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Project: Ascension

Archive: 4 posts

Hey guys!

Okay, so normally I'd rather stick this thread into the Ideas and Projects section, but due to lack of ideas for gameplay, I feel like it's suitable to get some advice here.
So obviously I've been working on a new platformer for quite sometime now (and it will be my third one too! ), and it is presently called Project: Ascension. Now, picture this, a bizarre, yet enchanted sky temple hidden above the clouds. Yeah, it's a little something like that. I put lots of floating platforms flying all over the place to amp up the level. Now the biggest downside to this is I need a major plethora of ridiculously original ideas, and simply put, I ran out. That's why I put the thread to the Help! section. Now I'm just asking if you guys want to put ideas by commenting on this thread.
A couple things I'm mainly looking for are things like:
-various obstacles to make an original level
-maybe something that will motivate me to continue creating, or in this case, keep me occupied
-maybe some nice music to go with it? (I find this one optional)
And don't worry about the name, I got that covered.
So, I hope you help me out in this creator's block, and I'll get back to ya later!

Free love, chronos453.^^
EDIT: Here's a couple pictures of the level:


2011-11-08 06:15:00

Posts: 175

Well, if it's in the sky, maybe you could have grabbable clouds that you can use to get from one platform to another. Also, you could take weather conditions and use different types to get to different places. Maybe there could be an option to toggle weather conditions to create new paths.

So for example, if the sun comes out you could have a bunch of flowers grow that the player can jump on to get to the next platform, and lightning could activate something electrical, turning it on for enough time for the player to use it for...whatever!

Maybe your main character has the ability to control these elements on command, or perhaps he has to use various weather machines dotted throughout the level. Dang! Now I wanna make a weather-based level...
2011-11-08 08:01:00

Posts: 144

sorry, but i struggle to come up with unique ideas at the moment so any idea i come up with is all MINE!!!!2011-11-08 18:22:00

Posts: 3910

Now this is for the obstackles Okey? :
You Enter A Room, (Camera Pan To the ne4xt part, after a huge gap) The player notices platforms inside the wall on the top of the room, where the exit of the room is, a bunch of platforms on the bottom on wobble bolts going side to side, throwing the player off( but they're Grabbable!) so the player goes accross these and hits a switch. This makes the platfomrs come out of the wall! the player goes back to where he was and swings along! ^^
simples! ^^
I can help if you want, I'm always interested in stuff!
2011-11-08 19:55:00

Posts: 1581

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