony mod etc. are all fine. But ask us first.

P.s. Yes, I know flymod isn't technically a hack, but saying "DO NOT HAX" is more fun than saying "Don't use malicious or advantageous mods, hacks, plugins or otherwise."

*Claiming land.
This has caused a lot of problems. But I think if a player wants to go far out and claim a portion of plain old land, then they should be allowed to do so. Claiming NPC villages should require some discussion, and claiming strongholds should be a no-go. They should NOT be allowed to claim ridiculous amounts of land, but reasonable amounts. A mod or admin can tell you if it's ridiculously huge or not, or can be opened for discussion with the other players.

As for who can claim some land, I personally think it should be the person who finds it first and turns it into a settlement. It could be something as simple as placing a sign saying "<name> owns this area of land." In which case, use your common sense and don't build right near it. If you DO build near it, and there's an argument as to the boundaries, get a mod involved and explain why they are too close, what you are wanting to do with the land etc.

The reason we have the "Listen to mods" rule, is because most of these rules rely on you using your common sense, and not bending the rules to your own will. This causes arguments, and is unfair, so we urge you to listen to us and stop being a such a French shower.

Breaking Rule 1: A muting and / or jail for a time depending on the severity of the rule break.
Breaking Rule 2: Depending on the severity, you'll have to repair anything mods can't. I.e. reimburse them with items you damaged. You will also go to jail. And, if it was a massive scale grief, a ban for a few days.
Breaking Rule 3: Mute and jail.
Breaking Rule 4: Give them their items / money back + jail
Breaking Rule 5: Mute and maybe jail.
Breaking Rule 6: Jail and / or kick, possible ban until you uninstall the mod / hack.
2011-11-29 16:23:00

Posts: 2105

The problem with killing people is that if you die, you lose all your exp. Which is obviously really annoying if you're saving up for an enchantment and someone comes along and kills you. And the problem with saying that both players must agree to fighting is that, unless a mod happens to be there at the time, there's no way of telling if both players did agree or not. I think the best solution would be to have PvP turned off everywhere except in the arenas with a warning that you are entering a PvP area.2011-11-29 17:48:00

Posts: 5592

yes, i have read it, and i'm gonna look into it when the new bukkit comes around.2011-11-29 19:00:00

Posts: 879

It would be cool to have some kind of Exiled Town or Thieves Guild where some of us could be villains of sorts. We would have to establish rules for that as well, but i think there would be a way to make it work and it could add to the fun of the game. Of course, we wouldn't want these villains to be allowed to ignore the main rules of the server, but maybe they can do things like steal crops, or swap out a town's turret defense system with snowballs.

And then, if a villain encounters a player in the world and intends to rob him, they have to enter a PvP battle in the arena. If the villain wins, they obtain an item off of the player. If the player wins, then the villain spends some time in jail, maybe 10 minutes, since it is more for the game, not as a real punishment for disrupting the server.

Depending on if we turn PvP off in the main world, we could set a rule where if a villain enters a town, he can be killed on sight.

I don't know. I was just trying to think of other fun things we can do in this server. I wouldn't want something like this to make the game less enjoyable, so if we can't think of a fun way to do this, then nevermind. I just thought it would be cool to do this, maybe have some kind of morality system. I have a bunch of ideas for this, but I don't want to waste time writing it all out if this is a horrible idea lol.
2011-11-29 20:05:00

Posts: 1090

It would be cool to have some kind of Exiled Town or Thieves Guild where some of us could be villains of sorts. We would have to establish rules for that as well, but i think there would be a way to make it work and it could add to the fun of the game. Of course, we wouldn't want these villains to be allowed to ignore the main rules of the server, but maybe they can do things like steal crops, or swap out a town's turret defense system with snowballs.

And then, if a villain encounters a player in the world and intends to rob him, they have to enter a PvP battle in the arena. If the villain wins, they obtain an item off of the player. If the player wins, then the villain spends some time in jail, maybe 10 minutes, since it is more for the game, not as a real punishment for disrupting the server.

Depending on if we turn PvP off in the main world, we could set a rule where if a villain enters a town, he can be killed on sight.

I don't know. I was just trying to think of other fun things we can do in this server. I wouldn't want something like this to make the game less enjoyable, so if we can't think of a fun way to do this, then nevermind. I just thought it would be cool to do this, maybe have some kind of morality system. I have a bunch of ideas for this, but I don't want to waste time writing it all out if this is a horrible idea lol.

