Insane Apparatus
Archive: 13 posts
http://i0.lbp.me/img/ft/680257faa0b72145e24f2aefdd154adbb77a8431.jpg Welcome to Insane Apparatus! We're broadcasting live from the IA Satelite, orbiting Craftworld! We're looking for new competitors in our sickeningly disorientating sport! Drive a Grav-O-Kart around the Satellite, in 4 game modes. The Karts are stuck to the road, and the camera angle rotates with the vehicles as they drive. The odd layout of Rollins and Quarterpipes creates a maze-like environment, where you'll see other players, or objectives driving past in the background, with little idea of how to get there, or exactly how far away they're supposed to be. http://ie.lbp.me/img/ft/18ec58a576162beb986e5fa93863d0e2bf61cd74.jpg Here's a kart, idle. The neon shapes in the two top corners, are layer-switching pads. The Kart drives left and right with the Left Stick, and to change layers, push the Right Stick up and down. Couldn't be any simpler. Oh, if you see another player driving past on another layer, be sure to give them a cheeky Beep with the L3 button. There are four gamemodes. The first one, Tag, is likely the easiest mode to learn. Everyone knows how to play Tag. Everyone, but the Tagged player earns points every few seconds. The Tagged player also gains the ability to move faster, so catching other players isn't nigh-on-impossible. Once tagged, there is a few second waiting period to allow the other player to escape. Capture is much like reverse-Tag. Only the player holding the green marker earns points. Anyone without the marker has an increased movement speed. So holding that marker is remarkably difficult. If you're playing with 4 players, the thrill of the chase is great. Hunt is the first mode involving a non-player vehicle. The Scorekarts aimlessly wander around The Satellite. Bump into them to score points, and then catch the next one after it spawns. Survival was the first mode to be convieved during the levels creation. All players have to flee the Rhino's to score points. Once they catch you, you're out, and you get to spectate the other players. And watch out! The Rhino's will persue you, if they know which route you took! http://id.lbp.me/img/ft/30d03630a79c43c9fb77d09b3dd91bf37088f1dd.jpg Pime_Taradox234 (http://lbp.me/u/Pime_Taradox234) composed a great music track for this level, and do be sure to take a look at his other stuff (http://lbp.me/v/55kn2s) if you get the chance! http://lbp.me/v/7y-683 | 2011-11-21 19:02:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
looks impressive, got it queued | 2011-11-21 20:39:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Looks Awesome, I'll definetley check It Out! | 2011-11-21 20:42:00 Author: Valeview ![]() Posts: 1581 |
Seems interesting, Queued! ![]() | 2011-11-21 21:40:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Sweet. Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. | 2011-11-22 11:51:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
OMG I have been waiting for this I'm going to turn my PS3 on in 10 minutes so I hope a few of my LBP friend are on to jump in with me. UPDATE: Hey Osty for some strange reason I was in the lead with the most points and just died and spawned at the scoreboard with my friend still in the game with 2 or 3 minutes left to wait out. This happened a few times and there wasn't anything to kill me in the mode I was in (tag and capture). Seemed to happen when I had the most points. OK once I actually drove and fell off by accident, but that was my fault. This just seemed odd and I'm not sure if that was suppose to happen, I'm hoping it's not a reoccurring bug. Feel free to join me and test it out. Still a huge track level and has re-playability with all the modes so I'll be back. | 2011-11-22 11:54:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
The vehicles only blow up for two reasons - touching hazardous vehicles, or (somehow) falling off the track. And the only way to fall off the track at this point, is down to lag. There's pretty much nothing I can do to solve lag-based problems. | 2011-11-22 14:04:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
Looks fun! Love you convincing advertising showthreads! Queued! | 2011-11-22 21:53:00 Author: grayspence ![]() Posts: 1990 |
![]() ![]() Modes: Tag Capture Hunt Survival It's much better with more players as it's quite boring driving around with no one to tag. No point tagging myself xD. | 2011-11-25 13:48:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
Meh. This was a considerably smaller project than my last work. So I'm honestly not too fussed about this not blowing up. Velox is still my baby. | 2011-11-25 14:07:00 Author: Ostler5000 ![]() Posts: 1017 |
Meh. This was a considerably smaller project than my last work. So I'm honestly not too fussed about this not blowing up. Velox is still my baby. I know Velox is a lot bigger. But this level still took you time and effort to do. Hopefully when I'm on I'll have a full pod to go and try the modes out. Then I can leave you some feedback. | 2011-11-25 14:15:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
Meh. This was a considerably smaller project than my last work. So I'm honestly not too fussed about this not blowing up. Velox is still my baby. It better be! ![]() | 2011-11-28 19:19:00 Author: Roneranger ![]() Posts: 415 |
Looks very impressive, I better que this up for later! And of course, make sure I get some of my friends hooked in as well ![]() | 2011-11-29 11:18:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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