Levels You MUST Queue
Archive: 2 posts
MMNISKA: Hop to it! - PART 1 (http://lbp.me/v/14110b) The quirky, incredibly imaginative nature of this creators mind is clear as clear can be in every nook and odd cranny of the levels. In these levels you will find creativity on a level you would never have imagined. You will encounter sackboy throwing rabbits, layer changing madness and mini missile sackbots, all wrapped up in a deceptively child like aesthetic TURBO_EGG_SALAD: Gabriella: The Iron Nightmare (http://lbp.me/v/09j28e) Often disturbing and macabre, this creators levels cry out to be experienced. Although it could be argued that some of the content is immature, there is enough here to suggest an underlying irony. The often maligned cute nature of LBP is shoved unceremoniously through a meat grinder, twisting the inherent aesthetic into something astonishingly unique, and dare i say it, frightening. NINJA-R: Night Of Horror - Prologue (http://lbp.me/v/y6efnq) This creator clearly has an obsession with horror, and although he often dallies with clich?s he never fails to amaze. His craftsmanship is second to none, whether it's a sewer, a basement or a rickety old house, you can see clearly how much he loves to build intricate set pieces. From the lighting to the moody music, he lives and breathes his work, leaving you breathless at the end and in awe of his achievements. TROPICAL_GUNER: Wood In Space (http://lbp.me/v/5nn80w) Wood In Space is this creators first level and whilst it doesn't hit the giddy heights of the giants just yet, this level demonstrates a natural gift that can only improve over time. The use of colours and simplistic platforming create a lasting appeal and you can't help but feel a sense of happiness on completion. Other creators should take note of Tropical_Guner, because what he accomplishes here is joy, and that is something even the most accomplished creators sometimes overlook TAKA061: Wooden (http://lbp.me/v/6dmvcn) There is something nostalgic about the way this creator works. This particular level puts you in mind of those Japanese wood puzzles we all played way back when nothing was digital and tactile was the order of the day. Cleverly, he has managed to capture the essence of eras lost and presents us here with a level of sublime simplicity whilst managing to enthral nevertheless. This is something some of his other levels also incorporate to great effect. RICKYYEA: Wish (http://lbp.me/v/4xvztt) As is the case with Tropical_guner, this is this creators first foray into level design, but simplicity is something he eschews with the panache of a seasoned pro. Complex and abundant with ideas, this level has you simultaneously grinding your teeth in frustration whilst inspiring determination to continue, if only to discover what other delights his incredible imagination can conjure. Another 'Great' in the making, but with this being his first level, someone who could - and i suggest will - challenge those already at the top of the tree. K3NDRAKRAY: Elysian Fields - Intermission (http://lbp.me/v/2n4nsd) This remarkable creator blends high art with platforming and the results are astounding. One could imagine that if Andy Warhol had decided to make levels then they wouldn't be a million miles from what's on offer here. Stylish, beautiful and crafted to near perfection, every inch of his creations draws the eye. I will guarantee that when you sample this particular level you will want to delve deeper into his mind immediately after finishing. Quite frankly this is godly. TOUKI555: からくり乗り物横町 (http://lbp.me/v/s8yt97) What this creator lacks in presentation he more than makes up for with invention. The general theme running through nearly all of his work suggests a complex mind and the flare to express it. With puzzles that would have Albert Einstein chewing at his pencil, contraptions and quirky physics based puzzles, you can't help but immediately fall in love with his work. He dares to try a fresh approach to conventional thinking and in so doing delights throughout. KOKNSUN: Water Is Life (http://lbp.me/v/1efzjg) The lavish, colourful, complex and unique level design of this creator leaves us without doubt that he hails from the land of the rising sun. Nothing is untouched by his gift for detail and the artistry that he so clearly possesses in abundance. If ever there was an answer to the age old question of whether games could be art, then this creator provides it. Once played, never forgotten, his levels with haunt you for hours afterwards and broaden your perspective on level design. FREEZZ-NL : Technix City (http://lbp.me/v/1nbese) Clean lines, immaculate colour and material choices, set this creator apart from his peers. Combine that with delightful design and you are left in no doubt that this creator oozes natural talent. Small creative touches are sprinkled throughout his levels that can almost go unnoticed because of how well he engrosses the player in his world. What we have here is a direct link into an incredible mind and it's a privilege to spend time there. | 2011-10-25 03:32:00 Author: GribbleGrunger ![]() Posts: 3910 |
Nice recommendations, haven't played all but I LOVE Gabriella - An Iron Nightmare. ![]() | 2011-10-25 19:44:00 Author: Dragonvarsity ![]() Posts: 5208 |
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