MG RICK By ricksnun (undiscovered gem & creator)
Archive: 3 posts
MG RICK (http://lbp.me/v/668-hn) http://i1.lbp.me/img/bl/g176849-1c125bf9.png By ricksnun (http://lbp.me/u/ricksnun) I found yet another gem of a level lost in the community. Visually looks great & is full of detail. The stealth gameplay is excellent & integrated well. Definitely underplayed & undiscovered by the community. It's worth a play, note it says 2 player when you enter but I think what he meant is its up to 2 players, so going in alone as 1 player is fine. Here's a few pics I took: http://i4.lbp.me/img/ft/754d931de838e70182e6f008cb89e276ec422386.jpg http://ic.lbp.me/img/ft/89c4ab9d3ad7d54fb34702c1d7cf24ec3a9b6bce.jpg http://i8.lbp.me/img/ft/9986bad5459f9d02a3801a929ecdb4495203815d.jpg | 2011-11-07 19:11:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
Daaaaaaang! *falls out of chair* That looks awesome! Queuing now. Thanks, nice find | 2011-11-07 23:46:00 Author: biorogue ![]() Posts: 8424 |
Here's the second part which is a 'work in progress' level: http://i2.lbp.me/img/ft/2627d9322cdd16dd924a98dd51d6d11abfb20fc1.jpg http://i7.lbp.me/img/ft/897f337c609b2ac37be020dddaf649852b49869b.jpg | 2011-11-08 14:38:00 Author: LittleBigDes ![]() Posts: 920 |
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