Are We Still Curious?
Archive: 7 posts
Just musing aloud really. But I've been wondering lately whether people are losing their curiosity. It seems as if the majority of people around me are only interested in the latest gossip, what's popular on TV or their occupation/study. If I happen to question something or bring up something out of the ordinary, I usually get a puzzled look in return with a subsequent "huh?" which will usually end the conversation. Are people so content with the way things are and the knowledge they're getting/have that they would rather stay ignorant to new ideas, other ways of thinking or simply learning about something they wouldn't usually? One of the best conversations I've had recently was with someone I barely knew. He was talking to me about how he was, and still kind of is, really into skate boarding. Things like, how shoes and boards became really important, the whole kind of sub-culture of it all and the way it basically made him who he is. I've never cared about skating, shoes etc and still don't but I found learning about these things so interesting I couldn't stop listening simply because I didn't know anything about them. Probably not a very prominent problem on a LBP forum but I dunno, what are your thoughts/experiences/opinions? | 2011-10-31 07:27:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
People losing their curiosity? Oh snap it's starting to happen... http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6b/Idiocracy_movie_poster.jpg I'm usually pretty open to hearing about what's new in the world. I usually visit a site called The Daily What (thedailywh.at) to check on news too obscure to make it to the news broadcast but still interesting to learn about. | 2011-10-31 07:54:00 Author: SnipySev ![]() Posts: 2452 |
The Internet and Google usually satisfies all my curiousity. ![]() But really, I think it might just be the people you hang with. My friends and roomates are all very insightful people whom I learn from everyday. If you hang around people who are more social, they tend to concern themselves more with people, which means the topic of discussion will be of course...people. But I generally hang around older crowds and social weirdos mainly because I find them more interesting than "normal" people. I think my future wife will be older than me....and a weirdo...and have a rockin' hot body lol ![]() | 2011-11-01 06:58:00 Author: comishguy67 ![]() Posts: 849 |
I believe most people are, I dont bring up things out of the ordinary anymore because I know my friends will just look at me strange then go back to talking about Fifa or Arkhum City. Most of the conversation I make is out of the ordinary questions or: "Imagine if.................." So I regularly struggle to make good conversation. Big shock, I dont like soaps and High School Gossip makes me cringe. | 2011-11-01 08:57:00 Author: craigmond ![]() Posts: 2426 |
I'm so curious, even my cat keeps giving me worried looks. | 2011-11-01 10:34:00 Author: Ungreth ![]() Posts: 2130 |
Well we all know what curiosity did to the cat mate! Are we losing our curiosity?, well it seems to me that a large part of society is only really curious or concerned about things that directly affect them but it is perhaps wrong to generalize as it is also true that we tend not to share our deeper thoughts or questions about the world we live in either with people we don't know very well or in larger social groups. This I think is because the more people you are in a room with the less you will all have in common. There are people in my life that I can happily share my 'curiosities' and can theorize with, Ungreth for example is one of them as he has been a real life friend for more than 25 years, and neither one of us I would describe as shallow or lacking in brain power! | 2011-11-01 13:26:00 Author: CloaknBlagger ![]() Posts: 78 |
Oh snap it's starting to happen... Not if I have anything to do with it. But really, I think it might just be the people you hang with. My friends and roomates are all very insightful people whom I learn from everyday. If you hang around people who are more social, they tend to concern themselves more with people, which means the topic of discussion will be of course...people. But I generally hang around older crowds and social weirdos mainly because I find them more interesting than "normal" people. I've wondered that myself, whether I somehow ended up with the wrong crowd of people. Though surely the abundance of these people can't simply be coincidence? I'm the same with hanging out with older crowds, I've tried to stay connected with my friends from school but have drifted away from them more and more and found myself making better friends with people 2-4yrs my senior. A small age gap sure, but at only 18 it makes for a significant difference. "Imagine if.................." "If" probably my favourite word ![]() I'm so curious, even my cat keeps giving me worried looks. Glad to hear it. Well we all know what curiosity did to the cat mate! I'm willing to take the risk, even without the 9 lives. Are we losing our curiosity?, well it seems to me that a large part of society is only really curious or concerned about things that directly affect them That's the way it seems to me as well. but it is perhaps wrong to generalize as it is also true that we tend not to share our deeper thoughts or questions about the world we live in either with people we don't know very well or in larger social groups. This I think is because the more people you are in a room with the less you will all have in common. A fair point for sure, though I would say that obscure, for lack of a better word, conversations are only the tip of the curiosity iceberg. The other 90% seems to be lacking as well. | 2011-11-01 14:41:00 Author: SR20DETDOG ![]() Posts: 2431 |
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