Seems like a pretty good idea, but a pretty hard to implement idea. But, on my knowledge of scripting, this could be as easy as pie.

Maybe, if we run out of plots of land close to the Main city, we can create Villages and Homes for sale. Each house could cost more or less depending on size, and would be located near the city or other major attractions on the server. Apartments work well like this as well. BUT, these structures may take a good team to build, or not, seeing on how you guys know more than I would.

Great rules guys! Loving the way this is organised!
2011-11-29 20:23:00

Posts: 1990

The problem with killing people is that if you die, you lose all your exp. Which is obviously really annoying if you're saving up for an enchantment and someone comes along and kills you. And the problem with saying that both players must agree to fighting is that, unless a mod happens to be there at the time, there's no way of telling if both players did agree or not. I think the best solution would be to have PvP turned off everywhere except in the arenas with a warning that you are entering a PvP area.

I agree with this more than just having the entire world be a PvP server and everysingle server I've ever been on was implemented like this.

Memo, you should DEFINITELY consider the War mod. I had it on the old server and I can say for myself, it was tons of fun and you can set up PvP days and the such. Almost everyone here played on the server I used to host so they can voice their opinion on the mod as well. I've heard it can be a big hit to the server in terms of data and stuff so we could try it out for a week, see how the server is holding up? My server wasn't dedicated (used to both host and play with the same computer) so I can safely assume it would work much better on this dedicated server.

Just my two cents. I think it could spice up the server.

Linky. (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-fun-war-v1-6-de-gaulle-final-minecraft-tdm-ctf-1337.250/)
2011-11-29 20:57:00

Whalio Cappuccino
Posts: 5250

I agree with this more than just having the entire world be a PvP server and everysingle server I've ever been on was implemented like this.

Memo, you should DEFINITELY consider the War mod. I had it on the old server and I can say for myself, it was tons of fun and you can set up PvP days and the such. Almost everyone here played on the server I used to host so they can voice their opinion on the mod as well. I've heard it can be a big hit to the server in terms of data and stuff so we could try it out for a week, see how the server is holding up? My server wasn't dedicated (used to both host and play with the same computer) so I can safely assume it would work much better on this dedicated server.

Just my two cents. I think it could spice up the server.

Linky. (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-fun-war-v1-6-de-gaulle-final-minecraft-tdm-ctf-1337.250/)

Whaaaaale is correct, this should be on the server.
2011-11-29 21:02:00

Posts: 1090

I could use worldguard to set up the world as no pvp but have regions set up as pvp. as far as the war mod i don't see why we couldn't give it a tentative try.2011-11-29 23:09:00

Posts: 879

Maybe, if we run out of plots of land close to the Main city, we can create Villages and Homes for sale. Each house could cost more or less depending on size, and would be located near the city or other major attractions on the server. Apartments work well like this as well. BUT, these structures may take a good team to build, or not, seeing on how you guys know more than I would.

I'm not sure if this what you meant, but I definitely think there should be some sort of hotel/apartment type system for new players. You get a room free of charge for a few days while you get started up and build your house. If it was near spawn and easy for new players to find, they could even choose their own room if no one else is online. If we're still going to be using the Citizens plugin, it could have someone at the reception telling you to find an available room. I saw a similar system on another server and it definitely helped to have somewhere to stay while I waited for a mod to come and give me a permanent plot of land.

Anyway.. this is for rules, isn't it? Abandon all rules! Grief ALL the things!
2011-11-29 23:42:00

Posts: 5592

Well, as for the world protection, I say anywhere that ISNT Owned plots of land, Inside/ around the outskirts of the city, and the city itself is fair game for PVP. Maybe even organised wars and CTF matches? (More or so like conquest or king of the hill with swords) I think this would be entertaining 2011-11-30 00:03:00

Posts: 1990

*Claiming land.
This has caused a lot of problems. But I think if a player wants to go far out and claim a portion of plain old land, then they should be allowed to do so. Claiming NPC villages should require some discussion, and claiming strongholds should be a no-go. They should NOT be allowed to claim ridiculous amounts of land, but reasonable amounts. A mod or admin can tell you if it's ridiculously huge or not, or can be opened for discussion with the other players.

