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A tricky Marker Situation

Archive: 11 posts

Hey guys! Let's get straight to the point:

I've got a device. It is emitted by a Creatinator.
You see, you can create three devices and as soon as three of them are created something should happen.

Well, I thought up something that would make this possible:

On the device are three different markers: device1, device2, device3.
They are connected with a Chooser. So marker device1 is activated usually.
When a second device appears the chooser has to change to device2 and when a third device appears to device3 so in the end all three markers are supposed to be activated. (So each device has got a different device activated.)

Could you help me?
2011-11-03 11:45:00

Posts: 196

What is the language used in your version of the game? I'm not familiar with the terms you are using, but I assume the UK/US names would be something like "Marker" = Tag Key, "Chooser" = Selector?

I'm not quite sure I understand your problem correctly, but going by your sentence "You see, you can create three devices and as soon as three of them are created something should happen.", I would do the following:

In stead of using a Selector, I would use 3 Tag Sensors ("Marker Sensors"?) and an AND Gate with 3 inputs. Make each Tag Sensor detect one type of device ("Marker"/Tag Key), and wire all three into the AND Gate. Wire the AND Gate to the thing you want to happen. This way, as soon as all three Tag Sensors are activated at the same time your event will trigger
2011-11-03 12:12:00

Posts: 605

Thank you! It works now!

(Sorry, my game is in German and I didn't really know how that stuff is called in the English version! )
2011-11-03 12:23:00

Posts: 196

OR is it that you actually want 3 different behaviours (1 per device) even though they have all spawned from the same emitter?, if that is the case then I and a few others before me (sorry forget who now), have built some logic that does that by allowing unique TAG ID's to be assigned (and in sequence) as each object is emitted. Although you can in theory use the (slightly upgraded) randomisers to switch tags on these emitted objects, this will not give you any real control over sequence of id's or prevent twin IDs from being generated. Of course all this might be irrelevant if I have misunderstood your problem??2011-11-03 12:33:00

Posts: 78

It's already ok now, the problem is solved!
I must admit, there actually never was a problem. I didn't see that it actually worked.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
2011-11-03 12:54:00

Posts: 196

I guess I have to use this thread again as a problem appeared again.
I try to explain my situation again:

I've got a Creatonator (the helmet which creates stuff). You press R1 and a device appears.
Then there's a Counter which counts the devices. After the Counter counts three devices it activates a Sequencer.
You see, the Counter can't count the devices if they have the same Marker (,right? If you've got a solution for that problem please tell me. I've got the feeling that I'm making it unnecessarily difficult. ).

So I thought I need three different Markers. I named them "device1", "device2" and "device3". Then I connected these three markers with a Selector. (First output connected to "device1" and so on...)
Since the first output is activated automatically the first device you create with the Creatinator has got the "device1"-Marker activate.
The second device you create is supposed to have his "device2"-Marker activated but as soon as he appears both devices have their "device2"-Marker activated.
This makes sense as I connected the second input of the selector with a "device1"-Marker-Sensor and the third input with a "device2"-Marker-Sensor.

So my goal is that I want to have a counter which counts my devices.

I hope I made it this time more understandable!

Help is very appreaciated.
2011-11-07 15:01:00

Posts: 196

I'm assuming by marker you mean what we call tags. The little colored components that you can place on an object and has a receiver that can pick up the signal (we call those tag sensors)?

If so, just place the same tag/marker on each object, then set your tag/marker sensor to require three of them before activating. There's a built in setting for that on the sensor.

You can set your sensors to require up to 100 tags before activating.
2011-11-07 15:40:00

Posts: 689

(I'm confused, I thought the tags are called markers?)

Oh...I kinda thought that it might be easier....but this easy?

Thank you very much!
2011-11-07 15:43:00

Posts: 196

lol, trust dtarb to come up with the obvious answer2011-11-07 17:41:00

Posts: 3910

(I'm confused, I thought the tags are called markers?)

Tag and marker can be used to mean the same thing in English, so it could be that translating over to your region and back again changes it. You probably translated it correctly, but in the English language versions they are called tags.

lol, trust dtarb to come up with the obvious answer

lol trust whom?
2011-11-07 23:12:00

Posts: 689

whoops LOL2011-11-08 18:18:00

Posts: 3910

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