Epic Fail! 1-4 seires by Rush
Archive: 1 post
Welcome to LBC you happy gadders of Little Big Planet! I suddenly recalled a time when I played a seires by Rush and I forgot is numbers. EPIC FAIL 1 is a introduce level showing you what it will be about and just showing the hidden traps, or questions when you choose the wrong answer you die or get trapped in a box. It's pretty fun, for number 1, anyway. I give it on a Sack boy 10 through Sack Girl 20, a 16. For not giving a kind of trap like they do on the level The Unfair Platformer, they give spikes when you jump to high, or when you go to the wrong place, you get drowned by walls and a thing covering up the the front exit, you die because you cannot escape. I love the seires because it has detail in it, and it says Fail if you die by a trap, SUPER FAIL if you die by something in site, and EXTRA EXTRA You Suck SO hard because You do Fail because you die because you die for just touching a spike in site. I know, you do suck, just kidding. Hope you try these levels, and hope you have fun gadding around playing, but be warned.... I GIVE BLOW UP COOKIES! SUPER FAIL! srry, i couldn't help myself. | 2011-11-16 04:46:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
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