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Comero-iroc's Detailed Cars: Citroen C4 Redbull rally car

Archive: 2 posts

Another fine example of my car creations, The C4 was based off of the C4 rally car which is driven by Sebastian Loeb in the WRC. I'd like to thank Noobsylayer145 for the logos how ever, he spent vast amounts of time with me editing the logos to work just right, so that is a shout out to him. Anyways This car shall not be allowed to the public, unless with request, because It is going to be located in my next car showcase.
Please comment on Opinions, Improvements, Recommendations for future projects, etc and please check out my levels!
Thanks for viewing Comero.. OUT!
2011-11-04 17:52:00

Posts: 157

Very nice rendition there, especially for Sebastian Loeb and WRC fans like myself..

Check those tires:
bruce scher (http://brucescher.blog.com)
2011-11-07 23:03:00

Unknown User

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