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floating pixie lights

Archive: 10 posts

ok so i want some little iddy biddy pixie lights floating in certain areas of my level; you've seen 'em, you know what i mean. i've got a circular piece of sticker panel with a tag on the outside and a rotator in the centre. i've got another small circular piece of sticker panel with a fairy light on it, a follower and an antigrav. it sort of works, but not perfectly and when i introduce more than one (i want about five) they all just bunch up...SO

HOW DO YOU DO IT!!!! help
2011-11-01 06:02:00

Posts: 3910

2 ways spring to mind.

The first is, more, separated Tags. And maybe have your Tags each on it's own bit of holo, rotating at it's own speed. Each light Mover and Tag would need need to be labelled accordingly.

Or, for a more interesting way of doing it, the one I've used before, was, instead of a Follower, use a Basic Mover on your light, and a Look-At Rotator facing towards the Tag. This method gives you a sort of... Random wandering look, as most of them won't perform perfect cirlces. Different movement and rotation speeds give each light it's own ability to keep up with the Tag they're chasing, in turn, splitting them all up.

However, if your Lights are solid objects, collisions may be an issue. You could either change it so they're non-collidable objects made simply from SP/Holo, or you could set up a system so they can tell when another light is in front of them and how to avoid it.
First, I'd add a Tag to each light. Labelled, I dunno, 'Fairy' or something.
Then I'd advise using 2 Tag Sensors, each with a 90 degree (Or slightly less, if you feel it works better.) radius, and both of them should be angled so, that, combined, their radius covers all of the 'front' of the light. Wire each Tag Sensor into one input of a Directional Combiner, and wire the Combiner into an Advanced Rotator. You'd then need to switch off the Look-At whenever one of those Tags was active.

Hmmm, yes, that ought to work.
2011-11-01 08:28:00

Posts: 1017

i was sort of considering something along those lines myself but it's great to see it explained so clearly. not that i had it in my head to do exactly what you've said, but rather going in the right direction. cheers 2011-11-01 09:01:00

Posts: 3910

I have built a pretty neat 'fairy light' generator for my next level and I think it does exactly what you want (although in my level they are orbs). The effect is nicely random and the set up is easily editable and expandable.

Mine is similar to ostler5000's first method (in fact he saw a live demo of my setup quite some time ago). I have setup a triangular (to keep the thermo down) bit of hollow with a tag on one corner labelled for example 'follow this', then I have placed a chip on the hollow which is setup to make the 'triangle' rotate a varying speeds (it basically speeds up and slows down at set intervals but can easily be randomised). Now for the lights, I have setup a single tiny hollow blob/circle which has a chip that has a rocket rotator on it, coupled with that is some logic that makes it either flee or follow the 'follow me' tag on the triangle hollow using two followers obviously one set with 'flee instead' , you can set what condition switches from one to the other but mine works perfectly well with a simple timed switch, and that is basically that. I have added some other logic to my 'orbs' which have them fade between two colours at random intervals and further 'absorb' logic which is relevant to my level but you wont need that part.

In addition I have put an emitter on another corner of the triangle which 'spews' out the orbs at split second intervals which sets up the initial formation of orbs. The result is a kind of swarm of orbs/fairy lights which seem to randomly float around a central point, the orbs change direction and rotation smoothly based on the speed of the 'follow me' tags rotation speed which is always different each time the orbs briefly go into orbit before being 'flung' in a different direction. There is a vast number of ways you could tweak the motion of the orbs and you get some really interesting 'swarm' behaviour if you place 2 or more hollow triangles, I have dumped 20 or so on screen at once which with my current settings equals 100 orbs at once all swarming in a seemingly random fashion!!

Feel free to add me and pop over to take a look for yourself!
2011-11-01 11:54:00

Posts: 78

I have built a pretty neat 'fairy light' generator for my next level and I think it does exactly what you want (although in my level they are orbs). The effect is nicely random and the set up is easily editable and expandable.

Mine is similar to ostler5000's first method (in fact he saw a live demo of my setup quite some time ago). I have setup a triangular (to keep the thermo down) bit of hollow with a tag on one corner labelled for example 'follow this', then I have placed a chip on the hollow which is setup to make the 'triangle' rotate a varying speeds (it basically speeds up and slows down at set intervals but can easily be randomised). Now for the lights, I have setup a single tiny hollow blob/circle which has a chip that has a rocket rotator on it, coupled with that is some logic that makes it either flee or follow the 'follow me' tag on the triangle hollow using two followers obviously one set with 'flee instead' , you can set what condition switches from one to the other but mine works perfectly well with a simple timed switch, and that is basically that. I have added some other logic to my 'orbs' which have them fade between two colours at random intervals and further 'absorb' logic which is relevant to my level but you wont need that part.

In addition I have put an emitter on another corner of the triangle which 'spews' out the orbs at split second intervals which sets up the initial formation of orbs. The result is a kind of swarm of orbs/fairy lights which seem to randomly float around a central point, the orbs change direction and rotation smoothly based on the speed of the 'follow me' tags rotation speed which is always different each time the orbs briefly go into orbit before being 'flung' in a different direction. There is a vast number of ways you could tweak the motion of the orbs and you get some really interesting 'swarm' behaviour if you place 2 or more hollow triangles, I have dumped 20 or so on screen at once which with my current settings equals 100 orbs at once all swarming in a seemingly random fashion!!

Feel free to add me and pop over to take a look for yourself!

i think i may just pop over to see it later if that's at all possible... at the moment i'm struggling to stay awake, i worked 8 straight hours on my level last night and into the early morning, haven't been to sleep yet and am currently holding my eyes open to watch my son fight through the final section of Dark Souls.
2011-11-01 12:49:00

Posts: 3910

Hey I know the feeling well, I only get to work on my levels at night but yes of course, as I said feel free to add me I may be on for an hour or so in an hours time!2011-11-01 12:55:00

Posts: 78

Hey I know the feeling well, I only get to work on my levels at night but yes of course, as I said feel free to add me I may be on for an hour or so in an hours time!

this may well come across as extremely newbyish, but how do i add you lol... presumably you mean on LBP itself and not on here
2011-11-01 13:11:00

Posts: 3910

this may well come across as extremely newbyish, but how do i add you lol... presumably you mean on LBP itself and not on here

Add me as a friend on PSN, that way you could join me on my moon in lbp2.
2011-11-01 14:12:00

Posts: 78

I also give away a prize called mystic floating orbs of light in my level, which may help. In my set up they're not rotating around. But I use a randomiser wired up to movers making it jitter for up down left and right. I copied that a few times so it's even more random.

I know you've played my level a few times but I'm not sure if you got the price as I think you need to either ace it and finish it. So let me know. CloaknBlagger is usually on late night so I may pop by and show you my way. But CloaknBlaggers way is a lot more sophisticated then mine.
2011-11-02 14:48:00

Posts: 920

I also give away a prize called mystic floating orbs of light in my level, which may help. In my set up they're not rotating around. But I use a randomiser wired up to movers making it jitter for up down left and right. I copied that a few times so it's even more random.

I know you've played my level a few times but I'm not sure if you got the price as I think you need to either ace it and finish it. So let me know. CloaknBlagger is usually on late night so I may pop by and show you my way. But CloaknBlaggers way is a lot more sophisticated then mine.

flamin' Nora, i have to ACE it!!! if i'm on later i'll send you a PSN message OR i'll try to do the impossible (for me at least)
2011-11-02 16:23:00

Posts: 3910

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