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A VERY Creepy/ ambient song...

Archive: 37 posts

If you're familiar with my work, you know that I make music. GOOD music. However, Im somewhat under-rated, although I know pretty much all of LBP2's GREATEST musicians. ANYWHATZIT, I mad a REALLY spooky song, and I decided to share it with you all.


Huzzah! Anyway, I WILL make music specifically for your level, granted if it's decent enough of course, so don't be shy about asking me. If ya wanna check out more of my music, head on over to my youtube channel!

Oh, yeah, if any heavy-weight creator wants to hire me, that'd be swell! (hint, hint)
2011-11-22 03:34:00

Posts: 193

Reminds me of Silent Hill2011-11-22 04:10:00

wait wtf
Posts: 853

it reminds me of shadow temple from the legend of zelda: ocarina of time. Your music would be perfect for my LBPC6 Level, in fact, Id like it if you join my team! If your interested Ill let you know details

also I may not have any levels published, or be an LBP2 Heavy Weight, but the level is pretty freaking cool IMHO
2011-11-22 12:54:00

Posts: 181

Cool tune you got there, very eerie and suprisingly gave me wicked and a tingly feeling at some parts. Sounds good, good for an eerie designed level...2011-11-22 16:40:00

Unknown User

that wuld be perfect for so many of my projects how can i get it?2011-11-22 16:52:00

Unknown User

Sounds like a haunted Japanese graveyard or hospital. Possibly a tune for a deceased little girls room. Your pretty **** good at this, doesnt sound like it was from LBP at all!2011-11-22 21:21:00

Posts: 1990

XD It reminds me of that too! Its where I got the idea for the decending voice tone!

Well, It's not published yet... It WILL be in my new music gallery level once I update it, though.
2011-11-23 01:37:00

Posts: 193

XD It reminds me of that too! Its where I got the idea for the decending voice tone!

Ocarina of Time or Silent Hill
2011-11-23 02:52:00

Posts: 181

If you're familiar with my work, you know that I make music. GOOD music. However, Im somewhat under-rated, although I know pretty much all of LBP2's GREATEST musicians. ANYWHATZIT, I mad a REALLY spooky song, and I decided to share it with you all.


Huzzah! Anyway, I WILL make music specifically for your level, granted if it's decent enough of course, so don't be shy about asking me. If ya wanna check out more of my music, head on over to my youtube channel!

Oh, yeah, if any heavy-weight creator wants to hire me, that'd be swell! (hint, hint)
honestly, while this piece is my 2nd favorite of all the sequencers you made, i do feel that lbp2 is fading, with all the new releases and questionable levels in the cool pages lbp2 is fading or perhaps already dead left only with the few faithful fans who create and inspire the less talented. we still have people like you to give hope, but soon there will be no one to give praise for such beautiful music, and seemingly immpossible levels. idk, just my thoughts on that subject. but great music.
2011-11-23 03:14:00

Unknown User

honestly, while this piece is my 2nd favorite of all the sequencers you made, i do feel that lbp2 is fading, with all the new releases and questionable levels in the cool pages lbp2 is fading or perhaps already dead left only with the few faithful fans who create and inspire the less talented. we still have people like you to give hope, but soon there will be no one to give praise for such beautiful music, and seemingly immpossible levels. idk, just my thoughts on that subject. but great music.

Thanks, and I agree with you. LittleBigPlanet is, and will always be an amazing game, but its just a game, and games come and go. I still play old retro games, but only because they're single player with great storylines and full of nostalgia, and not multiplayer. Iv'e been playing lbp less and less, and I only hope MM will bring us something fresh and new. They won't be able to live off of LBP forever. :'(
2011-11-23 03:40:00

Posts: 193

Thanks, and I agree with you. LittleBigPlanet is, and will always be an amazing game, but its just a game, and games come and go. I still play old retro games, but only because they're single player with great storylines and full of nostalgia, and not multiplayer. Iv'e been playing lbp less and less, and I only hope MM will bring us something fresh and new. They won't be able to live off of LBP forever. :'(

Me too, but i do hope to atleast help in making a great level on here, or perhaps be the person that created the idea for it.
2011-11-23 03:51:00

Unknown User

Wow this is pretty creepy indeed! I love it!2011-11-25 10:01:00

Unknown User

Cool tune you got there, very eerie and suprisingly gave me wicked and a tingly feeling at some parts. Sounds good, good for an eerie designed level...

I definitely second that feeling. Very ambient and creepy.
2011-11-25 14:40:00

Posts: 920

Thanks for the nightmares bro! LOL. AMAZING song. I was already a fan and still am. You inspired me to make music and, well, yeah I'm not nearly as good as you.. Anyways, GREAT WORK.2011-12-18 02:37:00

Posts: 406

I know you make good music, are you by chance giving this away?2011-12-31 03:16:00

Posts: 390

One thing I noticed in the video...the thermo is pretty high. Is that just the music itself, or is there other stuff causing the thermo?2011-12-31 19:48:00

Posts: 438

Yep its in my gallery level Nk827's Music Village (link in my Sig)2012-01-07 18:06:00

Posts: 193

His music does have a lot of work into it, so it does use a bit of thermo, but only if you bring out a whole lot at a time, 1 song usually takes up about 1/4 of a thermo bar. So as song as songs go its not too bad, though take in mind all songs are different lengths amd maye cause a bit difference in thermo usage.2012-01-08 01:56:00

Posts: 390

Hey, do you mind if I use this in my Ancient temple music?