As for who can claim some land, I personally think it should be the person who finds it first and turns it into a settlement. It could be something as simple as placing a sign saying "<name> owns this area of land." In which case, use your common sense and don't build right near it. If you DO build near it, and there's an argument as to the boundaries, get a mod involved and explain why they are too close, what you are wanting to do with the land etc.

Now if you'd be so kind as to voice your opinion on these rules...!

Just because somebody first turns land into a settlement does not mean they own land around their building except where they built. Unless of course, they place a sign. People should also be able to claim villages without discussion because they are unlimited, if one is claimed, tough luck, find another. As for strongholds, they should be public but the person that discovers it chooses what happens to it (i.e. the player can choose whether it will be a mossy cobble mine, no mining, repairing, etc.).

I agree with this more than just having the entire world be a PvP server and everysingle server I've ever been on was implemented like this.

Memo, you should DEFINITELY consider the War mod. I had it on the old server and I can say for myself, it was tons of fun and you can set up PvP days and the such. Almost everyone here played on the server I used to host so they can voice their opinion on the mod as well. I've heard it can be a big hit to the server in terms of data and stuff so we could try it out for a week, see how the server is holding up? My server wasn't dedicated (used to both host and play with the same computer) so I can safely assume it would work much better on this dedicated server.

Just my two cents. I think it could spice up the server.

Linky. (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-fun-war-v1-6-de-gaulle-final-minecraft-tdm-ctf-1337.250/)

If we use that war mod I think we should use a town mod, like Towny Advanced (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fun-info-chat-tp-towny-advanced-v0-77-1-0-land-control-and-town-management-1337.25101/), regardless thought I still think we should use a town mod because it will help with border disputes. We could try pairing it with residence. However, if we were really interested in the war aspect along with land protection I think Factions (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fun-factions-1-6-1-guilds-war-and-user-controlled-antigrief-1337.19063/) would be a good plugin.

On the topic of plugins I think we should try a different RPG mod. mcMMO feels very boring and repetitive after a bit of playing. SRPG (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/srpg/) really caught my eye today and it has some very attractive features that I never see mcMMO acquiring.

If BuildCraft ever gets updated I think that would make for an amazing server, paired with a better economy (in my opinion BOSEconomy is superior to iConomy) it would be a wonderful playing experience.
2011-11-30 03:58:00

Posts: 1076

Just because somebody first turns land into a settlement does not mean they own land around their building except where they built. Unless of course, they place a sign. People should also be able to claim villages without discussion because they are unlimited, if one is claimed, tough luck, find another. As for strongholds, they should be public but the person that discovers it chooses what happens to it (i.e. the player can choose whether it will be a mossy cobble mine, no mining, repairing, etc.).

That's what I just said? You're arguing like it's happening again. I'm setting a rule so it DOESN'T happen again. And I wasn't just aiming it at the Tundra issue, it's many issues like towns and homes. If we don't set reasonable parameters as to what is someone's property, people can go nuts. Remember when you cleared hundreds of trees off the land for a home, and Doopz started building there? He moved it when you asked. But what if he wasn't that nice? He would be able to carry on building and ruin your work, without being punished.

If we use that war mod I think we should use a town mod, like Towny Advanced (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fun-info-chat-tp-towny-advanced-v0-77-1-0-land-control-and-town-management-1337.25101/), regardless thought I still think we should use a town mod because it will help with border disputes. We could try pairing it with residence. However, if we were really interested in the war aspect along with land protection I think Factions (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fun-factions-1-6-1-guilds-war-and-user-controlled-antigrief-1337.19063/) would be a good plugin.

On the topic of plugins I think we should try a different RPG mod. mcMMO feels very boring and repetitive after a bit of playing. SRPG (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/srpg/) really caught my eye today and it has some very attractive features that I never see mcMMO acquiring.

If BuildCraft ever gets updated I think that would make for an amazing server, paired with a better economy (in my opinion BOSEconomy is superior to iConomy) it would be a wonderful playing experience.

I really do love these ideas. It would make the server LOADS of fun. However, we'll have to wait and see if the server can be upgraded at all, I think, because the current one is a bit naff.

