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I Think It's Time We Had A Serious Chat

Archive: 23 posts

Hello to all of LBPC, my friends.
Recently, it has come to my attention that there is something... off, shall we say, about our dear little community here. I put off this discussion in the hope that it was merely a passing phase, a leaf in the wind, a lonely twig in a fast flowing river. But as it turns out, the issue has only progressed. It has grown from a gentle twig into a tree trunk, and shrunk from a fast flowing river into a tiny back garden pond. What I am trying to stress is that this certain problem has simply gotten worse.

For a while I thought we were safe from the tyranny that this new craze brought on in it's vicious and infectious path, but alas, we were not. The problem reached all corners of the net, prying it's way into many forums and devouring many people's credibility and value as a member of society. What started as something full of innocence and childish glee has become a malevolent, vile creature that needs to be stopped.

What worries me most is the clear and well defined demographic that this disgusting being has infected is that which you would least expect from such a monster. Where you would expect young girls, you are instead getting teenage males. And - in serious cases of the infection - even men of the grown description. What used to be something the male race mocked and insulted is now the subject of their affection.

The plague gets into your mind very simply. It attacks the part of your brain that can detect the irony in loving something ridiculous, destroys it and takes it's place. This gruesome being essentially turns what was once a joke into something that you can love and endear with open arms. But not with an ironic smile - This is far worse - you start to genuinely love this creation of the deepest and darkest recesses of the human mind. The issue takes a hold of your life and won't let go. It causes teenage males to cling on to young girl's fantasies and makes it impossible for them to let go.

Soon enough, mark my words, the infection will reach the media. It may lure even more unwitting victims. Their lives will belong to the virus. They will lose jobs, girlfriends, money to this sick craze and the world will burn beneath their feet. Their tree trunk will become an orchard in a puddle and the wind blowing their leaves will become lightning storms, destroying everything that get in their way.

Nobody is safe. People whom I would never believe would crumble under this parasitic, hairy beast have indeed crumbled. Fallen under it's hypnotic spell. Whole threads devoted to the love of the topic, changes to avatars and signatures are only the start of our problem, friends.

The problem - Ladies and Gentlemen - that I am addressing here, you might have been able to guess by this point. The problem is - of course - that of My Little Pony. What started as something small has escalated all throughout the web - and a worrying amount of people have adopted the now "brony" label to their name.

Propaganda has been made widely available to everyone with an internet connection in the form of songs such as this:

If any evidence were required that this has gone too far were needed, I can present you with this:

Unfortunately, there is no way I can think of to prevent this outbreak from delving even further into the bowels of the internet. But every effort counts, and I hope for this to be the start of the My Little Pony cleanup operation on our dear LittleBigPlanet Central. All I can hope to achieve here is find out what I'm up against. Judging by the Ponies thread, pretty difficult odds as well as a large number of the infected, it's not going to be simple extracting this parasite. Even more difficult than extracting this one, I imagine:

Basically, the point in this thread is not to discuss how much the more dim around us love ponies so much, but rather to post things that you think take the whole pony situation too far. Whether it be songs, games, erotic literature (you never know) or anything else. I want to know exactly how far this sick bio-weapon against humanity has progressed.

Thank you for your time,
Mike Skeggs. Official anti-pony activist.
2011-10-30 03:19:00

Posts: 583

Official anti-pony activist.

Can i join?! im not infected
2011-10-30 03:28:00

Posts: 1840

I just put official there to sound more important.2011-10-30 03:33:00

Posts: 583

I'm not sure whether to take you seriously or just laugh. Because the situation you're presenting is absurd to even mention.

First, you must understand that, sadly (in your terms), the more prominent members on this site enjoy My Little Pony. Now, do they represent the majority? No. Are they violating any moral code? No. Is it a sin to talk about things not relating to LittleBigPlanet on a LittleBigPlanet-oriented website? No. Unless this community was ran under totalitarian method of admin and moderator powers and they forbid such topics, I'm afraid you'll have to deal with this "sub-culture" you find so offensive.

So what? People like a show about anthropomorphic ponies. This site is devoted to a game centered around anthropomorphic hacky sacks. MLP centers around the powers of friendship. LBP centers around the powers of creativity. And, as much as you would protest to this notion, both were originally made for young children (but drew in a much broader audience). In many ways, MLP and LBP share some common traits, at least in terms on intentions.

