Laptop not charging fully?
Archive: 10 posts
Hey guys, I know this is a LBP website, but as many have done before me, I was wondering if I could ask a more general help question - primarily concerning my laptop. My laptop has recently had trouble charging fully. The laptop charges, but for some reason it always stops charging at 45% - when I hover my mouse over the icon in the bottom right hand corner, it says "plugged in, not charging". Can anyone help me? It charges fine up to the 45% point - but from then on, it refuses to charge. Obviously this can be quite inconvenient - I mean, a laptop is good for being able to move around, and not needing to be connected to a battery constantly - but 45% obviously doesn't last as long as 100%. If you need to know, my laptop is a Fujitsu Amilo Notebook Li 3710 It's currently running Windows 7 Anyone got any ideas? I'd really appreciate any help I could get! If you need any more details about the laptop, just ask. Thanks! | 2011-11-13 00:31:00 Author: standby250 ![]() Posts: 1113 |
Why don't you try to check the battery wear in NHC? Go to the Battery tab and look at the box at the bottom and it should show voltage, capacity, etc. One of them will be wear level %. In the status section you can see the actual status of the notebooks hardware. You can also start, stop and adjust the NHC monitoring function in the status section. The NHC status section will show you the actual: - cpu clock, cpu load, cpu speed and cpu voltage - battery charge rate and life time - cpu, case and hard disk temperature - graphic card's core and memory clock or system memory information - System power-on time So you can check it out there. I'm not sure how to fix it besides replacing it. Hope this helps in some way. ![]() | 2011-11-13 00:56:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
You could just have a defective battery. I found you one here (http://www.amazon.com/Replacement-Laptop-Battery-FUJITSU-Compatible/dp/B001TIC1QS). I think. | 2011-11-13 01:30:00 Author: Undarivik ![]() Posts: 442 |
I got a new battery for my laptop recently, and sometimes when the cord falls out, it says "plugged in, not charging". I tried updated the drivers but it didn't seem to help. It starts to charge if I have it plugged it in and manually take the battery out, then stick it in again though. Rather annoying. Maybe doing that will get it above 45%? | 2011-11-13 03:25:00 Author: midnight_heist ![]() Posts: 2513 |
I've had this problem before too and it turned out my battery died shortly after. You might need to replace it if it doesn't show any signs of improvement over the next couple of weeks. Try to see how long the battery lasts without being plugged in and if it drains faster than normal then the battery might need to be replaced soon. | 2011-11-13 03:41:00 Author: Enlong3 ![]() Posts: 357 |
Thanks guys for the replies - sorry for the late reply. The Battery seems to decrease at about the same levels as they did before. I've also checked that it's plugged in properly - and it is, but the problem is still there. I'm not sure how to do any of the other things you suggested above though! Help? ![]() | 2011-11-14 22:27:00 Author: standby250 ![]() Posts: 1113 |
I've had this problem with my laptop before. Usually if it's says "plugged in, not charging" it usually means: 1. Your computer doesn't recognize the charger and doesn't allow 3rd Party hardware to charge it. 2. Your charger is broken and needs to be repaired. 3. Your battery is broken and needs repairs. I think you can see if your hardware is working correctly by running a diagnosis, but how to do that is based on your computer. You might wanna call your manufacture to help you out. ![]() | 2011-11-14 22:37:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
I've had this problem with my laptop before. Usually if it's says "plugged in, not charging" it usually means: 1. Your computer doesn't recognize the charger and doesn't allow 3rd Party hardware to charge it. 2. Your charger is broken and needs to be repaired. 3. Your battery is broken and needs repairs. I think you can see if your hardware is working correctly by running a diagnosis, but how to do that is based on your computer. You might wanna call your manufacture to help you out. ![]() I agree... To simply guess, I think possibly the battery might be the issue since you can charge it up 45%. ..however a call or checking your OEM's site might do you a world of good as the others listed could all be a factor in the issue. Good luck and keep us posted! | 2011-11-15 01:28:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
The Battery seems to decrease at about the same levels as they did before. If it decreases at the same rate and lasts as long there isn't a problem? Have you noticed it only lasts half as long as it did or are you going purely by the reading? | 2011-11-15 01:35:00 Author: Ayneh ![]() Posts: 2454 |
If it decreases at the same rate and lasts as long there isn't a problem? Have you noticed it only lasts half as long as it did or are you going purely by the reading? Good point! I would search around some forums via the OEM. Might simply be an update you are missing. | 2011-11-15 01:40:00 Author: jwwphotos ![]() Posts: 11383 |
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