Towny is a plugin for a Bukkit modded Minecraft server. The plugin itself is a manager for a Resident-Town-Nation hierarchy, as well as a block permission manager for a grid-like protection system. Each town has a mayor, while a nation has a king. They both have their own assistants to help run their respective people. Players can also purchase land from the town, as well as an optional daily tax set by the mayor. The player can allow his friends from out of town to build on his land when even his very own town's people can't build if he so wishes.

The bases of protection follows under how the world is separated into chunks. For those unaware, minecraft servers are broken up into 16x16x128 sections of blocks. The 128 being the height from the adimantium floor to the clouds in the sky. The protection ignores the height an focuses on the x and z planes. The default size for grid squares is 16x16, similar to the chunk size (configurable when you start using towny). So claiming a townblock (a grid square) allows that section of land to follow your town's or the plot owner's permissions.

Each town can claim up to a certain amount of townblocks, a set ratio or amount configured in the setting that is relative to the amount of players taking residence in that town. Residents themselves have no limit on how many they claim, however the daily tax (when using alongside iConomy) will take a bite out of their resources. The money is tunneled to the town's bank account that only the mayor can withdraw from, except if the town belongs to a nation. Any town belonging to a nation may be required to pay the nation a daily upkeep as well.

The gods of the land (admins) have the ability to start and end wartime mode. During war, most commands are frozen in order to focus on the event. Whilst at war, block permissions are ignored and any town that is in a nation is completely unprotected to the other nations residents. Also, each cell, or townblock, is given a certain amount of health. When a non-allied player enters the townblock, the townblock's health decreases. The town's residents have to force the player's out while still attacking others. When the health reaches zero, the town loses claim over that townblock. The focus is to defeat the each town's home block where the town's people spawn from.

Sounds very interesting! I like it! But would we have enough players for a war? We normally only have about 6 players online at once.

P.s. I call being your king.
2011-11-30 11:21:00

Posts: 2105

The towny mod sounds fun! Once the server is properly sorted with the new rules and everything I'll try to be on more. 2011-11-30 13:36:00

Posts: 1518

Well, I think the rules are sound (Good job Dayne!), and the whole town and/or war mod sounds like something to try out. Now, just so everyone knows, and to some people's disappoint (Even myself), I will want to live alone in the next world. I truly hope this server will be awesome!2011-11-30 23:08:00

Posts: 95

Well, I think the rules are sound (Good job Dayne!), and the whole town and/or war mod sounds like something to try out. Now, just so everyone knows, and to some people's disappoint (Even myself), I will want to live alone in the next world. I truly hope this server will be awesome!

How close can I build my hut? I want to be relatively alone too, but I also want to be within walking distance of your house
2011-12-01 19:37:00

Posts: 2105

Well, I would say just not within 100 blocks, and as long as you don't bring a mob of fans <3 with you, I'm ok!2011-12-02 01:25:00

Posts: 95

Well, I would say just not within 100 blocks, and as long as you don't bring a mob of fans <3 with you, I'm ok!

Or a fan of mobs.... ssssssssssss...
2011-12-02 19:49:00

Posts: 2105

I'm sure you would......especially once/if Memo turns up the mobs spawns. Speak of which, please only do once most people have gotten settled into the world.

I also dislike not being able to get on minecraft
2011-12-02 23:32:00

Posts: 95

are mod up for discussion?

if so i vote for:
redpower 2 ( this one mostly )
industrial craft 2

i also like the idea for some sort of villains on the server if done right it will be good
2011-12-06 13:23:00

Posts: 255

Are you planning on keeping the ability to go fight the Enderdragon in the server? And how about this (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/753030-100-thebombzens-mods/#entry9807893) mod (WorldAndGenerationTweaks) so that there's some extra chizz?

WorldAndGenerationTweaks v0.2 for Minecraft 1.0.0

A large number of tweaks related to the World and the terrain generation are including in this mod. This mod includes:

-Twice the height limit (256 instead of 128)
-Taller and more avatar-like mountains
-Deeper ground (128 instead of 64)
-Flat bedrock
-More red mushrooms (just as common as brown)
-More natural sugar cane
-More pumpkins
-Melons spawn naturally like pumpkins
-Smaller underground dirt patches
-Smaller underground gravel patches
-Ores are the same distance from the surface, not the same ratio or the same from bedrock (e.g. Diamond still occurs 48 blocks down from the surface)
-WAAAY more mushroom islands in the ocean.
-Twice as many strongholds (6 per map instead of 3)
-Four times as many NPC villages.
2011-12-07 00:59:00