I'm appalled to think that so many people are so annoyed (or offended, in some cases) about this show when there's so many other sub-cultures out there that are equal (if not, worse) than MLP. Take into account the Call of Duty craze. It also has a rabid following of fans and is even more prominent than MLP. However, unlike MLP, where it's sunshine and rainbows, Call of Duty focuses on violence and a high framerate, attracting fans with its over-the-top set pieces and addictive multiplayer. Whereas MLP has a prominence on the Internet, COD has a prominence in real life. Apparel and brand labeling are seen in many specialty stores, various companies (including vehicle manufacturers and the military) have taken part in this craze, and, unfortunately... the game itself has provoked acts of violence (http://www.afterdawn.com/news/article.cfm/2011/10/02/teen_beats_man_at_cod_man_beats_teen_in_real_life) . Yet, you don't hear about people on this site being so disturbed by Call of Duty.

It's like as though members feel that their masculine pride is at stake. They feel like if this "disease" spreads too far, then their manhood would be in danger. Seriously... this is the Internet. No one's gonna force you to change the way you think or change what you do. I'm not trying to strike down those who honestly don't like the show or are skeptical about it; I used to be in the same boat. But you must respect the "odd taboos" that people partake in, much as we would in return. I don't hold any personal grudges or prejudgments against the people who listen to Judas Priest or read Twilight. But, in doing so, I expect to be treated with the same neutrality for the activities and genres/brands I enjoy. Having your own opinions isn't a crime, but if you try imposing it in a forceful or serious way on others, don't be surprised if I say something about it.

I still don't know if you're being serious about this. But, since you stated that this was a serious chat, I might as well give you a serious talk.
2011-10-30 04:11:00

Posts: 5757

The more you hate something the more powerful it becomes.
I have no problem with the show at all, just some of the more extreme fans.


... with tiny shovels and wheel barrows that won't roll.
Arh! I hate toys that don't function correctly!
You may as well attach a horse... thing... that they drag along... for seeds and stuff?
2011-10-30 04:24:00

Posts: 2513

I don't think I have laughed this hard in my entire life.

I have a 9 year old daughter who loves this stuff, with every My Little Pony under the rainbow in her collection. You're right...it started off innocent enough...they do have a "cuteness" factor. She wanted 1, then a couple more, and one day I turn around and she has hundreds...bins filled to the brim with ponies and hair...big hair...wavy hair. I have even been "corralled" into playing with her and these, these things, while making little pens and pony sounds, and galloping them across her room over fields of carpet. And when we're done, there's the 1 hour cleanup, with tiny shovels and wheel barrows that won't roll.

I hope you created this thread in time Skeggers, but I fear the worst is yet to come. O.o

EDIT: My intent with this reply should be obvious

EDIT AGAIN!: I should also say that my daughter and I have spent many many hours playing with these ponies, and you just can't put a price on father and daughter bonding time. OK...so I'm hooked. What can I say. I'm off to buy more. :/
2011-10-30 04:28:00

Posts: 1567

Thanked OP for writing a really long dramatic post.

I don't really have any problem with MLP at all, just the 'extreme' people who watch it. The people who watch the show acts like it's some kind of religion and exaggerate it. "Look at me, I watch a show about Ponies. I'm cool on the internet!" - I'll admit that the show is good, the animation and the art style as well. But I've never been a big fan of child cartoons, mostly because they their plots are pretty silly and the characters voices are annoying as **** and they start singing in the middle of the show (Like every Disney movie). Anyways, what I wanted to say was that (Some) people who watch MLP shove it down other people's throats. I watch Scrubs and other sit-coms, but I don't exaggerate it. I don't post Scrubs memes all over the place, I don't update my Facebook status with Scrubs vids/quotes/pictures. I don't force other people to know that I watch the show. I keep it to myself, like I think everyone else should do. I don't want to know if you watch MLP, The Big Bang theory or what ever, unless I ask you. I mean, it's not only the people who watch MLP that exaggerate it, but recently it has been MLP. At the beginning of the whole MLP thing, it went too crazy. I'll admit that the whole MLP thing has calmed down and I don't give a **** really at the moment. Please don't take this personally anyone, I love most of you people on here and I don't want to start a fight which will end with insults and people getting randomly pregnant.

