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My battle with YLOD

Archive: 6 posts

Recently my console got the YLOD, but since I'm not prepared to pay anyone to fix it or to lose my data I decided to repair it myself.

The aim was solely to get it working long enough to pull my data and to eject the disk trapped inside without having to take the drive apart, and hopefully long enough to sign in to PSN and deactivate my account for that system (I think you can do this last part online, though). It's really dumb that you can't swap your HDD between systems without having to format them, otherwise you wouldn't have to do half this stuff.

In the majority of cases the YLOD is caused by the CPU or GPU losing full contact with the motherboard because the solder cracks or deforms from overheating. The solder used in the PS3 is tin-based and melts at a lower temperature than lead solder which is illegal in consumer electronics.

What really needs to be done is a full resolder of the processors but for a temporary fix what you can do is apply heat to the CPU and GPU in an attempt to melt the solder and reestablish full contact with the motherboard. To do this you have to strip everything down until you can get at the board, though.


Once you remove the two top covers you have the power supply on the left and the Blu-ray drive on the right. There's also an antenna which I'm guessing is for the controllers or wireless internet along with a circuitboard for the power and eject buttons.


Once the power supply and optical drive is off you're left with a metal plate protecting the motherboard. After taking out all the screws you can lift the entire lot out pretty easily...


... leaving the fan and heatsinks. Note the old thermal compound. I was surprised how little dust there was.


The motherboard itself. I protected the rest of the board with foil so there wasn't plastic melting or capacitors blowing up and left the CPU and GPU exposed, applied heat, let it cool, stuck some new thermal compound on the processors and reassembled everything.


Yay, it works! For now...

I guess the moral of the story is to back up your data regularly.
2011-11-21 16:20:00

Posts: 2454

Goodl uck! I hope you get your data so you're clean and set up for the shift.

I remember my fight with YLOD at the beginning of the year. It's probably the best way to learn BACK UP!!!!
2011-11-21 16:36:00

Posts: 1015

This can't really be described by words. Therefore a gif will do !
2011-11-21 17:56:00

Posts: 1627

This can't really be described by words. Therefore a gif will do !

Or, maybe this?


Seriously though, good job Ayneh! I was planning to do this when I got the YLOD, but I'm too stupid, so I bought a new one. I was sneaky about it though! (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=16348-PS3-Disfunction-Dilemma!&p=297579&viewfull=1#post297579) :kz:
2011-11-21 19:37:00

Posts: 1477

The solder used in the PS3 is tin-based and melts at a lower temperature than lead solder which is illegal in consumer electronics.

Why do they use that then?
BTW, good job on fixing it.
2011-11-22 19:04:00

Posts: 5482

Yay, it works! For now...


I had to do the same thing myself. The most difficult part, IMO, is keeping track of where to replace the 50,000 screws you need to take out to get to the mainboard.

I guess the moral of the story is to back up your data regularly.

That, or: don't buy a console whose operating temperature range is beyond the tolerance of its own components.
2011-11-23 22:36:00

Posts: 2870

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