Posts: 1614

Are you planning on keeping the ability to go fight the Enderdragon in the server? And how about this (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/753030-100-thebombzens-mods/#entry9807893) mod (WorldAndGenerationTweaks) so that there's some extra chizz?
Oh God yes please. One of the things I've been looking forward in MC is gathering a hunting crew and everyone goes HUZAAH to fight the enderdragon!
The world generation mod looks cool.
2011-12-07 11:36:00

Posts: 5891

Are you planning on keeping the ability to go fight the Enderdragon in the server? And how about this (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/753030-100-thebombzens-mods/#entry9807893) mod (WorldAndGenerationTweaks) so that there's some extra chizz? I think if we get this, two things will happen:
1. My mind will be blown
2. My body will be blown up by a creeper
2011-12-09 21:33:00

Posts: 95

I think if we get this, two things will happen:
1. My mind will be blown
2. My body will be blown up by a creeper

Was this towards the Enderdragon part or the mod part? Because that's the same for me. But for both ideas.
2011-12-10 03:19:00

Posts: 1614

Was this towards the Enderdragon part or the mod part? Because that's the same for me. But for both ideas. Both, but definitely more for the mod part. If we got together and had maybe a party of ten people fighting the Enderdragon with bows....... 2011-12-11 22:19:00

Posts: 95

Awright so new question looming over our collective avatars:

Since jobs have gone away, should we just kibosh the economy as a whole?

I personally don't think so cause that'd limit us to 1 on 1 trading, and we'd have to be online to do that, as opposed to the chestshops we have now.

but i digress.

2011-12-15 00:57:00

Posts: 879

Well... here are some alternatives to both economy, jobs, and skills in one, nice RPG package.

sRPG (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/srpg/) is the best of them IMO and works even though it is outdated.
Heros (http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/heroes/) is more level and skilled based and does not include jobs.
MineQuest (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/rpg-the-minequest-v0-61-rpg-system-with-customizable-quests-classes-and-npcs-1000.8576/) may be too outdated.

Towny (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/sec-fun-info-chat-tp-towny-advanced-v0-77-1-0-land-control-and-town-management-1337.25101/) is a must have no matter what.

I also highly suggest that we look into getting Dynmap (http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/misc-dynmap-v0-26-realtime-minecraft-maps-1337-1575.489/).

Just some suggestions (all very fun ones).
2011-12-15 01:19:00

Posts: 1076

Meh... Just get rid of the economy... Since we're really only allowing people we can trust, we can set up our own bartering chest shop.

It would have to be done by trust, though.

But I don't know... We can figure something out.
2011-12-15 06:06:00

Posts: 1614

Oh-kay....so lets start by splitting the skills up into 5 separate areas: Supporting healbots, Lemmings, Sneaky !@#$'s, Hand wavy wimps, and MEATshields. just so we can more easily pick stuff out to go with a class. one skill may well be in all three types lists if it would go well with that basic thing.

Alchmey: Allows the crafting of potions.
Antidote: Cures your target of poison.
Bandage: Heals the target, as well as stops bleed effects.
Dispel: Removes any magical effects from the target.
Enchant: Allows you to enchant items.
Gills: Allows you to breath underwater for a short time.
Group Heal: Heals nearby members of your party.
Invuln: Makes you temporarily immune to all damage.
Layhands: Fully heals the target.
Mark: Marks a point on the world for use with recall.
Might: Boosts your parties damage with all weapons.
One: Provides a short term movement speed boost.
Port: Teleports you and your party to a set location, locations must be set in the skills.yml file.
Pray: Heals the target for a set amount.
Recall: Teleports you to the point set by mark.
Repair: Allows you to repair items in your inventory for part of their cost.
Shield: Causes a shield item to absorb a portion of incoming damage, shield items are doors and trapdoors, must be in hand to absorb damage.
Slow: Causes the target to move slower for a time.
Wisdom: Boosts your party?s mana regeneration rate for a time.