TL;DR: Watch MLP if you want to, but don't force it on other people.


Also I'd be up for some serious discussion. Usually my very limited vocabulary kinda stops me from joining serious discussions.

I reserve myself for any grammatical errors, I wrote this at almost 5 am.
2011-10-30 05:00:00

Posts: 3871

What if I told you I watch the show, maybe post in the ponies thread once a month, but I'm not a mindless zombie?2011-10-30 05:56:00

Posts: 256

I'd just be repeating Alec if I shared my views (except for the silly plots bit, I love silly plots) so Instead I'll just go off topic

And when we're done, there's the 1 hour cleanup, with tiny shovels and wheel barrows that won't roll.
Maybe buy a rug/mat to play on? That way you can just curl it up and pour everything into a box afterwards, that's what I did with lego.
2011-10-30 11:11:00

Posts: 2431

I guessed this was about My Little Pony before it was even mentioned in the text. Bleh. Nice trolling though 2011-10-30 11:38:00

Posts: 1627

Basically, the point in this thread is not to discuss how much the more dim around us love ponies so much, but rather to post things that you think take the whole pony situation too far. Whether it be songs, games, erotic literature (you never know) or anything else. I want to know exactly how far this sick bio-weapon against humanity has progressed.

Thank you for your time,
Mike Skeggs. Official anti-pony activist.

That's a bit offensive, don't you think. I mean, is your IQ inversely proportionate to how much you like ponies?
2011-10-30 15:25:00

Posts: 352

Oh, dear, Skeggers, my boy.
Why can't you just open up and love ponies? Why are you so bitter? 3: Do you need a hug?

TBH, though, I never thought you'd take such a... I dunno. Strong dislike to the point you feel a need to make a thread.
I believe I shall need to hassle you with ponies on MSN from now on.

It's OK, though, Skeggers. Despite your lack of a heart, I still love you.

BTW, can I have my season 1 DVD back soon?

Seen as it's relevant to the thread...
As a heavily active interwebs user. I scan over a few different sites. Many of which I'm not registered to, but browse regardless, I never even knew there was an MLP show until around... Urm... Lemme think...
June/July of this year?
For a show thats apparently so incredibly prominent that it drove you into near all-caps rage, I sure don't see much of the show outside of specific threads/websites dedicated to it, and in a few fans avatars/signitures.

Either you're deliberately looking at these websites/threads knowing what's in them, and then crying about it, or I'm just very poor sighted and not very observant.

While I know that ponies are bloody everywhere, it's not like the discussion isn't kept to the appropriate locations on properly moderated sites.
2011-10-30 17:03:00

Posts: 1017

Pfft... Addicted to My Little Pony? What are you talking about... I don't see anything wrong with me... I don't do anything that has anything to do with MLP... 2011-10-31 02:29:00

Posts: 1614

=.= It's just a show,
weirdos gonna weirdo.
2011-10-31 03:15:00

Posts: 813

My name is LBD and I am anti-pony. I am sorry, but it has just been my upbringing to not like things just for irony, much less for cuteness. I don't dislike or think much different of anyone who does like it, but I will admit it does bring questions to mind. If I could have my way, consequence free of course, I would have MLP put to it's rightful place, that being strictly for little girls. Sadly I am only one person, unable to stop a wave in it's tracks like a stone wall. Therefore it's my duty to sit still and let things be the way they are, not expecting to change the minds of others or even attempt to do so. I still have a right to my own anti-pony status though. If those who are pro-pony want to go un-criticized I believe they must accept MLP for what it is. By trying to defend it and make it out for something it is not, they are only provoking retaliation. I believe in time this fad will blow over in the wake of something only more ridiculous, for now I sit back and watch this frilly wave go by. I suggest those like me do so too.2011-10-31 03:35:00

Posts: 1924

I though Zim already handled this with you over on the Pony thread? (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=51125-Ponies/page127)(Bottom of page.)

I find it funny that you're helping Ponies breach out of where they are supposed to be on this site by making a thread like this. Who's ironic now?

TL;DR: Watch MLP if you want to, but don't force it on other people.

