Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance
Archive: 15 posts
So there's a new Kingdom Hearts game coming out for the 3DS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcKDo39twwc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPND8ntVidA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aaP3ER62jRA&feature=related So yea... Discuss. | 2011-11-12 04:38:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
wooa why nobody comment? lol anyways i been following this game since it was announced, im waiting good things for this game i have lot of thing that exited me and somes that scared me :O well its pretty cool that they choice to make the action of the game like more faster but i hope they make pretty accurate that new "Free Flow" system another point that has me nervous is that they said that the change between sora and riku is gonna be randomly, i dont know what to expect :$ soo they take off that "drop bar" too that appears on the 1st trailer all we can do is keep stick to the new and see what way this game take ![]() | 2011-11-12 07:55:00 Author: Unknown User ![]() |
I actually hadn't even heard about this game until yesterday... ._.; And I'm a huge Kingdom Hearts fan... The only downside I see to this is that I don't have a 3DS... I only have a DSi... :/ I'll probably 'play' the game through walkthroughs... xD The only other one I haven't played was Birth By Sleep. No PSP... It better be downloadable for the VITA... Oh well.. | 2011-11-13 01:34:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
Birth by Sleep probably has the best combat system in the entire series; you really should try it if you have a PSP. I don't touch the Kingdom Hearts games on Nintendo systems usually because they deviate so far from the main entries' gameplay and contribute little to the story, but this one looks to have more of what I want in one of these games. I'm probably going to pick up a 3DS next year, and this will be one of the reasons. | 2011-11-13 18:33:00 Author: Behonkiss ![]() Posts: 229 |
Actually, 358/2 wasn't that bad. The storyline was good. The combat system wasn't as bad as RE: Chain of Memories. Personally, I like how they brought it to a 'side-system' in order to tell a story that doesn't matter that much instead of wasting a ton of time putting it on a console. It was actually kind of interesting playing through Roxas' story. I had always wondered where he came from. Kingdom Hearts 3D is also not going to be a 'deviant'. It takes place right after Kingdom Hearts 2 ends. With Sora sitting on the tree holding the bottle from the King with the paper. It then goes from there to Yen Sid castle where the wizard dude (forgot his name... D: ) gives them their task. The task meaning pretty much the rest of 3D. Also, Flip the letters around through the steps... ![]() 1) Sora -> Roas -> Roxas 2) Yen Sid -> Disney 3) Ansem -> Emnas ->Xemnas | 2011-11-13 19:41:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
Even though this thread hasn't been posted on in almost a year, I bring news--the game has been released now, though i hope you already knew this. Anyways it's an awesome game, and the 3d FX are amazing. Anyways I was wondering if any of you guys have the game. If so, do you like it? If not, do you plan on buying it? | 2012-08-03 10:38:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
Actually, I forgot about this thread... ![]() | 2012-08-04 01:08:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
It's a shame that just like Birth By Sleep, I'll probably never be able to play this as I don't have a 3DS and probably never will since the Vita looks so much more appealing this time around. Before it was the reverse with the DS vs PSP. Oh well, I guess I'll hope for KH3. ![]() | 2012-08-04 01:30:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
Most of the things that made Kingdom Hearts what it is are non-existant here. The worlds are empty. There's just a moogle here and there where you can buy stuff. There are no Final Fantasy characters. I'm only a few hours in. I liked the original and it's sequel more. This game has superior combat system though. (Freeflow). | 2012-08-04 11:57:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Most of the things that made Kingdom Hearts what it is are non-existant here. The worlds are empty. There's just a moogle here and there where you can buy stuff. There are no Final Fantasy characters. I'm only a few hours in. I liked the original and it's sequel more. This game has superior combat system though. (Freeflow). I noticed the emptiness, as well. I was hoping they would have an explanation as to why it was empty, but apparently not... :/ Personally, I don't enjoy the Freeflow system. I've never been good at playing on handhelds and it ends up being much more random than helpful... | 2012-08-04 14:45:00 Author: Speedynutty68 ![]() Posts: 1614 |
Could it be empty to save on processing or whatever (computer speak) as well as to not clutter the smaller screen? | 2012-08-04 16:14:00 Author: xxMATEOSxx ![]() Posts: 1787 |
The only thing I could come up with is when you're flying around in freeflow you're able to move around incredibly fast and it could be easy to miss stuff here and there. Now everything is mapped on the bottom screen but....boy, I don't know! All I know is it's empty. You make two good points though. | 2012-08-04 17:16:00 Author: BasketSnake ![]() Posts: 2391 |
Well almost all the handheld games are empty. I've played them all and even birth by sleep seemed empty compared to he ps2 games. (it only had story characters walking around no citizens really) I agree with xxMATEOSxx. It probably empty do the procecssing power. Though this game does fell closer to the ps2 games then the handeld others though. What I do like about it is how the dream eaters are following you around. The other handheld games always felt so lonely with only a couple parts of the other games having partners. But I really don't like the ability/magic system that started in birth by sleep. I really enjoyed the system from days. It made it feel like you had more customization options. Trying to fit the weapons and magic and abilities was fun. It also felt closer to the ps2 games in my opinion. | 2012-08-04 18:25:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
never played a kingdom hearts game, but remember when I was little my elder niece used to enjoy them alot. is it worth giving them a go on ps2 or psp do you think? have the games aged well? or ought I to just wait for this 3rd game to release on ps3? | 2012-08-05 15:37:00 Author: Smudge228 ![]() Posts: 533 |
never played a kingdom hearts game, but remember when I was little my elder niece used to enjoy them alot. is it worth giving them a go on ps2 or psp do you think? have the games aged well? or ought I to just wait for this 3rd game to release on ps3? Well the storyline kinda gets confusing so I'd suggest starting with the ps2 games. But if you really want Birth by Sleep (psp) is prequel so it might make some sense to. Whatever you do don't wait for the third game, the way it's going it'll probably be on ps4. Oh and yes they've aged well. I still play the first game all the, hoping one day to beat Sephiroth. I mean seriously I'm like a level 50 an I can't even do damage to him. | 2012-08-05 16:56:00 Author: SilverTriforce7 ![]() Posts: 183 |
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