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Sonic The Hedgehog costume

Archive: 6 posts

Hey there, first of all I'm new to these forums so I'm sorry in advance if I did something wrong

I just finished my tutorial level of how to make your sackperson look like the old SEGA classic Sonic The Hedgehog. I've also made other costumes, like Batman, Joker, Ariel and Napoleon Sackaparte, Monopoly guy etc. which you can find in my "Custom Character Costume Exhibition" level.

So, my Sonic tutorials name is "Step by Step Guide to Create Sonic Costume" under the username of "Yardsack", so check it out if you want to and tell me what to think and/or what to improve.

Oh and I am aware that steve_big_guns has made a Sonic costume too, but I think that his Sonics eyes look kinda weird. Other than that his costumes are the best I've seen yet though, really talented guy I must say


http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/2646/aphotojh8.th.jpg (http://img244.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aphotojh8.jpg)

http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/1975/aphoto3pj6.th.jpg (http://img519.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aphoto3pj6.jpg)

http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/725/aphoto1iw3.th.jpg (http://img147.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aphoto1iw3.jpg)

Wink Wink
http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/971/aphoto2mh7.th.jpg (http://img244.imageshack.us/my.php?image=aphoto2mh7.jpg)
2008-12-26 19:38:00

Posts: 29

the eyes look a little wierd2008-12-26 20:38:00

Posts: 712

the eyes look a little wierd

Hmm I guess you have a point there... I like it how it looks a bit cute and sacky though even though it resembles Sonic. But thats really the best solution I have made after a very long time of thinking. Using the decoration eyes makes it look very weird, using cat/female eyes looks really weird too, and the thing you have in your avatar doesn't really please my eye either. Thanks for the feedback though, if someone can think of something better for the eyes please give me some ideas
2008-12-26 21:13:00

Posts: 29

Wow, that Sonic looks great. I will try this level. Thanks for sharing!2008-12-26 21:41:00

Posts: 120

Heres mine:


2008-12-27 01:12:00

Posts: 34

I just updated my Custom Character Costume Exhibition level, added a Kill Bill part and changed loads of things to make it more user friendly so check it out if you want to.
And thanks for the replies
EDIT: Hah my tutorial level got the "Annoying" tag, maybe it's too hard to make it and people get annoyed or something
2008-12-27 15:18:00

Posts: 29

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