I agree, but can't it work both ways?
It's funny how many similarities both obsessive pro-pony & obsessive anti-pony people show. Can't we all just accept our differences and learn to tolerate each other?..
...Oh, no, wait! That's right, that's not what us humans do, is it? My bad!

I know!

Maybe I'll drop out of my University course, leave my girlfriend, ignore my friends & family, shave my head into a "mane," artificially implant a tail up my butt, walk around everywhere on all fours and tattoo a picture of a rainbow on my hip? Because that's what this "infection" does to us, right?

Bottom line, people like you are much worse for this community than Ponies will ever be. Nice trolling though.
2011-10-31 04:38:00

Posts: 1477

I though Zim already handled this with you over on the Pony thread? (https://lbpcentral.lbp-hub.com/index.php?t=51125-Ponies/page127)(Bottom of page.)

I find it funny that you're helping Ponies breach out of where they are supposed to be on this site by making a thread like this. Who's ironic now?
I agree, but can't it work both ways?
It's funny how many similarities both obsessive pro-pony & obsessive anti-pony people show. Can't we all just accept our differences and learn to tolerate each other?..
...Oh, no, wait! That's right, that's not what us humans do, is it? My bad!
Maybe I'll drop out of my University course, leave my girlfriend, ignore my friends & family, shave my head into a "mane," artificially implant a tail up my butt, walk around everywhere on all fours and tattoo a picture of a rainbow on my hip? Because that's what this "infection" does to us, right?
Bottom line, people like you are much worse for this community than Ponies will ever be. Nice trolling though.

Wow, attitude much? :eek:

Well, I thought I'd drop in and share my opinion. Personally I don't like the show, but then again I've never watched an episode, so I really don't know what it's like. So I'm not in the place to judge it. I'm just sorta burned out on it because so many members here has Pony avatars and it's so popular that it's everywhere.

My problem with MLP is that it seems to spread into other Threads that have nothing to do with MLP. So those who aren't MLP fans kinda seemed pushed into watching it.
I'm not saying nobody here should like/watch it, I'm saying that some of us are just a little tired of the "MLP outbreak" everywhere. Most of the people that have no interest in it try to stay away from the Pony conversations but it's hard when it goes into other topics as well.

I stay away from the Pony Thread because that's where all the fans are, I don't get to tell people what they like and that they can't like MLP seeing as everyone likes different things. But it should be the same with us, to keep the Ponies in their Thread, they have a place to talk about it instead of spreading it around the other threads.

P.S: Don't mean to start an argument, I just wanted to share my opinion.
2011-10-31 05:07:00

Unknown User

Wow, attitude much? :eek:

Nah, more like cynacism.
2011-10-31 05:50:00

Posts: 1477

Can't tell if trolling or failed bashing thread.2011-10-31 05:57:00

Posts: 2452

Um...not to be "that guy" but what exactly is My Little Pony?

At face value it doesn't sound like something to "have a serious chat about".

But I dunno...is it one of those "happy tree friends" type things?

Note: I apologize in advance for those who are curious what happy tree friends are and decide to google it and lose their innocence/joy.

2011-10-31 06:59:00

Posts: 849

Um...not to be "that guy" but what exactly is My Little Pony?

But I dunno...is it one of those "happy tree friends" type things?

Note: I apologize in advance for those who are curious what happy tree friends are and decide to google it and lose their innocence/joy.


OMG! My friends sister told my friend to google Happy Tree Friends and watch it and we were both like "What the?! This is horrible!"
2011-10-31 07:19:00

Posts: 101

Can't tell if trolling or failed bashing thread.

Is that statement aimed at me? If so, it wasn't a bash or troll mission, it's called... Opinion.
2011-10-31 09:04:00

Unknown User

So when MLP came to LBPC we corraled it into one thread. Pony chat is just fine in there. For the most part the fans of the show have been pretty good about keeping it in that thread and not posting stuff in the regular threads.

Like the show or hate it, that's your call but trolling a group or inciting others to start some organized campaign to rid this site of MLP fans falls into the category of hating on people and LBPC isn't the place for that.

I'm locking down this thread on that basis. Complain about the ponies in private if you must, but threads of this nature will be locked.
2011-10-31 11:15:00

Posts: 5983

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