It seems completely perfect for the scenes in my level, I'll be sure to mention you in the description, and great work!

Also if anyone else can help out with my level it would be much appreciated, it's my most ambitious yet and hopefully should be pretty good, although none of my other levels are very good....

Anyway thanks

Actually I just read that you could help out making music specifically for the level, depending on it's quality, I'll add you and invite you over to check it out, if you could I would be really grateful, thanks anyway!
2012-01-09 19:32:00

Unknown User

I declare this music to be smexcellent. 2012-01-11 16:49:00

Posts: 123

I declare this music to be smexcellent.

I declare you to be correct
2012-01-11 22:57:00

Posts: 390

well, you've captured my heart here. maybe literally, depending on what "creepy" your talking about could i possibly have a chat with you one day about possibly having a song made for my level? it would be most appreciated and virtual tea is guaranteed! 2012-01-15 12:52:00

Posts: 1527

Sure! Im not all that busy atm.2012-02-13 12:55:00

Posts: 193

Good work, if you could spare the time to check out LBNetworks Robin Hood Project. We're needing some extra help with the ambient music that would fit. There is a YT vid posted of the unfinished level.


Read the full details here: LBNetwork Robin Hood Project (http://www.littlebignetwork.com/showthread.php/12123-LBN-Robin-Hood-Project)
2012-02-19 22:16:00

Posts: 64

i just realised who you are! LBPCraftsman!!! i've listened to every single one of your tracks fella. brilliant2012-02-22 01:55:00

Posts: 3910

Um, hello thar. 8D

Ffffffffffffff Ish very cool T______________T! How do you make things like tat? :eek:
2012-03-12 06:46:00

Unknown User

Great track! Would go extremely well with a horror title i have in development at the moment.

I'm currently looking for composers for 2 of my projects. 1, the RPG game in my sig that has received a Spotlight Nod and is highly acclaimed thus far. 2, a horror shooter i have on the go too.

For my RPG, i had a good composer originally, but i'm looking for a composer who may not be too familiar with RPG music and would instead bring to the table something fresh.

As for the horror title, a musical piece like the one here is great!

I'm going to hunt through your levels and see what you're capable of, but if you're interested in writing directly for the next installment to my RPG or the horror game or even both, let me know!
2012-03-12 16:09:00

Posts: 165

For my RPG, i had a good composer originally, but i'm looking for a composer who may not be too familiar with RPG music and would instead bring to the table something fresh.

I'd be happy to help, but I'm pretty skilled in the art of video games. I'm VERY familiar with RPG music, and most other game music.
2012-03-17 16:48:00

Posts: 193

I'd be happy to help, but I'm pretty skilled in the art of video games. I'm VERY familiar with RPG music, and most other game music.

I've gone through all your levels and i'm very impressed! I took around 5 pieces and will be using them in future installments to my RPG if that's ok.

I think the more ambient style is my preferred style of yours. 'Broken' is great, Frozen Reflections is better. These two are my preferred style. However, i am using multiple. My second installment has an Egyptian theme, so i am using "Temple", "Desert" and "Time".

I'd very much appreciate original track/s tailored to my games from you if you're willing. "Cold Darkness" is being used for my horror game, but i'd really like something else too.

If so, i can send you a detailed description of what i'd like from the music for you to work with asap.
2012-03-22 15:51:00

Posts: 165

Sure! I cant asure you I'll finish them though. I'm very ADD when it comes to making requests for people.2012-03-23 16:19:00

Posts: 193

WOW, sounds like you have a lot of requests! well, if you get a chance i would appreciate it if you would take a look at my level (the one in my signature) and see if it is worth making a cool soundtrack for it. It would be great if it was upbeat but still very spooky (kind of like the nazi zombie song, but dosent sound anything like it, i would like it to be original or at least not a popular song, ya know?). Thanks, and send me a message if this is something you will do!2012-04-14 05:51:00

Unknown User

The song sounds amazing and very unique! Nice high creepiness factors 2012-04-15 01:30:00

Night Angel
Posts: 1214

you REALLY need to make the ocarina of time shadow temple theme or arbiters grounds theme from twilight princess, here are some links

shadow temple: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8H5DFyv4s4

arbiters grounds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7551WLQ9U8w
2012-05-17 22:31:00

Posts: 78

Sweet, it should be the theme of a large dark level, the way the notes are drawn out, it sounds like they're distant noises, very ominous.2012-05-18 14:17:00

Posts: 432

Dude really help look at my thread for details2012-06-18 04:51:00

Unknown User

This song sounds amazing and really creepy ! It would be awsome for a platformer level 2012-06-19 07:32:00

Posts: 337

That song was awesome!!! I like the creepyness of the music. I'd really like some custom music for one of my levels I'm working on. It's a exploration Free-roam game with some RPG elements. It takes place in the mountains/caves. If you want I can post a beta or just you could send me a Friend-request at Yusuke-Kuwabara my Psn to test it to see if its worthy if your skills and delete me if it isn't. Or if your busy you don't have to. I'll just use the music that comes with the game, you decide if you want to or not but I'd really like your music to grace my level. Just tell me if your interested2012-07-01 04:45:00

Posts: 183

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