Alchmey: Allows the crafting of potions.
Enchant: Allows you to enchant items.
Excavate: Buff that boosts digging speed, and allows instant breaking of dirt blocks.
Fishing: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops for fishing.
Herbalism: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops when dealing with plants, watermelons, wheat, leaves, etc...
Mark: Marks a point on the world for use with recall.
Mining: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops while mining.
One: Provides a short term movement speed boost.
Port: Teleports you and your party to a set location, locations must be set in the skills.yml file.
Recall: Teleports you to the point set by mark.
Repair: Allows you to repair items in your inventory for part of their cost.
Superheat: Superheats a pickaxe, causing it to smelt blocks it breaks for a time.
Wolf: Allow you to tame wolves.
Woodcutting: Passive buff that grants a chance of double drops while cutting trees.

Alchmey: Allows the crafting of potions.
AssassinsBlade: Buff that poisons your sword, causing it to inflict a damage over time poison on the target.
Backstab: Passive buff that causes you to deal more damage to a target when you strike them from behind.
Bleed: Inflicts a damage over time bleed effect.
Blink: Line of sight teleport up to 6 blocks.
Confuse: Confuses the target, causing a drifting of aim cursor.
Escape Artist: Removes any efects affecting your movement.
Fire Arrow: Causes the next arrow you shoot to light the target it hits on fre.
Gills: Allows you to breath underwater for a short time.
IceArrow: Causes the next arrow you shoot to deal ice damage and slow the target that it hits.
Jump: Causes you to jump several blocks in the air.
Mark: Marks a point on the world for use with recall.
One: Provides a short term movement speed boost.
PickPocket: Gives you a chance to steal an item from the target's inventory.
Poison: Inflicts a poison damage over time effect on the target.
PoisonArrow: Causes the next arrow you shoot to poison the target it hits.
Port: Teleports you and your party to a set location, locations must be set in the skills.yml file.
Recall: Teleports you to the point set by mark.
Safefall: Allows a short period where fall damage is negated.
Slow: Causes the target to move slower for a time.
Smoke: Causes you to disappear completely from view for a time, dealing/taking damage ends the effect.
Sneak: Allows for sneaking at full movement speed.
SuperJump: Launches you into the air, and gives you short term safefall.
Taunt: Taunts enemies around you, causing them to target you over other players.
Web: Catches your target in web blocks.
Wolf: Allow you to tame wolves.

Alchmey: Allows the crafting of potions.
Blink: Line of sight teleport up to 6 blocks.
Bolt: Summons a blot of lighning down on the target.
Confuse: Confuses the target, causing a drifting of aim cursor.
Curse: Curses the target, which causes the target to have a chance to miss hitting their target.
Disenchant: Disenchants your currently held item.
Dispel: Removes any magical effects from the target.
Enchant: Allows you to enchant items.
Fireball: Shoots a fireballs that ignites the target.
Gills: Allows you to breath underwater for a short time.
Harmtouch: Deals damage to a target in melee range.
Icebolt: Shoots a bolt of ice at the target, and extinguishes them if they are on fire.
Invuln: Makes you temporarily immune to all damage.
Mark: Marks a point on the world for use with recall.
One: Provides a short term movement speed boost.
Piggify: Forces the target to ride a pig for a short time.
Poison: Inflicts a poison damage over time effect on the target.
Port: Teleports you and your party to a set location, locations must be set in the skills.yml file.
Recall: Teleports you to the point set by mark.
Root: Immobilizes the target for several seconds.
Safefall: Allows a short period where fall damage is negated.
Slow: Causes the target to move slower for a time.
Smite: Strikes the player with damage from range.
SuperJump: Launches you into the air, and gives you short term safefall.
Telekinesis: Allows long range use of buttons and levers.
Web: Catches your target in web blocks.
Wisdom: Boosts your party?s mana regeneration rate for a time.

Bleed: Inflicts a damage over time bleed effect.
Charge: Charges you towards the target.
Invuln: Makes you temporarily immune to all damage.
Jump: Causes you to jump several blocks in the air.
Mark: Marks a point on the world for use with recall.
Might: Boosts your parties damage with all weapons.
One: Provides a short term movement speed boost.
Shield: Causes a shield item to absorb a portion of incoming damage, shield items are doors and trapdoors, must be in hand to absorb damage.
Taunt: Taunts enemies around you, causing them to target you over other players.
Wolf: Allow you to tame wolves.
2012-04-25 14:47:00

Posts: 879

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