|New Spheres| Act I - 4: Hit the Road, Sack!
Archive: 3 posts
The time has finally come, the final episode of Act I (and the last level I'm making before I'm taking a break from LBP). Now a little bit about the level: (Like always I recommend to you that you play the previous episodes first as the story is a very important part of New Spheres.) The level starts when you're driving with Clive's truck out of Eve's forest to Da Vinci's Hideout so the Alliance can discuss what to do with the New Villains. But a familiar villain who seems to be even more powerful and evil than before tries to stop you from leaving the forest with evil mojo...and stuff! So you have to protect this truck... http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=37873 ...using Clive's newest (and unexpectantly useful) invention: The Barrier-Breaker 3000! http://www.lbpcentral.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=37874 Here a small instruction how to use it: - You need three of the Breaker-Devices to unleash a powerful beam which can destroy almost any barrier! - While you're collecting three of them they are easy targets so be careful! - When you die the devices self-destruct! - They don't like to be close to each other so leave them some space! - They need to be in range of their target! You know, this isn't much of a plattformer. This is 'only' a bossfight' and cutscenes! (Sorry to disappoint you! :/) I tried to make this one easier than the one before. My testers had different opinions. Some said it was too easy, some said it was too hard and some said it has just the right difficulty. But on one point they all agree: It's very well done! (Guys, it's called advertisement! ![]() I really hope you enjoy the last level of Act I of my Level Series! Reviews and suggestions are very welcome as to improve my levels and my skills! Greetings, StarrKable0150/EmilDaRose http://lbp.me/v/7grhv0 | 2011-11-21 15:06:00 Author: StarrKable ![]() Posts: 196 |
All queued up! I'll check it out. | 2011-11-22 13:19:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
Oh, and if you find any bugs it would be nice that you tell me. (The best would be if you tell me here on LBPC.) | 2011-11-22 14:20:00 Author: StarrKable ![]() Posts: 196 |
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